Although Li Fei Rong didn't drink, she knew that if she were to drink too much, it would be easy for her to get drunk. If a person could drink eight bottles per day, at most, three bottles would be drunk. However, Li Feiye was willing to listen to her words, but still refused to open the door based on how Li Feigrong knocked on the door. He remembered Li Feigrong called the waiter, but even if the waiter used the key, it was useless, as the door was locked from the inside.

Li Feigrong heard the sound of bottles being opened again outside the door. If this continued, she would definitely get drunk. "At this time, she used the method of provocation." Brother, I have to say, you really have no future. Now that something has happened, you, as a man, instead of thinking about how to play around, actually went into hiding and drank your wine. You know, you're running away. "

Li Feiye had already drunk three bottles. He was half drunk and half awake, so he opened the door and let Li Fei-Ning in. Li Feigrong was a little scared, he drank too much, wouldn't he bully her? What if … But when she thought back, they were siblings, so there shouldn't be any problems, right? However, she still intentionally hid them from her, just in case the situation turned sour and they ran away.

Li Feiye sat down on the stool and heard the chair creak. He said in a daze, "Feixia, you're right, big brother has no future, but big brother loves her, afraid of losing her. She is very important to me, I can die for her, it's true, what big brother said is definitely true."

Li Fei became a listener. Li Feiye continued, "But big brother has no future, guarding a girlfriend is like guarding a golden lump. He's always on tenterhooks, afraid that someone will steal her. He thought they had feelings for each other, but Li Moran didn't feel sad at all. Are we really going to end this?

Li Feigrong knew that her brother really loved her girlfriend, so she comforted him, "Brother, the situation isn't as bad as you think it is. I saw that she was just angry for a moment, maybe she'll be fine tomorrow, don't drink too much, just apologize to her tomorrow, and this matter will be over. Otherwise, I'm really worried that she will ignore you."

Li Feigrong's words reminded him. He was about to drink, but when he picked up the bottle, the bottle was already close to his mouth. He put it back on the table and said to himself, "Yes, I can't get drunk, I still have to apologize to her tomorrow." He took out his phone. He wanted to call Li Molan, but he had been blacklisted and couldn't get through. He could only get up early and go to bed. When the sun rose, he would go find her.

As Li Moran, Wang Ru, and Chen Xueruo were walking in the dorm, Chen Xueruo puzzledly asked, "Mo Lan, you really aren't going to break up right? "I think he treats you very well. He's a very considerate and considerate boy. Are you trying to scare him?"

Li Molan had had enough. To love a person was not enough as long as it was good for the person. She also needed to know what kind of love the person needed. Otherwise, no matter how good it was, in the end, it would all be wishful thinking.

Li Molan calmly said, "Of course I'm serious. I really can't take it anymore. If this goes on, I'll go crazy. I admit he was nice to me, but he didn't know me at all, he was nice to me in his way, but it wasn't the way I wanted it. "

At this time, Wang Ruo began to analyze the situation rationally. She believed that Li Moran's and Li Feiye's breakup would happen sooner or later, and she had already expected this to happen. The love between them is not equal, especially the character is very big, Li Mo Lan is free and unrestrained, while Li Fei Ye is not bold enough and meticulous enough, what is not right is that Li Fei Ye is not special, if you want to keep a girl's heart, you have to use your own excellent to move them, the other side is constantly improving, but you are still in the same place, compared to that, you are regressing, such a love, you can only fall into a quarrel filled with regret, and in the end, you can only draw a period of regret for your feelings.

After listening to Wang Ru's analysis, Chen Xue Rou felt that it made some sense. Li Molan teased, "I say, Ru, you're a person who has never been in love before. You seem to know a lot more than I do." Wang Ru took the opportunity to say, "This is called being a spectator. You can only see clearly from outside." If you all fall into the trap, you will naturally lose your way. "

But when Chen Xue Rou thought of her past, she still felt that Li Molan's actions were a little cruel. Especially since she couldn't easily hurt someone who deeply loved her, even if she had to refuse, she couldn't be so stiff. However, Li Molan had this sort of temperament. Once she decided to break up, she would decisively break up. If she continued to move on like this for a long period of time, then the only thing she could do was to aggravate the other party's pain.

The three of them chatted and laughed as they arrived at the dorm, but Zhou Ruo gave them water and even bought fruit for Li Molan. Li Moran was a little shocked. Zhou Ruo Ruo usually treated them coldly, and sometimes she even had some contradictions with them, but now she took the initiative to take care of them.

Zhou Ruo said, "Sisters, I've also been enlightened recently. I have a lot of idle chatter, and I love to compete with you guys, but counting the days, I really don't have much time with you guys. In fact, I really like you guys, but I will never be convinced.

After the words were said, everyone felt carefree. The atmosphere was indeed much better than before. The four of them began to chat happily.

As they chatted, Li Moran told Zhou Ruo about their travel plans, and asked if she wanted to go with them. Zhou Ruo Ruo wanted to go, but when she thought that the next exam was the last exam, and it was also the only time she had the chance to surpass the three of them, she didn't want to relax for even a second, so she refused. Li Moran did not force him.

After chatting for a while, they got down to business. They planned what they would bring with them when they left tomorrow, made a list each, and then discussed with each other. Finally, they decided to go shopping early in the morning, and they would leave as soon as they were done.

At first, their discussion went very smoothly, but later on they were entangled with the problem of wearing long pants and shorts, Li Moran felt that since the weather was hot, wearing long pants was definitely impossible, but Wang Ruo felt that the primeval forest was filled with thorns, and if she didn't wear long pants, it was very likely that her legs would get injured. In the end, Chen Xueruo reconciled with them and wore short pants while walking, and at the same time, each person wore a pair of long pants.

Once everything was settled, they quickly fell asleep.

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