Their footsteps stop at my remarks according to school rules.

“I heard that first graders memorize school rules… … No, is it true that you knew we were coming and were preparing in advance?”

yes. no. I already memorized everything that I will use for you guys.

Do you guys know? The fact that I had not only entered and graduated from the academy more times than they did.

Jin-Woo stretches out his hand holding the papers as if he is frustrated, as if he did not like the situation in which they are constantly confronted.

“They came in as if they were roasting beans by lightning, and what are the preparations for? Oh, take this quickly. What kind of tyranny is this in doing business with other people’s clubs?”

Seo Yeon-soo frowned at the number of pieces of paper, which were not much at a glance.

“What is this?”

“What? Isn’t that the document the seniors asked you to bring? Documents confirming the use of club support funds and supporting documents.”

“… … bring it.”

At Seo Yeon-soo’s words, another male senior approaches Jin-woo and takes the documents as if stealing them.

Then she examines the contents.

“0 won to pay? Are you kidding me now?”

“You mean we messed with the papers? Judging from the fact that they are now being made by manipulating documents without any evidence, it seems that our chairman has been on the shit line quite a bit. Why, did President Arthur tell us to peck at us?”

flinch. The guy’s body trembled lightly, and at the same time he felt a handful of fear.

It could be seen that it really struck a chord.

“… … Student council audits are conducted fairly. There is no such thing as too much or too little because of one person’s feelings.”

The guys who say yes are just giving thanks for the report, the Financial Audit and Inspection staff passing by will laugh.

“Then, would there be no reason to go into trouble against our club, which provided all the necessary materials for the audit fairly and according to school rules?”


The sound of his teeth grinding is heard.



“Guests are coming. See you off and sprinkle some salt on you.”

“Deposit! Come on, are you all going out? If we block the corridor like this, how will our clients come? Yes?”

As long as there were no school rules, papers, or elements to catch the pod, there was nothing they could do.

As if they were aware of it, they take a step back to our point.

“Oh, and the seniors there before going.”

At my continued words, the auditors who were about to leave the hallway stopped.

“Looks like there are a few members of the Ares club mixed together. Say hello to the president.”

I was convinced of this.

That the student council president, Ray Pendragon, had noticed that Vivian’s spring water had disappeared. And the fact that they’re pointing me out as the suspect.

There shouldn’t have been any suspicious circumstances, but how the hell did you name him as a suspect?

Clearly, all the CCTVs moving toward the garden were identified, and it was confirmed that there were no witnesses around.

Is that all? After the villain’s terror, Vivian’s lake was even sprinkled with some remnants of the villain so that it could be seen as the villain’s work.

Could it be that I sided with the president and made a statement against the association?

No, if he hit the back of the head, he would have hit it, but he’s not the type to put his neck on the association that much.

Then, by ruining his plan in the student council room?

Well, there was absolutely no way I could ever doubt that.

‘Then, should I try it?’

Perhaps, if there is a possibility, he thinks that I must have already drank Vivian’s spring water because I am a freshman and yet have exceptional strength.

Inference, it was most likely this way.

“Whoa~ Whoa~”

When I told them to sprinkle salt on the empty seat they left, I left behind Jin-woo, who was sprinkling Himalayan pink salt, and returned to the manager’s office and gathered the children exercising in the training room.

Their expressions were quite serious, as if they were aware that what had happened a little while ago was not an ordinary event.

“Probably for the time being, they will be bothering you a lot. They will pressure us and annoy us in all sorts of ways.”

A situation in which our club may interfere with raising the rating prematurely, or they may come up with a question about everything they do.

This could be quite fatal for us, who are still in the bronze club.


“I’ll make a deal myself tomorrow.”

break through the front

I just need to confirm that I didn’t bring ‘Vivian’s spring water’.

Although I already put it safely in my cube.

“The manager said he would come after negotiating?”

“I think it will be resolved if we talk a little and clear up each other’s misunderstandings.”

If the reason they’re doing this isn’t because of ‘Vivian’s spring water’, it’s going to be quite complicated… … Well, how are you?

Most of these are areas I can handle.

‘Because all I need is time.’

First of all, it would be important to grow the club and grow big enough to stand up to them properly.

Then, Jin-Woo raises his hand.

“boss. I have a good idea.”

“Good idea?”

“I’ll bring some explosives from home, so set it up and make the president’s head bald—”

“Let’s set off a bomb at the academy not too long after the terror attack? Stop talking nonsense.”

“Seeing… … .”

I think I thought it was a really good idea, but I ended up squatting in an instant.

Anyway, Jinwoo’s opinion is the second best.

According to my memory, he must have had a way to detect ‘Vivian’s spring water’.

‘I can prove my innocence(?) through that ability.’

No, what if Ji doubts it?

That proud ability proves that I didn’t eat it. If it’s unfair, shouldn’t you bring the evidence yourself?

Because of that lofty pride, even if you doubt everything else, you will have no choice but to pass it on if it is confirmed by your own abilities.

So, I thought it would be inevitable if I met him in person and proved that fact.

Of course, the ‘Vivian’s spring water’ in the cube should be left at the mansion or brought back.

“For now, let’s not worry too much and focus on club work. Youngjae, how are things going with the request you received last time?”

“Protection of the literature club? First of all, I’ve almost finished researching information before starting the request.”

“Then, based on the information, go with Jinwoo and have a chat with that manager, make a report and give it to me.”

“Okay. Hey, stop pretending to cry and get up. I have to go meet the literature club seniors.”

“glasses… … .”


“Are the seniors there pretty?”


It was when the two of them left the club first and went into the manager’s office to handle the documents in order to prepare for the future student council check.

Suddenly, a tremendous amount of magical power was felt in the manager’s office.

As soon as I got up from my seat and took out my shotgun, I heard an urgent voice.

“Brother! Calm! Calm!”

… … What is this voice?

Looking in the direction the voice came from, I spotted a black bat sitting on the sofa.

“… … Senior Yuli.”

“phew. Do you still remember the voice?”

At the same time, a bright red smoke enveloped the bat and began to grow in size.

The red fog disappeared and what appeared was a smiling woman with her legs crossed.

It was Julie Rodman, vice president of the academy student council.

“Are you very surprised? Sorry, because the matter is the matter.”

“How did you get in?”

“By the window? As you just saw, my magic is a bit unusual.”

She smiled mischievously at my question and flapped her wings with both hands as she glanced at the sofa across from me.

“Can we talk for a minute? It’s an important story.”

“… … I will prepare some refreshments for the members.”

“yes? no no it’s okay It’s a secret, so I don’t want to show myself to others. Do you understand, too?”

Why are you so cautious?

First of all, as the other person is the vice president of the student council, I sat across from him without relaxing.

“I just ran into the student council audit team.”

“Oh, that? I know. It was because the president himself ordered it during the meeting. What I am going to talk about now has something to do with it.”

have a connection?

“What do you mean by that?”

“It seems that the president was very uncomfortable because of your speech the other day. And he probably uses that as an opportunity to keep you in check.”

“Are you talking about restraint?”

She points to me when I ask.

“Your move. Do you think it’s a bit unconventional? Creating a club in first grade and the style of suppressing seniors or whatever with force. It’s a lot like the current president, Ray Pendragon. Do you know what that means?”

“I might take over the student council, so trample it while it is still young. Is that so?”

“To trample on, that seems to have gone too far… … As I just said, containment. It’s a check because you didn’t accept the offer to join the student council.”

I expected it, but it’s more fun to hear it myself.

“So, I’m here to warn you.”

“no. A suggestion, not a warning.”

“It’s a proposal. Join the student council right now. Are you like this? As I said before, I will join the student council——”

And in an instant, unbelievable words came out from between her lips.

“──Would you like to bring down Rey Pendragon with me?”

“… … Yes?”

For a moment, my head stopped.

“Student President… … let’s dismiss Did I hear you right?”

“yes. right.”

In fact, despite the proposal to stage a coup, the smile did not disappear from her face.

“It’s like a trap investigation right now. Is that so?”

“No way. I am very serious.”

“For being serious, your expression is full of playfulness.”

“I am pretty when I smile. Can’t you look at me as a beauty world?”

… … Judging from what he was saying, it didn’t seem like a joke or a trap.

It wasn’t like this didn’t happen in the game either. Because there was an academy coup event in CS too.

However, the problem was that the trigger that caused it was very complex and difficult.

Just thinking about it now is ‘entering the academy as the head of the school’ and ‘joining the student council’, but I wasn’t included in any of them.

“Why are you making this offer to me?”

So I asked.

Why are you making this offer to me?

From her point of view, just saying these words to me could have affected her family back home as well as her removal from the position of vice president of the academy.

However, you are making this suggestion to me, who has not yet built up trust properly?

I couldn’t believe it easily.

“Brother. Are you asking because you really don’t know? Do you know how many organizations in the academy are similar to or equal to the president?”

“… … The presidents of the Diamond Club. And a few students who do not move separately, and a few clubs among the platinum clubs.”

“Okay, so how many of them have a close relationship with our president?”

“… … Most of them must have maintained an amicable relationship with the student council.”

“That is correct. But I see them and you as being on the same level even if you can’t do it. It’s natural to judge that the junior who is openly holding the student council in check rather than the other guys is the most trustworthy.”

Certainly, we were the only club that took a hostile stance against the student council this far.

But why did they send me such a proposal in a pattern I had never seen before?

As I looked at her with unresolved doubts, Yuli sighed as if she couldn’t help it and continued the story.

“Half a personal grudge. And the other half is greedy? Of course, if you help me, I will take care of your juniors so they won’t be disappointed.”

“What do you mean take care of?”

“One of the treasures the chairman is hiding. And the union with the student council that I will make in the future. How about it, isn’t this enough to appeal to you?”

Apart from the latter… … .

“You mean the treasure the Chairman is hiding?”

After nodding her head at my question, she carefully looked around and quietly opened her mouth, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand.

“… … That juniors are Vivian’s spring water. Know?”


Do you already have that?

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