119 – Monster Hunting (5)

Sangun’s brain, weakness.

It goes without saying.

It didn’t seem like Sangun didn’t know that that was my weakest point.

The moment I split open its head, a writhing gray energy surges up in an instant.

I had a hunch. That is the unique energy of the mountains that created the fog of Yeongsan.

And at this moment, that energy turned into a thorn and was reaching out to me.

‘Oh my.’

I wanted to let out a brief sigh, but I didn’t even have time to do so.

The eyes strengthened by the activation of thunderbolt chase the bundle of thorns.

The number of things pouring out is not just one or two, nor are there just one or two directions. I gave up counting the moment I passed the twenty-branch mark.

I just split the moment and split it again, forcing myself to extend the time I spent thinking.

How should we deal with it? How should we prevent it?

Or, wouldn’t it be faster to give up on blocking and kill the mountain army?

Thoughts came to me surprisingly quickly and then scattered, but I could not find a suitable solution.

I just suddenly thought about it.

At this time, how would the other guys have responded?

Beatrice has divine power.

The barrier must have unfolded in an instant.

Ariana Eve would have swung her sword without hesitation, and it would be no different for Grisha or Nick.

Lucius or Tsumei would not have considered this a crisis in the first place…….

‘…… ‘I don’t have any helpful thoughts.’

Well, I expected it.

Their methods are meaningless.

At least it wasn’t a method I could use.

Dismissal…… !

So, the answer to this was decided from the beginning.

I had to cope with only what I had.


The best I can do.

By pushing the Geumgangjeo to its limit, I was able to reduce the burden on my body by almost 100%.

To put it another way, in fact, I am in perfect condition right now.

That’s why.

It’s okay once in a while.

I can endure it just once.

You will be able to move even after holding on.

This was not just a vague, hopeful observation, but the truth.

This body, which was extremely fragile, had one thing that it was worth boasting about: surprisingly strong.

I immediately caused a thunderbolt.

It is not Geumgangjeo. It’s a body.

He wraps his body in thunderbolts and simply raises both his white-stained arms. Finally, overlap the two raised palms.

‘Party’, he said. Clap your hands.

aaa…… !!!

[…] … !]

The aftermath of that simple action was so enormous that it made me laugh out loud, so to speak.

I just clapped my hands.

With that hand clap, not only the thorns surrounding me but even one of Sangun’s arms were splendidly cut off.

At the edge of my field of vision, I see a hill flying through the air.

So, it is one arm of the Sangun I mentioned a little while ago.

It bounces off and lands on the opposite peak of the fortress.

Kugugugu Palace… ….

Even though it is quite far away, the roar and vibration resonate in the eardrums.

Not only Sangun, but even I, who had committed the crime, looked at the scene in shock for a moment.

“… ….”

[…] ….]


The good news is that I was the one who came to my senses just one beat from that scene.

It wasn’t the time to be dazed, really.


I heard the Geumgangjeo once again.

There are no more thorns that tried to disturb me.

[…] … !]

Belatedly, Sangun came to his senses and followed me, but by the time those goosebumps looked at me again, he was already ready.

I struck down the Geumgangjeo.

As the swordsman once said to me, this is truly a poor cut. Should I say that it looks old-fashioned, like fighting an animal with a stone axe?

But that was okay too.

Rather, this is the correct way to strike a lightning bolt in a straight line.

It can be said to be the best form for penetration.

…… I’m definitely not doing this because I’m not familiar with Yeonhwageomgyeol, really.

‘If the old man had seen this, he would have said something.’

Well, anyway, shouldn’t it just be about getting the right results?

The Geumgangjeo clearly pierced Sangun’s brain.

It’s thanks to breaking the guy’s head in advance.

Of course, this is not the end.

“…… “Inhale!”

I started finishing right away.


Literally, it shoots a straight line of thunder and lightning.

I will be the spear of lightning brought directly from the sky.

[…] … !]

It was at that moment that Sangun twisted his body as if he was going on a rampage.

[Quick, key, keyeeek!!!]

“…… Pfft!”

No more, no less, it is a roar that truly deserves the expression ‘noisy.’

Should I say that they are trying to dig into my ear and rip out my eardrum?

At that point, the sound itself would have had physical power, but unfortunately, my body is now almost 100% strengthened by lightning.

In return, my body is heating up at this very moment, but whatever.

“Stop, die…” … !”

I gritted my teeth and gripped the diamond even harder. If you lose your sword now, you won’t be able to eat or porridge.

So I had to end it with this one shot.

Not only do I have no time or opportunity to attack further, the mountain army probably won’t sit still by then.

Thinking that this was my last chance, I instinctively twisted my dagger.

The platinum-colored blade inserted into the brain began to rotate once, digging into the man’s wounds even further.


The sound of the mountains grew louder as time passed, but at the same time, I realized.

This guy has reached his limit.


At that point, as if it was truly his last struggle, Sangun’s brain itself let out a strange breath mixed with fog and evil energy -.

I endured it with grit.

I feel like my body is going to be burned by the lightning, but the fog and musical instruments are trying to make my skin rot and become dull again.

Still, I endured it.

Reference I grabbed the dagger. He grabbed it and blew a thunderbolt.

Stronger, rougher, more desperate-.

Explodes even more extreme firepower.

“… ….”

Blah, blah.

Soon, a sound was heard.

Blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

It was the sound of something cracking.

Tell me what to do. It’s his brain.

I realized this intuitively. Succeded.

The connection to the magic circle in the sky was broken.

Sangun will soon reach complete extinction, more than decades ago.

“…… “Did you do it?”

As Sangun’s body slowly began to collapse backwards, I let out a short sigh. There was also some sense of relief.

Now, one more problem has been solved.

‘First of all, I have to go down quickly.’

So I quickly turned my head. It was to find Eve.

Even if you stand leisurely on top of a falling object, it is difficult to see a good picture.

If you don’t want to be swept away when you collide with the ground, it’s best to get out now.


Of course, not only am I in a physical condition where I can use thunderbolts, but I have also lost the vajra that can take on the burden of thunderbolts…….

I needed to get some help from Eve.

Whether you hang on or piggyback, you have to cling to her side and get out of here.

Thinking like that, I moved towards the silver-haired girl who happened to come into view.

“… ….”


I tried to move.


“…… What.”

If it weren’t for the presence of an extremely ominous black energy suddenly passing through my body.


[…] ….]

The girl’s movements suddenly stopped.

The Sword Saint’s sword also stopped at that point.

Instead of looking at each other, both beings were looking at one scene at this moment.

Beyond the black sky, a flash of white flashed for just a moment.

And that flash pierces Sangun’s body. It penetrated in a straight line.

Geomseong was able to know the identity of that flash.

‘…… Bloke.’

A faint smile appeared on his lips.

You can say that it is an expression filled with pride.

It was visible in the two eyes of the Sword Saint. The sight of Sangun dying again, the loss of vitality that the magic circle had forcibly held on to.

It’s over now. So I decided.

The mountain army has fallen, and according to the feeling, those in the fortress are also safe.

How did you survive in such a dangerous situation?

Geomseong smiled.

And then I looked back at the devil.

“It must have been a shame.”

[…] ….]

“It seems like the best gift you prepared has fallen at the hands of my student.”

The devil was also looking at Sangun.

Now, I catch my eye on the falling body.

At that point, Geomseong took his sword back. Contains aura. He tips the blade.

The biggest risk factor disappeared without any intervention.

Apart from the fact that I once again had something to be thankful for from that boy, I was now able to come to an end with certainty.

Because there is no longer any need to worry about things that threaten the fortress.

You will be able to finish it neatly. Geomseong thought so.

[I collapsed.]


[I didn’t know he could really take it down. How?]

Geomseong had to narrow his eyes for a moment.

The devil’s voice was strangely calm.

I’m sure my plan would have gone awry, and that would be the case.

Why? The guy was perfectly calm.

‘…… No.’

An emotion of astonishment appeared in the Sword Saint’s eyes.

‘It’s rather as if they were even expecting this situation.’

It was at that moment that the sword he was holding suddenly moved.

The swordsman’s judgment was indeed quick.

‘There is something.’

There is something more. It seems like the devil still has some left.

I’m not sure, but it doesn’t matter if I’m mistaken.

In any case, the devil had to be defeated, and it was best to kill him quickly in one way or another to prevent any unexpected possibility.


The Sword Master swung his sword like that.


“… ….”

With that swift sword strike, the devil’s body collapsed once again.

Geomseong realized. This is not a trick.

The Demon Duke is dead.

From noble mtl dot com


“…… !”

And, it was in the very next moment that the unforgettable shape of the bat appeared again.

The swordsman once again regained his stance.

[If my information wasn’t wrong, there wouldn’t be anyone in that fortress right now who could defeat the mountain army.]

The bat still climbed the tree, flapping its wings leisurely.

The will to fight was not shown at all.

I just look at Sangun calmly and weakly.

The red eyes shed a mysterious light.


Then, the bat spoke.

[Wouldn’t this be a good ending in its own way?]

Smiling, he said that.

Like it’s really fun, like I’m really looking forward to it.

[One thing, there was something I didn’t say… ….]

The bat’s head turned. The one watching was Sword Saint.

The Sword Saint also looked at him.

“…… “What are you doing?”

I opened my eyes wide to see through the devil’s intentions, but it probably meant nothing.

The devil simply spread his wings and spoke with exaggerated gestures, like an actor on stage.

[I am more than happy to be able to show the climax of the play.]

The devil’s wings moved.

Pointing to the sky.

It is not a mountain group, but a magic circle in the sky.

[You treated me very well. Even as I faced the evil Marquis and the subsequent Duke’s body, I did not back down even once. On the contrary, it even overwhelmed me…….]

And at that point, the Sword Saint stopped generating aura and could only stare blankly into the black sky.

Because there was something that caught his eye.

[It’s a great achievement. As expected, you have already reached almost the peak of what humans can reach. Maybe I can compete quite well with my own body?]

The devil continued to speak, but he did not reach Geomseong’s ears.

“… ….”

He couldn’t pay attention to what the devil said.

I just look up at the magic circle with a vain expression.

The Sword Saint did not have the ability to interpret or understand the devil’s magic.

Nevertheless, I was able to perceive the flow of energy and its purpose.

Saaa… ….

The magic circle moves. The instrument moves. It extends its magical arms towards the mountains again.

To resurrect the monster once again?

No, no. It was not a resurrection.

In the first place, isn’t it the second death?

The mountain army, which has completely consumed even the slightest vitality and energy left in the corpse, is now just a lump.

There won’t be any room to use it anymore.

“This can’t be happening…” ….”

The swordsman’s words were cut off midway. It didn’t last until the end.

He had to trail off his words with a spitting voice.

The mountains are moving.

But that wasn’t Sangun.

In other words, I had to assume that it was just Sangun’s body moving.

[hahahaha, ahahahaha.]

The bat burst into laughter, and Sangun’s body slowly began to create a cloud of black light.

At that point, Geomseong also realized something.

The devil spoke of ‘the climax of the play’.

What does that mean?

“Corpse, explosion… ….”

The Geomseong’s expression hardened.

The complexion becomes infinitely dark.

Geomseong knew. He knew the magic.

That wasn’t just the devil’s method.

It is also a technique that people such as necromancers or warlocks sometimes use, and as such, it is quite widely known.

But if you go after the root, the devil was there.

Geomseong moved his body as if possessed.

There is no way to stop it, but I didn’t know that.

Still, he felt like he had to do something, so he just moved.

Of course.

[Isn’t it a bit lonely to look around alone?]


The devil did not even allow that.

The instrument was shot in the form of a chain.


Geomseong cut off the chains without difficulty, but he could also see that it was of little significance.

In the end, he had no choice but to be tied in place.

[Shall we begin?]

The devil had no intention of giving much time to the audience who would watch his performance.

The bat’s small front paw pointed towards the mountains.

A dainty gesture she likes to use, which she used to show several times in the Nine Heavenly Territory.

The Three Kings, the Demon of Destruction, briefly waved his arm.

And mutters.


That was the signal.

A signal that announces the beginning of a highlight.

The devil laughed.

Because I know what will happen next and the spectacular scenery that will surely be enchanting.

Geomseong felt like he was suffocating.

Because I was able to picture what would happen next in my imagination.

The two beings had such contrasting emotions on their faces.

[…] ….]

“… ….”

[…] … ?]

“…… Hmm?”

Just like that, ten seconds, which felt like dozens of hours to the Sword Saint, passed.

The corpse of a mountain soldier flashed as if it might explode at any moment.

However, at this moment, the body was fine.

In other words… ….

Just, nothing happened.

[…] … Under?]

It was the moment when the bat let out a voice full of confusion for the first time.


It must have been about two hundred years ago.

Now, a story from a fairly forgotten past.

The last high-ranking demon that humanity successfully subdued, and the strongest demon that descended on the continent that day in the past.

Grand Duke Belphegor.

The story of its existence has been largely forgotten in this day and age, but of course, it does not mean that it was not passed down.

A representative example was the Holy Church.

Those who serve the goddess react more sensitively to the devil than any other force on the continent.

That’s why it was recorded there.

The strength of the Demon Archduke, his terrible actions, and even the final moment when he was able to defeat the Demon Archduke.

That’s why─.

“…… “I knew it.”

A girl in Yeongsan knew.

Maybe something like this could happen.

This is thanks to a glimpse into the worst tragedy in human history, which occurred in the form of a record, caused by a lack of preparation at the moment of Belphegor’s disappearance.

The girl’s name is Beatrice Louise.


A saint of this era who is nothing short of a symbol of the Holy Order.

On the day of her baptism, she was the daughter of the goddess who received the nickname of Purity.

“…… Ha.”

Wiping away the blood flowing down the corner of her mouth, Beatrice let out a small sigh.

The excessive consumption of divine power turned her complexion pale.

But still, she looked quite relieved in her expression.

On the contrary, I even felt a little satisfied.

The reason is not much.

Because we prevented the devil’s plan.

The plan I had prepared in case something like this might happen, surprisingly worked as is and was successful.


Then, Beatrice laughed.

“It’s a good thing I borrowed you, isn’t it? Flügel.”

And then he continued.

“Thanks to you, I was able to somehow prevent it. Although it was a bit unreasonable…….”

The object of her speech was the sword she was holding.

Flügel, an ego weapon and a blue dragon.

It is undoubtedly true that thanks to her presence, she was able to prevent a situation that could have been a major disaster.

And Flügel also knew that fact.


[…] … Come on, you are a saint. First of all, don’t say anything. Poetry, divine power.]

In fact, Flügel was not proud of his own abilities.

It just wasn’t a good situation.

She spoke to Beatrice in an uncharacteristically trembling voice.

[…] … I need to get treatment right away…….]

It’s just that I couldn’t even continue those words to the end.

It’s because I suddenly realized it.

It is meaningless to use sacred power to restore yourself when you have already consumed too much divine power.

No, it goes beyond that and is a foolish act.

Because it simply broadens the scope of internal thoughts.

[…] ….]

So Flügel had to remain silent. He just kept his mouth shut.

I can’t even bear to reprimand you at this point.

I promised.

Definitely not going to overdo it, she said.

[Saint, you really… ….]

Flügel could only mutter in a suppressed voice.

She trailed off her words helplessly.


At about that time, Beatrice reached her limit.

“…… “I’m sorry, I tricked you.”

Muttering those last words, Beatrice immediately closed her eyes.

Of course, it was not voluntary.


[Stand, you saint!]

Even the time of stumbling did not last long.

Beatrice’s body immediately collapsed.

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