216 – Containment! Keep it in check again!

Of course, John Nassen did not want a triumphal ceremony or a place to praise his achievements.

Since they’ve done all they have to do, they’re going to go back like this and run their rest routine for a while.

With their strong will, the command had no choice but to deliver the decision to the imperial family.

The core members of the Empire, who were familiar with Jon Nassen, nodded their heads in anticipation.

On the other hand, those who didn’t know much about John Nassen got to see their true self.

Overwhelmingly strong. No, those who have far surpassed even the word strong.

Even so, those who do not wield that strength, but only use it to sharpen themselves.

Why did the emperor of the past and the empire stop fighting with the north?

I thought it was simply a search for peace to reduce the damage to both sides.

In fact, I came to know that it was the emperor’s insight and the best choice.

“Still, how about saying goodbye to His Majesty the Emperor and leaving, Baron?”

At the suggestion of Archduke Schrelitz, Baron John Nassen thought for a moment before nodding his head.

Certainly, considering the emperor who was considerate of us, he seemed to have decided that it was the right thing to do.

Of course, not everyone has to go, so the Jon Nassen people were individually precious.

On the side of the Empire, half of the fighting forces began to return to their home country again.

The rest will stay a little longer in the east and watch the situation.

Even though the enemies got scared and ran away, you have to be prepared.

It would be quite annoying if someone else stepped up and shouted a final stand.

“That is nonsense.”

Of course, people responded to that possibility by asking if they would become prisoners of war, not anyone else.

Sochir even looked absurd at the possibility of the Grand Duke of Shrelitz.

“It wasn’t like we fought back and forth. It’s not like we came close to victory and then got reversed. It’s just crushed. In a situation like this, I wonder what kind of lunatic would call for a fight again.”

Those who were caught with the words also silently nodded.

Did the Imperial Army suffer heavy casualties? No. Were there any traitors? Not even that.

The warriors of the east did their best. I put all my energy into it.

But all of that, those who appeared from the sky laughed and broke it hahahahahoho.

The man who called himself Gahan disappeared without leaving a speck of dust behind.

His two swords were simply erased from this world.

Those who survive will forever struggle with memories worse than death.

By the way, even after seeing it for yourself, there is a guy who proposes an opinion to fight?

I bet the tribes will come out and cut off that madman’s head and offer it up.

After a little more time passed and it seemed that the east was quiet, the Empire released the prisoners.

Not only mediocre warriors, but also powerful people like Sochire.

“Are you really sending it?”

“Since we decided to do so, it must be so.”

The Archduke turned his attention to Baron John Nassen, who was doing the bench press in the background.

Isn’t it obvious what will happen if you make a promise and don’t keep it?

“Sochir Tengen Kamarag. You first proposed surrender to our empire. I hope that will not change later.”

“It won’t change, Your Excellency the Archduke. If it changes, you will meet me again.”

Kyle, who sneaked up to me, talked to her with a smile.

How is it that he seems to be saying, ‘Please break this up’, is it only Sochire’s illusion?

“Ah, those injured are treated well. From what I’ve seen, it seems that they handled it as little as possible without harming their lives.”


It scares me more to hear that. You said it didn’t endanger your life?

Isn’t that what he was thinking about in the battle between life and death?


It was Sochire who understood why the ancestors left such a tradition.

He swallowed dryly with a gulp and turned his head back.

Excluding those who are in poor condition, the only ones left are Tolga of the Nergui tribe and Altan of Jargaling.


Sochir signals his head, and Tolga and Altan nod.

And the three of them moved slowly and approached the Archduke Schrelitz.

“The Archduke. If you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I’d like to talk to for a minute.”

“I think I know who it is. Yes, it will take a little more time to prepare to send you guys anyway, so please come after a brief conversation.”

After the Archduke answered, he handed over three warriors to Kyle.

The person these three want to talk to is, of course, Baron John Nassen.

“Follow me. Oh, don’t do it because it’s Gahan’s revenge or an assassination attempt.”

“I don’t do it even if I tell you to. Do something crazy.”

Apart from skill and strength, it is questionable whether it will be possible to pierce it with a knife.

How and what should I do with someone who has not even shed a drop of blood?

While thinking so, Kyle and the three warriors approached the baron.

Even though he must have felt the approach, he just focused on the bench.

Kicky Geek, Koogung-.

Cheating Geek! Kugu Palace!-

It gave me goosebumps even from a distance, but getting closer is even scarier.

Is that really the weight a person can bear?

If you try to lift it once, you think you’ll tear your muscles and break your bones?


Kyle didn’t carelessly open his mouth. Aren’t you in the middle of a routine right now?

If you turn it all around, the barbell will hang up and pay attention to you.

Until then, I refrain from calling or paying attention.

“Am I going now?”

The baron, who finally hung up the barbell, slowly raised himself and removed his lips.

To the baron’s question, Sochir and the two warriors immediately knelt down on his knees and answered yes.

Then the baron nodded his head and gave him a sneak peek.

“Go and get stronger. So if you become strong, become stronger again. There is no end to strength. Today’s me must be stronger than yesterday’s me, and tomorrow’s me must be stronger than today’s me.”

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an enemy or an ally. All those who gave me great battles are friends.

It doesn’t change unless they detract from the value of their efforts.


“That’s it again. I also told the one who fought me. I, we are not like that.”

“Anything is fine. We are carrying on the will of our ancestors who left those words. The wolves in the plain said it was right to wait for the dragon.”

“I wonder why your ancestors left such a statement. So, what do you want to say?”

Then Sochir hesitated for a moment before asking the question in reverse.

“Now, what should we do?”

“Why are you asking me that?”

“The dragon has finally descended. Wolves rightly wait for the next one. But to leave again, if this happens, all the wolves in our grassland facing the dragon will be confused….”

The next words were blocked by the baron’s shaking of his hand.

The baron looked at the warriors kneeling in front of him for a moment and called for Kyle.


“Yes, Father.”

“Go get some sticks. Also put the disc.”

“How much can I fit?”

“Hmm. Just as much as you can cheer up and lift.”

Kyle nodded and ran straight to somewhere.

And after a while.


A barbell lands in front of the three warriors, shaking the ground.



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Just looking at it gives me goosebumps.

What is this? Is it a weapon Are you trying to kill yourself?

“Listen to that.”

The three warriors took turns holding the stick with all their might.

Once everyone manages to lift it off the ground, nothing more is possible.

No matter how much dragons were used, the limits seemed clear.


The baron stared blankly at them and stood up from his seat.

Then he stepped between the whimpering warriors and grabbed the baton.


With a short spirit, the barbell soars upward.

As it was, the baron showed his warriors a few stances.

“Like this, put the barbell on the trapezius muscle. The same posture as now is a squat.”

“Squat, squat.”

“Next, now this is the deadlift.”

One by one, just looking at each movement makes your body tremble.

The baron was doing it casually.


The barbell, which floated up at once, crashed into the ground with a loud sound.

Lastly, the baron, lying on the original bench, lifted something that seemed to be heavier than the one he had just lifted. Without any sign of hardship at all.

“Lastly, the bench press.”

The baron rose from the bench again and approached the three frozen warriors.

“You should be able to do these three exercises.”

The baron held out the barbell Kyle had brought in front of them, holding it in one hand.

“With this.”

“That, this is possible….”

“It is possible. It should be possible. If possible, you will see me again.”

The baron let go of his hand as if he had said everything.

Thanks to that, the three warriors clung to each other almost simultaneously, barely able to handle the weight.

“You said it. According to the lore of the ancestors, they wait for the dragon as wolves.”


“They call us dragons.”

“Yes. Undoubtedly.”

At Sochir’s words, the baron nodded slowly.

“Yes. It could be. The dragon your ancestors spoke of might be us. But I mean In that tradition, who guarantees that you now are wolves?”

“… Yes?”

“Are all wolves just because they live in the east? There are wild dogs, there are foxes, and that’s it.”

There are deep doubts in his low-set eyes.

The baron continued, pointing to the barbells his warriors were holding.

“Prove it. Are you really wolves? With that, prove it to us.”

With that said, the baron turned away from his warriors.


“Yes, Father!”

“Teach them the right posture. Wouldn’t it be a pity if you hurt your back?”

Maybe they’re the ones who will give you another entertainment later.

Fortunately, the last words of Baron John Nassen did not come out of his mouth.

It was the moment when the phrase, “The dragon lowered the staff,” Was added to the traditions of the eastern tribes.

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