The conditions suggested by Yuli Rodmang were as follows.

An elixir secretly made by the president. To provide me with ‘Vivian’s spring water’ and to give me unprecedented privileges among the academy clubs.

And even the fact that he would succeed to me as the student council president next year.

I didn’t intend to take on the job of the student council president, which would be a lot of hassle while living in the academy, so I quite liked the preferential treatment given by the student council president even if the third condition was excluded.

Just in case you have a problem… … First, it must mean that ‘Vivian’s spring water’ is already in my hands.

“If it’s Vivian’s spring water, isn’t it the legendary elixir in the myth of King Arthur? Did you actually check it out?”

However, since I couldn’t reveal that I had the item, I kept my poker face and carefully changed my words.

“yes? No, I couldn’t confirm it in real life, but I do know that the chairman did all sorts of strange things to the garden, ‘Vivian’s Lake’.”

“It is speculation after all. I’m sorry, but it’s a bit like taking a risk for something you haven’t seen in person.”

“wait for a sec! Are you almost certain? I think it’s because they don’t know what a great elixir it is… … .”


I cut it off with a single knife.

“I know enough. But I like certainty. Do you have any other suggestions?”

Yuli closes her eyes as if thinking about my words.

Then, cautiously, she opened her mouth.

“… … There is an elixir kept in our family. I’m sure it’s a level of elixir equivalent to ‘Vivian’s spring water’. I’ll give you that.”

“Hmm… … .”

I deliberately pretended to be worried.

The initiative is clearly on this side, so it was important to rip out as much as possible if there was anything to get.

“Something… … It’s about dealing with the giant forces of the academy… … It seems to be lacking… … Hmm… … .”

Senpai, isn’t that all you have?

Take out some more, take out some more.

She sighs and shakes her head.

“Hu, if you say you need help, I’ll help you privately as long as it doesn’t interfere with your plans.”

“Maybe not just once.”

“… … twice.”

“OK. The lamp genie also grants you three wishes, right?”

“… … burglar.”

“Aren’t you?”

“If you can do it… … !”

“Only in words?”

After biting her lip once at my words, she swung her hand into the air with blood on her thumb.

“I swear by mana and blood.”

At this, her blood begins to glow brightly and dissolves into the air.

A magical oath worked.

“Is this enough? Hu.Bae.”

“of course. Enough.”

Taking care of what needs to be done anyway, the elixir as well as the vice president number 3 ticket?

How could I not accept this offer?

“Senior’s plan. together.”

“You won’t regret it. junior.”

We shook hands as proof of trust and smiled as we met each other’s eyes.

“Then is your junior being my shadow?”

“It’s the dark side of the academy. Not bad.”

A black curtain that moves from behind and creates the venue.

what a wonderful sound

Just as my father, Vito Carlione, expanded his realm by making political figures his own, I also had the chance to make myself the president of the academy and gain that much power.

I hadn’t already thought of this… … Should I thank Chairman Pendragon?

“So, what’s the plan now?”

“yes? plan?”

“The plan to overthrow the president and let the seniors take control of the student council.”

“… … My plan was to get my junior to my side first, right?”

no wait.

“Surely, haven’t you decided on your next plan?”

“It’s me, I was going to put my head together with my junior and make a plan from now on.”

… … I guess I had to come up with a plan.

‘Ah, was this unexpectedly absurd?’

* * *

Thinking about the future itself was simply over.

“Once there is a story related to your club in the student council, I will contact you. Don’t act like you knew you were coming.”

“Don’t show off that you and we are in a cooperative relationship.”

“Am I stupid? Show me that.”

Well, since I’ve already experienced similar events, it was an element that I just had to control the variables according to each situation.

It was important to aim for a gap while maintaining the current situation without major changes.

So what is needed is Familia’s focus on growth.

In the meantime, Yuli maintains the position of vice president of the student council, investigates the weaknesses of the student council and the president, and helps Familia grow by informing them of the dangers to come.

And in order to advance the timing, they decided to receive the elixir that Yuli said in advance.

“I didn’t know you would ask for it in advance.”

“Anyway, if it’s according to your plan, isn’t it the fastest way for me to become stronger?”

“It is, but… … .”

“Don’t trust me, believe in what I’ve done so far. Results don’t lie.”

“under… … I hate it every time I see you do this, but on the other hand, it’s reassuring. It’s like a slang for a freshman subject.”

is it a compliment?

Judging by the look on his face, it didn’t sound like he was being sarcastic, so I decided to take it as a compliment.

“So, when can you give me the elixir?”

Yuli raises her eyes at my words.

“First of all, I have to contact my family in my home country, get permission, and move from there to here… … Even if you can’t do it for a month?”

“It’s long.”

“It can’t be helped. Because it is such an important elixir.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t know about the elixir, so it wasn’t that he didn’t understand.

It’s definitely not the level of elixir to be sent by courier.

“Then, shall we stop here for today? Because if I leave too much space, I can get suspicious. Oh, you can contact me on the number I gave you. Business calls are a bit risky.”

“Yes. Yes. If anything happens to you, please contact me.”

“Can I call you when I’m bored?”

“If you don’t mind reading it.”

“It’s petty. ok… … !”

Yuli gets up from her seat and stretches.

“Then go?”

Pong. With a scream, she turns back into a bat and disappears out the window.

At the same time, a message window pops up in front of you.

【Main story quest accomplished!】

[You who brought a new wind to the academy! By creating a new club, you write your own new history! Lead your club successfully and get promoted to a silver club!]

[Achievement condition: Accomplish 5 club requests!]

[Number of requests completed: 5 / 5]

– satisfied 2

-Great satisfaction 3

[※ Achievement rewards may change depending on the result.]


It seemed that the children who left for the literature club had successfully completed the request.

Good timing.

If so, the quest would be accomplished if he was promoted to the silver club.

I left the manager’s office and called Se Ah, who is managing the community.

“Seah. What is the performance of our club now?”

“Performance? Wait. Here’s what I’ve put together… … ah! The results of completing the quest are a bit small, but perhaps thanks to the club competition, your performance is pretty good, right?”

If so, it means that the basic requirements to be included in the examination have been met.

Since this quarter’s review is before the midterm exam, I’ve been relaxed so far.

“Attorney Han Kwang-gi. Do you still have the number?”

“Yes? Are you a lawyer? I have a number.”

“Tell me that I ordered it, send the application form and apply for inspection. Be sure to ask them to put their stamp on it and send it back.”

No matter how much they are, they can’t blindly put the documents that have been inspected through the corporation on hold.

It’s a simple matter if you have a stronger force on your back so that they don’t do anything wrong.

Because power and wealth are meant to be used at times like this.

“Yes. I’ll do that. Then, will you become our silver club?”

“For now, is that your goal?”

“Then what about insolvency? When they become a member of the silver club, they will tell you to go upstairs.”

“Ah, that doesn’t matter. As long as you are willing to use the stale room we use, you don’t have to move it.”

You are free to not receive what you are willing to give.

Of course, there were only a handful of people who were bothered by poor directors taking this approach, but there was nothing wrong with the academy’s school rules.

“Then I’m glad. huh? Mr. Jinwoo and Mr. Youngjae. I think you’re here already?”

As she said, the footsteps of two people could be heard from outside the room.

“Boss we are here!”

“under… … I’m going to die hard.”

The contrast between the smiling Jin-Woo and the exhausted Young-Jae.

Even in Jin-Woo’s hand, there was an unsuitably thick book.

“great job. By the way… … I told you to come after a simple investigation, what happened?”

“yes? You just stormed into the other club with a mock grenade and stared at it for a few minutes? That’s why they begged me not to do that first.”

“I almost got caught by the leadership because of this madman. It’s a relief that it’s a model grenade, you almost got punished?”

… … When I asked how it was completed, it seemed that there had been a lot of work.

Even so, I completed the request with ‘great satisfaction’, so it must have been a good thing in the end.

“ah. hit. boss. Did we just come and see Choi Yeon?”

“Choi Yeon?”

“yes. They were going round and round to see if they were looking at the club hall?”

… … no. no way?

Just in case, I called Choi Yeon.

-yes. hello.

“where are you?”

-me? It’s a club hall.

“What are you doing there?”

-I’m looking for Room Z.

“Is our club insolvent in Room Z?”

-yes. But I think I’m lost. Club halls are complicated.

… … Just in case, it was the same.

“Then why don’t you just call me? If you go out to meet me, there will be no hesitation.”

-ah. hit.

Is he really blind or stupid?

Anyway, it seems you’ve made a decision.

“… … I’ll send someone, so stand still at the entrance to the hall there.”

-yes. I will wait.

pop. and hung up call.

I sighed and told Sean.

“Can you bring Choi Yeon? will be at the entrance No, if it’s him, he’ll forget it again even if I tell him the way, so take the elevator from the incineration plant.”

“Ah yes. I’ll be back soon.”

Sae Ah rushes out.

After a while, the elevator started to move with a gurgling sound, and stopped at the 1st basement floor where we were, and the door started to open.


An exclamation from inside the elevator.

When I turned my head, as expected, there was Choi Yeon looking around with curious eyes.


“… … yes. The next time you come to the club room, it will be convenient if you take the elevator.”


I won’t get lost again with this.

After turning her head left and right while looking around, Choi Yeon entered the room and naturally sat down on the sofa in the hall.

I passed the teacup to her and started talking.

“Was it our first time in trouble?”

“yes. It’s very wide. You look good in training.”

“Is not it? By the way, what’s going on with our club? Is it because of the things I got from the last dungeon? Or the club membership you mentioned before?”

She shook her head at my question.

“no. Similar but different reasons.”

“Another reason?”

uh? isn’t that it?

Then she put her hand inside her jacket and took out something and put it on the table.

that stuff.

“… … This?”


challenge. It was something I had forgotten about.

“Eugene. Let’s fight with me.”

“… … Suddenly?”

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