When it came to black bears, everyone was afraid, but no one had ever seen black bears before. When they were very young, they had heard their teacher say that in order to avoid black bears playing dead, even if a boy was caught by the black bears, as long as they held their breath, they could trick the black bears.

Xinglong is one of the largest tourist attractions in Lanzhou City. Its primitive forest is preserved completely. The tall ancient cypress is about four to five Zhang tall, and the thickest requires three to four people to carry it together. The mountain was steep and rocky. In order to make it convenient for tourists, the government had spent a lot of effort on building all kinds of stone steps and iron chains.

Li Moran asked, "Do you two dare to go or not?"

Wang Ru and Chen Xue Rou looked at each other. Chen Xue Rou said, "I'd like to go. The most beautiful scenery is definitely in the most dangerous place, but I'm a bit worried. What if we encounter a black bear?"

Li Molan comforted, "How can there be so many accidents? Plus, I estimate that we won't be the only ones going to the primeval forest. I also heard that there are professional security guards in the tourist area who are responsible for dealing with all kinds of dangers."

Wang Ru said, "Since there's a security guard, I'll go." Chen Xueruo was also willing to go.

Li Moran suggested that after dinner, he should go back and have a good rest, and should set off early in the morning.

Wang Ruo couldn't bear it anymore. Li Molan had just returned, so no matter what, she had to rest for a day or two. If she continued to work so hard, her body definitely wouldn't be able to bear it. Li said it was nothing. You can rest at any time, but it's not always a good time to travel.

The plan was set. The three of them had finished eating and drinking, and were ready to pay the bill to leave.

At this moment, Li Feiye blocked the door. He enthusiastically called out, "Mo Lan."

The three sisters shouted in unison, "Scram!"

Li Feiye felt wronged. He explained, "Mo Lan, can you listen to me?"

Li Moran couldn't be bothered with him and said, "Don't block the door. Good dogs don't block the road. Don't be like dogs."

"Mo Lan, this isn't what you think. Can you listen to my explanation?" Li Feiye anxiously said, "Mo Lan, I just want to test to see if our relationship is strong. Although I didn't go to pick you up, but when you got off the bus, I saw you. I saw you eating in the back street, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

Wang Ru angrily asked, "Who was that woman just now?"

Li Feiye had a bitter face, "My two great beauties, you are Mo Lan's good friends, don't you understand me? I love Moran more than anything, the woman just now was my cousin, her name was Li Feigrong, I purposely showed her, I just wanted to test her attitude. "But I didn't expect her to not feel any sadness or anger. Could it be that, as the psychological book says, Moran doesn't love me?"

Li Moran was getting a little impatient. Chen Xueruo said, "Get out of the way! Who would believe the nonsense you're saying. If you don't get out of the way, we'll call someone over."

Li Feiye waved his hand, and Li Feigrong came over. She quickly apologized, "What my brother said is true, he begged me to act. Don't misunderstand, I really am his cousin. I just happen to have some free time these few days, so I came to visit your school.

Li Mo Lan said dejectedly to Li Fei Ye, "Now you know the result right? Are you satisfied now? I've seen boring people, but I've never seen such a boring person like you. If it's just that both Ruo Ru and Xue Rou can go to the train station to pick me up, but you didn't do it, don't you know that I'm very tired? What's the use of having a boyfriend like you? Your role is to test me? Supervising me? "

Li Feiye became even more anxious, "Mo Lan, why don't you believe me? "I care too much about you that's why I came up with this move. I was just worried that you didn't truly love me and feared that one day you would leave me, so …"

Li finally said disdainfully, "Li Feiye, if you are really in love, I wish you well. If you are acting, I have no time to investigate and no interest, but I can tell you clearly that from now on, I will formally break up with you, and we will have nothing to do with each other after that. "If you really have loved me, then move aside. Everyone's fine now, I'm very tired, so I'm going back to my dorm to rest."

In fact, Li Molan was almost certain that Li Feiye was acting, but in her heart, she was already tired of him. He was too narrow-minded, so he racked his brains to supervise her, suspect her, and even restricted her from dating any guy. Even with just a glance, Li Molin would have to interrogate him for a long time.

The three sisters ran out of the door. Li Feiye stood there stunned, unable to say anything for a long time. Watching the three of them disappear from his line of sight, his entire body suddenly went limp. With a "pa" sound, he sat on the doorstep of the Northeast Restaurant.

Li Feigrong quickly helped him up, "Brother, what should we do? She actually wants to break up with you. Bro, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have agreed to your act. Not only did you not test the depth of your feelings, but you also pushed them to the brink of danger. "

Li Feiye's heart felt as if it was being cut by knives and knives, and his tears flowed down uncontrollably. He was regretting his decision. Why did he have to do such a senseless thing? He suddenly slapped himself so hard that he almost cried out loud. When Li Feigrong saw this, she quickly helped him up, "Brother, I'll help you go back."

Li Feigrong didn't have much strength to begin with, but at this moment, the paralyzed Li Feiye was like a pile of mud that couldn't be pulled back. The owner of the Northeast Restaurant saw this and came over to ask him if he could help. Li Fei Rong asked the boss to help Li Fei Ye up. She paid the bill and was prepared to help him leave.

At this moment, Li Feiye got excited. Boss, give me a beer.

Li Feigrong stared at him, "Brother, you're drinking here, what should I do?"

At this time, Li Feiye was somewhat sober. He was prepared to send Li Feigrong to the hotel he had booked beforehand before returning and getting drunk. But no matter what, Li Feigrong did not agree. She was worried that Li Feiye would catch cold from getting drunk, and was even more worried that something would happen to him, so she had to stop him no matter what.

But he didn't expect that Li Feiye would be so determined. Without the anesthetic from the alcohol, he really didn't know how to live?

In the end, Li Feigrong compromised. If that was the case, she might as well get another hotel she had rented. If Li Feiye wanted to drink, he could buy a bunch of wine and go to the hotel. If he drank too much and got drunk, she could take care of him.

After some difficult negotiations, Li Feiye finally agreed.

Li Feiye directly carried a bunch of beer to the hotel. After he arranged for Li Feigrong to go, he closed the door and drank a bottle of beer without taking a breath.

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