Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 132 I have prepared the stage for you

"I challenge Kaito Kidd with such a great fanfare, and I only have one purpose, and that is to bring him to justice!"

Although the reporters were more or less psychologically prepared before they came, they were still shocked from the bottom of their hearts when Bruce announced the news to the live camera in front of all the media.

Not because of Bruce's understanding, but because of his absurdity.

Open challenge Kaito Kidd, how to challenge?

Do you know where Phantom Thief Kid is? Challenge the Void?

And why should people accept your challenge?

When the Penguin set a trap for Kidd the Phantom Thief, he didn't bring it up on the table, because he was afraid of being too high-profile to scare Kidd the Phantom Thief. He even forced the Chandler family to take out the dragon egg ruby ​​necklace as bait.

It's good for you, just hold a press conference and wish that the whole world would know that you want to make fun of Thief Kidd.

Without the temptation of such a rare treasure in the world, how could Kaitou Kidd talk to you?

Well, the Wayne Group family has a big business, so it is not difficult to come up with a few super big gems that crush dragon egg rubies.

But even if Kaitou Kidd is really hooked, how can you guarantee that you will be able to defeat him?

Kaitou Kidd has never missed a shot since his debut. GCPD, Robin, Batgirl and even Penguin have all dealt with Kaitou Kidd, but all of them failed.

You Bruce is just a playboy, you have nothing but money, why did you catch Kaito Kidd?

In case the Kaitou Kidd feels that Bruce is too offended by publicly challenging him, and he refuses to return the gems to you in a fit of anger, won't the Wayne Group lose his wife and lose his army?

Bruce looked at the eyes of the group of reporters in the audience, and knew their thoughts well.

He didn't mind this and continued with his speech.

"Presumably you have all heard of the Aquaman of the Justice League, he is closely related to the legendary ocean kingdom Atlantis."

I saw Bruce casually took out a sea blue crystal gemstone from the lining pocket of his jacket. Its color and shape were different from all common gemstones on the market, and it was not a simple sapphire.

"As we all know, the Wayne Group is one of the main sponsors of the Justice League, so I had the opportunity to meet with members of the Justice League. This ocean gem was a meeting gift given to me by Neptune. It is said to be a specialty of Atlantis. , the only one on the ground.”

"I don't know the specific value of this gem, because there have never been gems from Atlantis on the market, and the people on the seabed don't trade with the humans on the ground. I don't know the currency of Atlantis. What is the exchange rate."

Bruce said jokingly.


Hearing Bruce's words, the reporters couldn't help but gasped. The ocean gem from Atlantis? Is this something they can watch without paying?

And what do you mean by that downplaying attitude? How could such a precious gem be taken out of his pocket without any protective measures, even gloves?

I know that Wayne's family is rich and powerful, but you are too rich!

No one suspects that Bruce is telling lies, because the Wayne Group does indeed account for a large part of the Justice League's funders, and others such as Star Lab, Quinn Industries, Kord Enterprises, and even the Washington government are all Justice League funders.

Even Lex Luthor wanted to fund the Justice League, but was rejected by Superman on the grounds that the League was well funded.

All in all, it's not a big deal that Bruce has a few gadgets gifted to him by members of the Justice League.

"Mr. Wayne, if such a precious treasure is stolen by Kidd, and if he doesn't plan to return it, don't you worry that Neptune will be angry?"

Vicky asked Bruce, frowning.

"Isn't it too extravagant to use the gift from Neptune as a prize for challenging Kaito Kidd? The Wayne Group should have a lot of treasured gemstones."

"Thank you for worrying about me, Miss Weier, but don't be afraid. According to my prediction, if everything goes well, the Kaitou Kidd won't be able to steal it."

Bruce smiled confidently.

"Why do you have such confidence? Kaito Kidd has never missed a shot since his debut. Where does your confidence come from?"

Vicky couldn't help asking.

"That's a good question because that's what I was going to say."

At this time, Bruce looked at Lucius, who had been standing beside him since just now, and took the initiative to step back two steps to give way to the C position on the podium.

"I believe everyone is familiar with this gentleman. He is Lucius Fox, the CEO of Wayne Group. Next, he will introduce to you the source of my confidence."

Lucius nodded and took the place in front of Bruce.

As soon as he came up, he said: "Now, I would like to ask everyone to watch a video of the experiment."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge virtual screen appeared from behind him.

Immediately, a short video begins to play.

The content of the video is very simple. The Wayne Group is testing the defensive performance of a small black box somewhere, about the size of a pencil case.

But the test props they used were the main guns of three tanks, which fired at the box from three different directions at the same time.

The violent explosion sent the small box flying hundreds of meters away. However, when the experimenters found the box, it was intact without even a single scratch!

"The box in the video is the latest product of Wayne Group's Science and Technology Department. It is a brand-new alloy made of promethium metal mixed with iron, chromium, zinc and other metal elements. Its strength is just as shown in the video. It is just a pencil case Both large and small are capable of withstanding heavy fire without leaving a mark."

Lucius said so.

"We decided to seal the ocean gems in a larger container made of the same material. Unless Kaitou Kidd uses more powerful heavy firepower, it is impossible to open it."

Lucius clapped his hands, and five or six people came out from behind the stage, carrying a large object covered by a black cloth.

The reporters watched curiously, not knowing what was inside.


After placing it on the table, there was a heavy sound.

Lucius walked over and lifted the black cloth off.

Immediately, the reporters in the audience let out a cry of surprise.


That is a huge searchlight!

There's nothing surprising about the searchlights, but if there's a bat logo on them, that's another story.

It turned out that Lucius had someone lift him up with a bat lamp!

"The bat logo you see is actually a container made of promethium alloy. I will put this ocean gem in it."

Bruce came over and said to the reporters.

"That's right, the container is not transparent, and you can't see whether there are gems in it from the outside, so I will put the gems in in front of you now."

I saw Bruce take out the ocean gem and put it into the logo of the bat light.

"Starting today, this bat light will be here 24 hours a day, and there will be a dedicated camera constantly filming it, so as to ensure that I don't sneak away the gems."

"This is not a gem exhibition, but a challenge for Kaito Kid!"

After doing this, Bruce faced the camera again, as if he was declaring war on Kaitou Kidd invisibly.

"Phantom Thief Kidd, I have prepared the stage for you!"

"Now, it depends on whether you dare to accept this challenge!"

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