Almost instantly, four winged superior beings appeared in the barrier.

Each of them has powerful firepower enough to wash away this unclean world, and the arrival of Gabriel alone is enough to make this world tense its strings.

If it weren't for the frame of the surrounding four-color heaven, I'm afraid the world has already sent out a mournful cry.

Yes, what surprised the Puritan magicians was that Sigurd relied on his own strength, not even in a temple or a ritual field, without any other magic props, and only with a printed book that can be seen everywhere. When the Bible was released, four guardian angels were summoned synchronously.


A cry of unknown meaning was issued, and the three evil gods shrank back in fear.

Perhaps their own existence is higher than that of the angels, but please note that none of the recruited ones are 100% of their own existence.

That is to say, compared to the four guardian angels recruited by Sigurd using the complete spell and even constructing a four-color artificial heaven, the power of the three evil gods summoned by the out-of-control spell is much less.

This was not an equal battle without any suspense. The angels who possessed an absolute advantage in total strength killed the three evil gods in an instant.

The male magician who was swallowed by the black mist didn't know if he was still conscious, but the movement of the four guardian angels backing away in fright was real.

Because of the incompetence of the summoner, the powerful evil god even wanted to run for his life to protect himself.As a magician in a certain field, there is probably nothing more embarrassing than this, right?

However, running away is pointless.

"The heavens of four colors reject extremely evil people. Demon believers full of malice will be shut out. Give favor to those who pray for salvation, and punish those who are unclean!!"

The black mist wanted to infiltrate and break through the barrier of four colors, but it was crushed by the power of the barrier itself in an instant.The enchantment itself is not a simple barrier, but a large number of "walls", which are constantly superimposed and staggered like meat grinder blades.

If it touches it, it will be pulled into the hole in the middle and crushed to death under tremendous pressure.It is like a bird's nest, the cables are intricately overlapped and intertwined, even if it is violently smashed, there is no way to break through it simply. Just breaking a thin layer will only make those who try to break through die faster.

"But God is tolerant, just like St. Christopher once served the devil on the way to find a lord worthy of following. He repented endlessly for this. Until he met the Son of God who was as heavy as the world - the weight made this The saint couldn't bear it, and almost drowned—in the wooden stick he held, he found the real monarch, the son of God!!"

Beside the mercenary holding the Bible, an old wooden staff appeared at some point.The bright red hue and rough craftsmanship feel like cos props that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

And if you look carefully, you will find that while the four guardian angels surround Sigurd, four-color symbolic weapons are flying alternately around the boy.

The staff of fire, the cup of water, the dish of earth, and the sword of wind.

As if catering to the mercenary's chanting of Bible stories, they collided like musical instruments and made crisp sounds.

The black mist and the magician in it were overwhelmed by the weight of the world, and the black mist that fell to the ground as if it were an entity squirmed like a black slime.

And the human form among them is struggling on the ground in pain.

However, what the other party recruited was indeed the "god without a face" Nyarlathotep. Under the weight of the world that could crush any "sinner" at that moment, there was a faint tendency to resist, and even the human figure could even Move your steps.

"Saint Michael, the archangel and patron saint, holds the chains and keys. The locks bind the highest-ranked fallen angels, and the keys guard the caves where the demon kings are cast. These seals are set to maintain stability for millennia!"

The red sword-holding angel flew out, turning into a dazzling red chain, completely restraining the evil god who was trying to break through the weight of the world to the ground.

But Sigurd's chanting of the story is far from over.

The bible held in the hands of the black mercenary flipped quickly, the sound of the pages and the mourning of the evil god became the last symphony of the forest tonight.

"Echo! The wind in front, the water in the back, the angels of yellow and blue, the colors that accompany the direction, meet with the wind!"

The two angels, yellow and blue, are flying in mid-air, and blending with each other and blending into the green angel.

"The four stars of Disu are the rulers of the south, rulers under the sun, and cherubs guarding the Garden of Eden. In the name of 'God's Flame', they will rain sulfurous rain and burn the earth!"

The green angel flew up into the sky and descended with its own body as punishment.

That orange and hot arrow-like thing and the dome formed by the barrier fell down.

Not one or two.

Nearly a hundred arrows appeared from near the top of the barrier, attacking the evil god bound by the red chains like a ceiling.

Orange arrows shot into the thick black mist, and the rocks on the roadside were instantly shattered.And the human figure in the black mist, together with the "shining cubic octahedron" in its hand, turned into powder.

The battle was over, and the attackers who almost wiped out the Puritan magicians were unilaterally killed.

There is no unnecessary movement, just holding the Bible and singing the stories in it.

Looking at the enchantment that dissipated the "angel power" and the winged ones who returned to the heavens and the corpses of the fallen enemies around them, those Puritan magicians felt that this was so unreal.

(This is the strongest "gold" magician in existence... What kind of monsters gathered in London back then?)

The maid couldn't imagine what kind of monsters existed in the "Golden Dawn" back then.

The group of magicians who established the modern magic theory once gathered here, and used the magic in the name of "gold" to enslave angels and demons.

And looking at the mercenary who closed the Bible, the second princess, Carissa, revealed an expression that should be taken for granted.

Chapter 9: The Knights Across the Sea

The two maids stood by the side of the second princess Carissa.At this time, other Puritan magicians were helping the wounded.

Just now, the Puritan magicians who were supposed to be killed by the opponent's Cthulhu spell ruby ​​attack actually "lived" over.

Although very weak from the severe injuries, no one was killed.

"Cthulhu's technique is not something that humans can use casually, so although it looks very similar at first glance, there are actually other things hidden inside."

Sigurd showed some ruby ​​residues from the male magician who was killed by "God's Punishment".

"Although in the story, rubies are used to summon ominous things just like the shining square octahedron and the mirror of the moon. But you have never thought about why the other party chooses ruby ​​as the best choice among the complicated summoning supplies. Isn't it something representative?"

Although the two guard maids are also the elite of the Church of Necessary Evil, if they can see through such a problem at a glance, they won't be overwhelmed by the other party's sudden attack before.

"You have been led astray by each other from the very beginning. In fact, the essence of this thing should come from the magic stone in Hungarian folklore, 'Pexgaruwa's Crimson Stone'."

In the story, the bandit who snatched the village girl hid on a mountain called Pexgalois, but died because of the magical power of the red stone on the top of the mountain.The girl is fine because of the red stone hanging around her waist.

"Among the five internal organs, liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney correspond to the five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold and water."

Sigurd pointed to those magicians who were helped to rest by their companions because of their injuries. The wounded parts of their bodies seemed to be exactly one part of them.

"And among them, the heart is the heart that represents 'fire' just like the ruby. Those guys just destroyed a certain part of the five internal organs to disrupt the balance, and then used a curse-like method to make their hearts stop beating. Just like in the legend, using Rubies instantly 'overload' the heart."

Once again, the magicians had to admire the rich knowledge of this mercenary's magic.

Not only is it powerful in combat, but it also has considerable attainments in observing and deciphering opponents' spells.

Compared with others, the second princess who is not a pure magician is concerned about other issues.

"Mercenary, isn't it too slow this time?"

"Haven't you considered the issue that I just flew over from Russia?"

The first meeting between the two parties was three years ago. During this period, the mercenary named Sigurd also accepted the entrustment of the royal family and the Puritan sect many times. Compared with the first princess who did not trust anyone, this second princess Obviously more straightforward.

So for this restless second princess, Sigurd is also an old acquaintance.

"Then, the escort mission here can end."

"Then pay the bill."


As soon as the word checkout came out, all the magicians in the audience froze in place.

They subconsciously thought that they had heard it wrong. After all, judging from the conversation just now and the tone of the second princess when Sigurd appeared, the two seemed to be acquaintances with a good relationship.

After exchanging glances on the left and right, and confirming whether they heard it wrong, the voice of the second princess came from the air.

"Do you think I can get such an astronomical commission now?"

"If you can't get the money, then exchange it with a hostage."

The two sides are really serious about the "commission" thing.

But also with a faint smile.

"Then you plan to trade me for commission with your mother?"

"It seems that the behavior of grabbing the guard object backhand is not very good."

The distressed mercenary spoke in a troubled tone.

"But the queen herself and the first princess are hiding in the heavily guarded Windsor Castle..."

The two maids seemed to understand what both parties meant.

And the surrounding Puritan magicians also revealed a look of sudden realization.

"Then there is only one option left."

"My idiot Wang Sister is in the territory of the Spanish Star Sect, if you can get it back, go for it."

Throwing the bible in his hand to the magician at the side, the mercenary didn't have the slightest reverence for that bible.He is completely different from the previous magician who piously sang Bible stories.

"Then just wait for me. The princess who is in arrears with the commission."

"Ah, I'm waiting."

After saying that, a group of Puritan magicians didn't even realize that the mercenary had disappeared in place.

Only a dazzling aurora is left in the sky.

Looking at the aurora in the sky, the second princess got up and wanted to get into the carriage.

"Go back to London first and confirm the identities of these guys with the Supreme Bishop of the Puritan sect."


At the same time, the distance is located on the coastline of the Strait of Dover.

A distress call was heard long ago.

But absolutely no action was taken.It wasn't physical injuries, it wasn't that the distance was too far, and it wasn't that there was no means of transportation.

The reason why they do not take action is simply a matter of position and politics.

The distress signal came from the long-distance escort carriage dedicated to the British royal family.

Basically, the magic protection net of this carriage should be quite complete.When the carriage was first built, it was teased that it was so strong that even if the planet were torn in two, it would not send a distress signal.

But the carriage is now sending out a distress signal.

This is a phenomenon that is absolutely impossible to happen normally.

The meaning represented is quite simple.

Some kind of political "deal" going on right now

The third princess of England, who was riding in a carriage, was regarded as an abandoned child.

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