Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics

Chapter 131 Gotham Prince declares war on Kaitou Kidd!

"Phantom Thief Kidd?"

When Dick voiced his guess, Batman showed obvious misgivings.

He didn't understand why a thief who used theft to show performance art pretended to be himself and ran to Kurt Longstone's laboratory?

And the thief not only stunned Kurt in human bat form, but also took a human bat serum from the laboratory.

According to Kurt, he finally produced a total of three human bat serums, and only injected one himself, and there should be two more in the laboratory.

But Batman and Dick only found one serum in the lab.

This shows that someone must have taken the other copy, and the biggest suspect is naturally the Batman pretender.

This is also the reason why Batman attaches so much importance to this pretender. In order to find out where this person is, he even did not hesitate to take Dick together to search intensively for days and nights without rest.

It can't be because that person said something that shouldn't be said, right?

Batman has thought about many possibilities. The clown, double-faced man, penguin, and scarecrow may all be behind the scenes. The pretender may be hired by one of them to take away the human-bat serum.

It turned out that Dick offered him a completely different line of thought.

After careful consideration, Batman believes that Dick's guess is not unreasonable, at least purely from the perspective of ability, Kaito Kidd can escape without leaking and leaving no clues.

Then you need to pay attention to Kaitou Kidd.

It just so happens that the human-bat incident has just been resolved, and there have been no serious crimes in Gotham for the time being. At present, the main opponent of Batman on the surface is nothing more than Penguin.

But like Kidd the Phantom Thief, Penguin also has a watertight habit of doing things, and it will be a protracted battle to completely bring him down.

In this way, Batman can finally free up his hands to meet Kaito Kidd, a Gotham rookie.

Before that, Batman has to carefully study every crime committed by Kaito Kidd in the past.

The research of Batman is absolutely different from ordinary people who read a few news, and make up the approximate process from just a few words. The bat computer has collected all the video information about Kaitou Kidd, whether it is public or not. .

It also includes some investigation experience of Dick and Batgirl on Kaito Kidd, and Batman will read them all.

Obviously, it will take some time to get this done.

But this is good news for Dick, because he can finally take advantage of this time to take a good rest. He is already very familiar with Kaito Kidd, and he doesn't need to search for information temporarily like Batman.

It's a pity that Dick underestimated the intensity of his work these past few days. He couldn't make up for it after sleeping for seven hours, so he could only force himself to come to school.

After that, Dean saw Dick's dispirited appearance.

"Calculating the time, Bruce should be about to hold that high-profile press conference..."

Dick muttered weakly to himself.

"Ah? What did you just say? Who wants to hold a press conference?"

Dean at the front desk didn't quite hear Dick's muttering, and asked strangely.

"It's nothing, you'll find out later."

Dick buried his head on the table and said, "For God's sake, please don't wake me up until the bell rings for class."

Looking at Dick who had the word fatigue written all over his body, Dean shook his head and turned back.

Before the class bell rings?

It has already rang, okay?

Fortunately, the professor of this class will retire next year, and basically doesn't care much about classroom discipline, so let Dick sleep peacefully.

Dean thought this way, without reminding Dick of his plan.

"But what did Dick mean by that press conference... and I'll find out later?"

It's all because Dick's speech is too unclear and his voice is too low. Dean didn't hear the whole content, and he couldn't get any useful information from a few words.

In desperation, Dean had to take out his mobile phone to check online.

"The press conference held in Gotham today!"

Just as Dean opened Google and searched for the keyword press conference, his eyes were instantly attracted by the first entry displayed.

"Explosion! Wayne Group Chairman Bruce held a press conference and declared war on Kaitou Kidd in a high-profile manner!"

This... What is this strange thing?

Not sure, take another look.

Under Dean's repeated viewing, he confirmed that the title was indeed such a title, and he was not dazzled.

Look again, there is also a live link of the press conference.

Can you not see this?

Without further ado, Dean clicked in immediately, and the screen jumped to the live broadcast of Wayne Group's press conference.

It's just that the location of this press conference is not in the press room of the Wayne Group, or in the auditorium of a high-end hotel.

It's not even in a room, but in an open open space. What's strange is that there is a football field lawn on the ground, and there seems to be a runway and a large circle of auditoriums around it.

It looked like it was in some kind of large stadium.

"This place looks familiar, it feels a lot like Cavaliers Stadium."

Dean looked at the venue in the live broadcast and said thoughtfully.

The Knights Stadium is the largest sports arena in Gotham. Almost all sports competitions are held here, especially rugby. For some reason, the citizens of Gotham have an unimaginable enthusiasm for this sport, surpassing all other sports.

At this moment, a high platform has been temporarily set up in the center of the Knights Stadium.

In front of the stage, dozens of reporters sat on small benches, all watching Bruce Wayne on the podium. Cameras of various positions were placed on both sides, and the flashes of the flashes kept ringing.

Standing beside Bruce was a black man with graying hair. He was Lucius Fox, CEO of Wayne Group.

When Bruce, the chairman, needs to go on a business trip occasionally, the affairs of the Wayne Group, large and small, are usually handed over to him. In the past, every instruction given by Bruce was also carried out by Lucius.

He is Bruce's most important and only trusted person in the Wayne Group, and he is also a staunch supporter of Bruce.

"Mr. Wayne, when you held the press conference, you declared that this was an open challenge to Kidd the Phantom Thief. Are you serious about this?"

A blond female reporter, the familiar Vicky Weir, took the lead in asking Bruce.

"Oh, it's Vicky, we haven't seen each other for a while, your figure is getting better and better recently, how about having dinner together tonight after a long absence?"

Instead of answering directly, Bruce praised Vicky's good figure with a smile on his face, and even sent her an invitation.

He was just a dandy playboy, but Bruce was already such an image in people's minds, so no one thought there was anything wrong with Bruce's frivolity.

Vicky shook her head and said with a wry smile: "This is the press conference, Mr. Wayne, the live broadcast is still live, please pay attention."


Bruce snorted, apparently not paying attention to Vicky's words.

He turned his head to look at the camera in the center, and spoke confidently.

"Then I will formally give Miss Weier and everyone present a clear answer here."

"I'm serious about the reason for this press conference, because I've noticed that there's been a lot of Kidd worship going on in Gotham lately, and I think it could lead countless teenagers into crime."

"So today, on behalf of the Wayne Group, I will declare war on Kaitou Kidd!"

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