120 – Monster Hunting (6)

In her hazy consciousness, Beatrice opened her eyes first.

And blink your eyelids for a moment.

“…… ?”

She could see.

Silver fur wrapped around her own legs.

[…] ….]

It was a wolf.

With shiny silver fur.


From Beatrice’s point of view, she couldn’t help but feel extremely embarrassed.

What kind of situation is this?

Where am I, and where did this wolf suddenly appear?

Beatrice suddenly touched her forehead, which was throbbing.

‘…… ‘What was I doing last time?’

When I see my body throbbing strangely, it seems like something happened…….


After much thought, Beatrice was finally able to recall the last scene she remembered.

So, it is the appearance of a mountain range covered in ominous black energy and sparkling.

‘…… It was a corpse explosion, that.’

Beatrice let out a small sigh.

She was definitely lucky to be able to identify the instrument.

As a result, although we overexerted ourselves a bit, we were able to somehow prevent the explosion.

‘Should I call this fortunate…? ….’

Without thinking, Beatrice squatted down and stroked the wolf wrapped around her leg.

She doesn’t seem to be someone who lives in the wild, and her fur was surprisingly not rough.

It would be more correct to say that it is on the soft side.

I really like the soft and fluffy texture.

Without realizing it, Beatrice began stroking the wolf’s entire body with a relaxed expression.

It could be said to be a very brief rest while fully feeling the texture.

‘I feel strangely drowsy, I feel like I want to take a deep nap.’

Beatrice suddenly thought so.

Okay, let’s rest a little longer and wake up.

[…] ….]

It was then that the wolf’s blue eyes suddenly fixed on Beatrice.

Beatrice blinked and looked down at the wolf.

Is there anything to say? Without thinking too much, she lowered her posture a little more.

And she lowers her head towards the wolf.

It was to listen carefully to what this very gentle wolf, who doesn’t get angry even if you touch his fur as much as he likes, wants to say.

Did you recognize Beatrice’s efforts?

The wolf also walked to her side and softly whispered her voice into her ear.


However, there is one minor problem.

“…… Huh?”

The wolf’s voice and manner of speaking strangely resembled that of ‘someone’ whom Beatrice knew.

Beatrice’s expression changed mysteriously in an instant.

[How long are you going to lie down in peace? What are you, Sleeping Beauty?]

Of course, even though that was the case, the wolf did not stop talking.

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Even though Beatrice flinched and stepped back behind her.

[Wake up slowly, please.]

The wolf didn’t care and just told me what I had to say.

[Unless you want to get an electric massage with a lightning bolt delivered directly from the dark clouds.]


At that moment, I opened my eyes.


And for a moment, I blink blankly at the face of a boy that fills my vision.


Startled by the excessively close distance, she quickly raised her hand.



“Ouch… ….”

I caressed my numb cheek and let out a helpless laugh.

I was embarrassed, but more than that, the situation was funny.

“No matter what, how could you slap me in the face without even a second of hesitation?”

I muttered that and turned her head.

What I was looking at was Beatrice sitting diagonally on the bed.

She must have been quite surprised, and she still placed her hand on her chest and gave a small sigh.

“…… You are bad. Why are you staring so intently at the face of a sleeping person? “Do you think I’m not surprised?”

My face was quite hot.

Hmm, I guess I was really surprised.

I smiled and waved my hand, feeling somewhat sorry.

“No, I haven’t woken up once in three days, so how can I not be worried? “I was wondering if it was really dead, so I wanted to check.”

And he roughly made excuses that were not excuses.

Actually, it wasn’t completely wrong.

It’s true that he hadn’t woken up for quite some time, so I couldn’t help but be worried, so I put my face up to check if he was breathing.

Did I know that I would wake up at such bad timing again?

Well, anyway, I’m glad I woke up.

I pretended to have that kind of expression and gave a harmless-looking smile.

“I was worried a lot. “It’s a little late, but I’m glad I woke up okay.”

“… ….”

And I try to say such pleasant-sounding words. Why?

Beatrice was looking at me with her strangely suspicious eyes.

No, why?

“Perhaps you?”

The reason soon became clear.

“Didn’t you say something nonsense while I was sleeping?”

Beatrice, with narrowed eyes, looked very suspicious and questioned me like that.

“… ….”

I reflexively stayed silent, and when I thought ‘oops’ one beat too late, it was already too late.

“You did it?”

‘…… Hmm.’

Beatrice’s voice became even lower, and I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of frustration.

No, how did you hear that?


I quickly finished thinking about it and carefully spoke.

“There are many more important things to talk about than such trivial things. Would you like to listen to them leisurely?”

It’s a quick change of topic.

I still had to talk about how things were going while the child was lying down, so it wouldn’t necessarily be called a trivial change of topic.

“Hmm… ….”

Should I say I am fortunate? Beatrice showed interest in what I said.

He looked at me crookedly with his arms crossed, but whatever.

“Well, that’s right. You have to listen to what is being said. “I didn’t know that I would be unconscious for three days.”

Soon Beatrice bobbed her head and winked at me.

“Tell me something. “But judging by how calmly you were taking care of me, it seems like the situation has been sorted out.”

However, the posture was so strangely overbearing that it felt strange.

Why does he come out so confidently?

In any case, wasn’t Beatrice the one who used her strength without sparing her body and fainted for three days?

Isn’t this a situation where I can say something?


When that thought suddenly occurred to me, I spoke with a somewhat solemn expression on my face.

“So, for now.”


“…… Thanks to you, we successfully prevented the corpse explosion…….”

Of course, what I’ve done so far is more overwhelming than saying something about hurting my body.

I just decided to refrain from talking. It’s a backlash for no reason.


“…… Is that so. “There are quite a few people injured, but everyone is safe.”

After the general explanation was over, Beatrice nodded with a slightly relaxed expression.

Anyway, he seemed relieved to hear that it ended without anyone dying.

“A being as big as a demon lord planned to attack us, but we managed to block it well. Maybe it’s because the Sword Saint captured the demons…….”

Her voice was muffled as she swung her legs under her blanket, so I caught her afterword.

“It’s because this side also fought well. “With most of Yeongsan’s power gone, how easy would it be to block the attacks of monsters without harm?”

“…… That’s also true. “Not only did the two of us defeat the mountain army, but the students who stopped the monsters under the leadership of the student council president were also amazing.”

Agreeing with what I said, Beatrice added another word.

“But why should I say that I am fortunate that I have been lucky in many ways?”

Then he smiled weakly, and that was definitely true.

It is a combination of luck in many ways.

Not only the existence of Jibril, who was able to strengthen the barrier of the sacred mountain, but also Lucius, who led the students and fought in a situation where it would not be strange to cause panic as a group, and Aria’s performance that reached a higher level near the end. .

With the Sword Saint and his disciples stranded, those in the fortress responded to the attack with utmost excellence.

Especially when I met Aria again later, I couldn’t help but be surprised.

‘I never thought I would really show my sword skills at that age.’

If things were to go as planned, it would have taken at least one to two more years.

Because there were literally so many variables, we were able to safely get through an event that amounted to an invasion by the Demon King.

‘But whatever.’

However, if I had to pick one thing in particular, it would be that I actually didn’t have to worry about it.

This is probably something that everyone who was in the castle that day could sympathize with.

‘If it weren’t for this guy, it really wouldn’t have been possible.’

I once again looked at Beatrice with admiration.

To be honest, it was to her credit that she was able to prevent this attack so completely.

Other people’s achievements could certainly not be ignored, but that doesn’t mean they are comparable to what Beatrice has accomplished.

Isn’t that right?

Not only did we prevent the complete resurrection of the mountain army, but we also suppressed the magic circle in the sky until Eve and I defeated the mountain army.

By mobilizing the highest level sacred magic that clearly cannot be used yet.

Even if it is not a direct performance, such talk is meaningless. If it weren’t for her power in the first place, killing Sangun wouldn’t have been that simple.

Above all, preventing her corpse from exploding was purely her own achievement.

I picked her up and smiled and called her.



Beatrice looks back at me with an indifferent reaction.

“No, just.”

After taking a moment to choose my words, I decided to just tell the story as it is.

“You’re so amazing.”

“…… Hmm?”

And at my words, Beatrice briefly tilted her head, but she soon let out an exclamation of ‘Ah’ as if she realized what I was talking about.

Soon she smiled and made a V with her hands.

“Right? “I think this time it was a bit amazing.”

“…… But you say it yourself again?”

I hesitated for a moment because the reaction was more flattering than I expected, but being so humble didn’t sit well with Beatrice.

So, I also let out a small laugh and decided to nod her head obediently.

“Yes, our Richie is truly amazing! “It’s like everyone was safe thanks to you.”

“hehehe. “I don’t like the way he speaks, but I like how sincere he is.”

Beatrice’s eyes were folded into a beautiful half-moon shape.

“Okay, praise me more. I think I had a hard time myself this time. “How dare I lie down like this instead of you?”

I couldn’t help but agree with what she said next. I would definitely say that this composition is quite fresh.

I think this is the first time that she, not me, is lying in her bed and begging.

…… The fact that she started following me and causing trouble to people around her was complicated and subtle in many ways.

Putting aside those sentiments, an achievement was an achievement anyway.

Since what she did was objectively great, it wasn’t that difficult for her to get her on a plane.


Still, I suddenly thought that it would be better to express myself properly at least once rather than just saying it in a joking manner.

After a short period of contemplation, I just let out a helpless laugh.

And then he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“…… Huh?”

Beatrice, who continued to shrug her shoulders, blinks her eyes for a moment.

She looked at me with a questioning expression.


I immediately placed my hand on the top of her head.


“Thank you for your hard work, Richie.”

A slightly high-pitched voice came out, and Beatrice looked very embarrassed, but-.

I decided not to care and just stroked her hair.

“I went through some hardships too, but this time your role was the biggest. “I’m so proud that you’re my first friend.”

And as I slowly began to say the words, Beatrice also changed her expression little by little.

At first he was embarrassed and rolled his eyes up and down and left and right, but then secondly he stopped being agitated after hearing what I said.

He then slightly sticks out his lips as if he is embarrassed, but-.

“…… “That is not an answer.”

Still, I could tell that she wasn’t feeling too bad, as her face was a light red and she didn’t necessarily take my hand away.

“No, I did tell you to praise me.”

She scratched her cheek with a hint of embarrassment, but soon relaxed her body and smiled as if she was letting things happen.

“Okay then. Stroke it some more. “For this to have happened, let me show off my pride for what I have accomplished this time.”

Then he taps my arm as if telling me to do more.

‘…… ‘This is another unexpected reaction.’

I was a little embarrassed, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do anything. If she wanted, she could stroke her head as much as she wanted.

I decided to just do as she wanted for today.

I continued to move her hand while sitting on the bed, and Beatrice closed her eyes comfortably in response to my slow touch.

“Yes, yes. I’ll say it again, our Richie is truly amazing. He single-handedly suppresses the Demon King’s magic, and at the end, he sacrifices himself to prevent the corpse from exploding. “I think I’ll just fall in love with it.”

“Hey, is that much? I guess I looked really cool this time. Ah, but falling in love is still difficult. “What is it?”

After lightly chewing away the nonsense, I let out a final wry smile and took Beatrice’s hand away from her.

And then, with a serious expression, he hits her on the forehead.

Just right!

Oh, with your fingers, of course.


However, as if she had not really expected her blow to come in this atmosphere, Beatrice reacted violently to just that and raised three or four question marks above her head.

Receiving her gaze that seemed to contain a sense of betrayal, I calmly parted my lips from hers.

“It’s quite unreasonable, you know?”

“… ….”

“You know. “Don’t turn a blind eye and pretend not to notice.”

While debating whether or not to pull Beatrice’s cheek as she was secretly avoiding her gaze, she sighed, thinking that she would still have to look at her today.

There was a reason why the flugel was taken away every time this child was nursed for three days while he was lying in bed.

I brought up her story about her, smiling half out of concern and half out of amusement.

“Flügel said to be prepared when you wake up. “Even if it means using up all the electricity I’ve saved, I’ll scold you or something.”

“…… Ah.”

“I think you can guess the reason.”

Beatrice let out a frustrated voice, as if she had forgotten something.

I met her gaze and shrugged her shoulders.

“Shall we make a promise?”

And he speaks calmly.

“Let’s both live frugally. How is it?”

However, in response to my words, Beatrice just made a strange expression, as if she was looking at a very funny guy.

“…… Seems like a promise that won’t be kept, right? Mainly because of you.”

If you say the next words, it feels like that.

I reluctantly cleared my throat.

“Well, that’s just what it says. Anyway, I just wanted to say that not only I, but also Flügel, was worried about you a lot. “Take care of me later.”

“…… That is, yes. I’ll talk to you carefully. Anyway, if you cheated, you cheated.”

Beatrice trembled with a hint of fear, and I laughed openly at her reaction.

Anyway, the situation ended well, so isn’t that a good thing?

Enough of the nagging.


After that, we spent time chatting about small things. She said there was nothing wrong with her body, and what she needed primarily was rest.

The day goes by with that feeling, with stories that are not very nutritious.

Just one thing.

This is something I must be aware of.


Clear the third main episode, [Devil of Destruction].


It is certain that, like this incident, several episodes that are far different from what I know may emerge.

There is probably a 100% chance that will happen.


The academy’s vacation will end soon.


From now on, we will have to be more careful than before. Anyway, even if something happens that I don’t know about in advance, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to get help from Jibril’s foresight every time.

Yes. So let’s be careful.

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The start of the fourth main episode, [Imperial House] Is imminent.


So that no matter what problem arises, we can respond somehow.


[…] ….]


The devil’s territory of destruction.

Unlike usual, the girl was lying on the bed looking quite drowsy.

With a very listless expression.


But the girl opened her mouth. Because she finished checking


[Such things happened. While I was holding on to the Sword Saint, over there.]

After the destruction of Yeongsan, the girl left a record of that moment with the intention of keeping it in her library for a long time.

Wouldn’t that make you look for it over and over again?

But ultimately, the invasion of Yeongsan failed.

It failed to kill the Sword Saint, much less destroy his spirit.


The girl laughed. She

She failed, but she smiled nonetheless.


Of course, her smile was something that was always with her, but this time it felt quite different.

It had to be different.

A clean failure. The overthrow of a plan you thought was perfect.


How can you not be angry?

Unexpected results aroused even more unexpected emotions.

For example, anger was like that.

The new resentment was like that.

[…] … A disturbance comes from an unexpected place.]

The girl is the devil of Yurin.

She slowly put the new objects of resentment that had arisen into her mouth.


For the first time, the daughter of a goddess did so.

The first unexpected variable.

But the girl knew. The saints of the current generation do not yet have the power or the level to interfere with themselves.

But why?

The cause was also quickly apparent.

[Devil Sword.]

A helper who supported such a saint by her side and, in fact, enabled her to draw out her power beyond her means.

It was a magical sword of a shape that even the girl who had lived for eons as the Demon King did not recognize.

An ego weapon with a platinum-colored blade that has reached the highest realm that a weapon can reach.

She had never heard of such a thing.

The girl thought.

The origin of the magic sword.

Of course I couldn’t know the details, but one thing. There was definitely something to consider unusual.

The next thing that comes to the girl’s mind is the face of a boy.

[…] … That silver-haired kid. Obviously, it was that child who first held the magic sword.]

The girl muttered under her breath, and she thought that her memory could not be wrong.

There is no doubt that the original owner of the magic sword is that boy.

And as soon as I looked into it a little more, I realized that it was the boy who buried Sangun, who had succeeded in resurrection, even if it was imperfect.

The girl thought.

Three variables, what should we prioritize?

The time of worry was not that long.


The girl came to a conclusion.

She continues and her voice leaks.

[A saint, a magic sword, and a boy. I think I need to get my hands on all three to relieve this extremely unpleasant feeling.]

It utters a voice that is extremely cold, sticky, and full of twisted desire.

[I decided.]

In other words, it is desire.

The desire had to be resolved.

At least for this demon king, it was like the unchanging, supreme truth.

[My next dolls are you guys.]

The Demon King laughed.

To hide his miserable feelings.

To hide it and transform it into a more sorrowful emotion.

[…] … Wait.]

The girl muttered one more word with a bloody blush.

[Because I will not forget this incident.]

Her eyes immediately captured the blood-red moon illuminating the land of the Nine Heavens.

Burning with a desire that will not be erased even after tens of thousands of years have passed.


There was a young man.


To repeat, that being was a young man.

Youth. Young male.

Any expression was good, but no matter how he said it, he was a ‘human being’ who belonged to the young generation.

“For what reason did the monster that Sir Reinhard buried decades ago move again?”

But it was different.

It was impossible to say exactly what it was, but anyone who looked at the young man in front of them would say that.

“And also, for what reason did he disappear again in one night…?” ….”

It’s different. I’m not a young man.

That is rather an old monster.

Of course, considering the status of the being, no one would carelessly say such a thing.


The young man rested his chin and let out a small drooling sound.

Slightly long silver hair shines lightly in the light of the chandelier.

“What should I do? Should I call Lord Reinhardt here?”

Young people.

He was the emperor of a country.

The one and only sun of El Pale, said to be the only empire on the continent.

“No, the first thing to do is to figure out what happened in that mountain range. “If there was a battle, no matter how much he was called a sword saint, he wouldn’t have suffered any damage, so it would be a bit rude to call him right away.”

The emperor smiled. It was a calm smile, the kind that naturally made the viewer feel at ease.

He snapped his fingers.


“Did you call me, Your Majesty?”

Then what appeared was a man who resembled a shadow.

Immediately the man kneeling in front of the emperor bowed his head.

“Let’s take a closer look at Yeongsan. “It would be best if we could find out exactly what happened.”

The emperor spoke, and the man’s answer came right away.

“I will dispatch the Black Brigade.”

“Ah, don’t bother going against Lord Reinhardt’s wishes. After all, Yeongsan is not owned by the empire.”

The emperor added this to his man, and after a short pause, he added his words.

“And as you know, check on their safety first. Well, I think they’ll both be fine. “Just in case you don’t know.”


Although the subject was not included, the man was able to easily figure out what his master was trying to say.

…… Come to think of it, did you say that the Prince and the Princess are currently in Yeongsan?

Sae Muel nodded his head without hesitation.

Of course, that’s what he had to do.

“I will do so.”


At about that time, the emperor waved his hand, and Samuel disappeared again.

Literally like a shadow.

…… After the resurrected Sangun fell in Yeongsan, something happened at the imperial palace in Jedo the very next day.

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