215 – Containment! Keep it in check again!

– Organize the situation in the east. –

– Steppe tribes surrender. –

– The return of the Imperial Army begins. –

“… Under.”

Elgar sighed in amazement as he checked the letter in his hand.

She wondered if she was wrong, so she looked again, but nothing changed.

As written, the current situation has been sorted out and preparations for withdrawal have begun.

“Uh uh… ?”

She wasn’t the only one who responded that the contents inside were absurd.

“Me, Sister Elgar? He, didn’t she say it would take months if not possible?”

“Yes. It certainly did, saintess.”

“But what happened to this….”

The answer came from Tisha, who read the correspondence beside her.

“I heard that Hwangseong was overturned a while ago. Suddenly people fall from the sky. And they say they soared into the sky again… Mr Elga. Those people, those people, right?”

At Tisha’s question, Elgar slowly nodded her head.

These people who suddenly appeared as if they had descended from the sky were, of course, the Jon Nassen people.

It was said that there was even a baron and a baroness, a son and a daughter between them.

‘According to her father, His Majesty even stood up to greet her.’

It’s a mild cold, but the emperor’s body is not the emperor’s own.

The empire could be shaken, so you shouldn’t neglect any light illness.

Not to mention getting out of bed was not an easy task given my age.

The emperor jumped up and greeted Baron John Nassen who appeared in front of the imperial castle.

What happened without a word until now? Do you have any problems?

Then the baron sent chills down the spine of the emperor and those around him with this one word.

“Yes. Your Majesty the Emperor. Something went wrong.”

Elgar’s father, Archduke Littorio, evaluated the baron’s words as follows.

“I am here to tear the empire apart. It must have felt like saying that.”

A part that many people still misunderstand.

The war between the North and the Empire in the past was concluded through negotiations before each other suffered more damage.

Thanks to that, the empire benefited from the stabilization of the north and the fact that the north did not fight anymore.

‘No. There’s no way those people refuse to fight.’

The North fought because it just came. It was because I liked it that I fought against it.

From the point of view of the empire, they probably didn’t know that a war that started once would be bigger than the jaws of some kind of hell.

So the emperor stepped in and ended the war himself before the problem grew any bigger.

Anyway, John Nassen, who had never moved under such circumstances, moved.

The baron himself, dragged his family, and even those who were terrifying to the point of being terrifying!

‘From His Majesty’s point of view, he must have wondered if a bloody battle would finally take place.’

Fortunately, Jon Nassen’s destination was neither the imperial castle nor the empire.

“I received a letter from the youngest. I want to cover the east before it’s too late. Before that, I apologize for moving without permission, and I came here to ask permission.”

Even if it doesn’t seem like it, it was John Nassen who was thoroughly guarding the past negotiations.

It treats the empire. As a courtesy to the trustworthy ones who fought the fiercest battle before.

So he bowed himself in front of the emperor and even asked permission.

What happened after that, they say, went in the right direction.

The emperor handed over the order in his own handwriting on the spot and even stamped it.

The Jon Nassen people who accepted it disappeared into the sky again.

“My father saw the scene, and he wondered if it was human.”

When Elgar said that, both the saintess and Tisha reflexively nodded to her.

Even to their own eyes, the people there didn’t look like people at all.

I’d rather call them demons if they’re just vicious, violent, and bloodthirsty.

There were so many naive corners when you actually met, talked, and bumped into each other.

I am happy to exercise, I am sad that I do not feel overload, and I clap for those who try.

This is why people say that people are certain, but they don’t look like people at all.

I wonder if that part will remain the same even after decades.

“Well then. Everyone? The east side situation is over… You mean Brother Kyle is coming back?”

The saintess immediately throws a pebble into the still calm lake.

The two women next to him were shaken by the ripple. It was a natural course of action.


“I see.”

It has been less than a month since Kyle was away. She

She expected it to take longer, but she missed nicely.

Of course it’s good that Kyle is back early. It’s really nice.

The problem, however, is that when that happens, a fierce battle of notices begins again.

‘First of all, the thing to be most wary of is….’

‘As expected….’

‘Princess… I guess?’

Unlike the three who were separated from Kyle, the 5th Princess Julika stayed with Kyle.

This is Kyle, who left with a firm promise that nothing would happen.

It’s not that I don’t trust him. He doesn’t trust the princess.

Haven’t you seen all three? The appearance of the princess who would openly become her property.

How could a direct descendant of the imperial family say such a thing in front of others?

While even rural nobles take care of their pride, let alone the emperor’s daughter!

This is why it is impossible not to be nervous. It is natural to set boundaries.

What else was he going to do there? Or, I don’t know if it really happened.

“For now. Why don’t we unite for a while?”


“The princess has been sticking with Kyle the whole time, right? Still, I will try again.”

At Elgar’s words, the saintess and Tisha nodded.

But isn’t there a point that can be pointed out like this? How to stop the princess.

“Is there a way? Mr. Elga?”

“That, I know the princess well, sister. It’s not easy to push him away.”

“It is impossible for us to push the princess away. Because I have neither the strength nor the qualifications to do so. But one is an exception. Could he?”

The saintess makes an expression that she doesn’t understand what she’s talking about.

Conversely, Tisha let out an aha and nodded her head.

“There is Kyle.”

“Brother Kyle? Why is he suddenly appearing?”

“While it is difficult for us to convince the princess, it is much easier for Kyle.”

When I explained that far, the saintess exclaimed as if she had roughly understood it.

But she soon opens up her doubts, tilting her head again.

“But there is no reason. Brother Kyle isn’t such a bad person that he would separate the princess for no reason unless there was a really good reason.”

“As the saintess said, Kyle’s personality can be hesitant. But if there’s a clear reason, it’s different, right?”

Elgar calls the saintess and Tisha a little closer with her beckoning.

“In the Empire, there are always things that must be done, even if they are not stipulated by law. For example, when an area is occupied, His Majesty appoints someone according to its importance, and if the importance is high, the imperial family is dispatched to settle the public sentiment.”

In the case of the north, the emperor himself has already proposed negotiations.

And when the kingdom alliance in the west and the independent lords in the south bowed their heads, the imperial family immediately sent down their direct line to settle public sentiment and publicly declare that they recognized their importance.

It is very important. It should lower their anxiety and let them know that they are being accepted.

Only then, dissatisfaction will naturally disappear and the sparks of rebellion can be quenched in advance.

“Come on. As you know, tribes in the east also surrendered to the Empire. Although the East did not have an official state, it is said that its power was great. If this happens, as always, the direct members of the imperial family will visit the place for a while and try to calm the public sentiment.”

“But the east side is different from the rest, isn’t it?”

“Exactly. It’s really dangerous for normal people. But isn’t there just one?”

After listening to that point, I could understand what the saintess, Tisha, and Elgar were thinking.

Now she was thinking of sending her 5 princesses to the east, which had just been under the influence of the Empire. She

She, of course, she can’t do it on her own. So she planned to move Kyle.

“… Wouldn’t that be too harsh for the princess?”

As expected, the saintess comes forward and secretly expresses her objection.

The eastern part is not a small territory, and its size is equivalent to that of an empire.

Even if you don’t visit all of them, it’s definitely not going to end quickly.

There are some dangerous parts there anyway, so from her point of view, it is inevitable that it will be quite uncomfortable.

But Elgar gently shook her heart again.

“Even if we don’t step out anyway, His Majesty the Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince will decide that. Because they always make the best choices. Rather, we could be a picture that subtly helps the princess degrade.”

“I don’t quite understand what you mean, Sister Elgar.”

“If you flirt with the princess through Kyle and the princess volunteers, everyone will naturally have confidence in the relationship between the two. If Kyle can control the somewhat selfish demeanor of the princess, wouldn’t everyone welcome the future of the two? There is a high possibility that the princess will guess that part and accept it as if she can’t win.”

It is impossible to completely separate her princess from Kyle anyway.

In that case, let’s leave some room and be satisfied with dropping it for a while.

Isn’t it a fight in which no one loses in the end anyway?

As a princess of the Grand Duchess of Littorio, it was Elgar’s plan that thoroughly weighed profit and loss as befits the next Grand Duke.


“Huh? What is it. Did everyone come to meet you?”

“Hi guys!”

And the three women made up their minds when they saw the princess hugged by Kyle.

As expected, that woman should be sent somewhere out of sight for a while.

Of course, it could be a bit unfair to the princess….

“Thank you, Princess.”

“Are you finished? Drop it now I think I’m going to get sick.”

It wasn’t actually hugged by Kyle, it was because he was treated as a burden while looking around.

It was a little too much to just do cardio, but Kyle, who ran with the princess on his back, was the problem.

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