171 – Welcome to John Nassen Chicks

Kugung-. Kugoong-!

The more you step into the gym, the more the ground resonates.

At first, fear spreads over the faces of Tisha and Nell, who were looking forward to it.

Even Ian was clearly nervous.

“Kyle. Isn’t there something else ahead of me?”

“What else? What do you mean, Ian?”

“So… They say they are just raising a huge monster.”

At that, Kyle stopped slightly and looked at her Ian.

I couldn’t be absurd, so it was a bonus that I was dumbfounded.

“Ian. Does the monster go to the gym and exercise with a barbell?”

“That is not true.”

“That’s right. And if a monster is here, the kids will come running and tear it apart.”

Even during the conversation, the loud echo did not stop.

At regular intervals, with a sense of weight you wouldn’t dare imagine.

In the end, Tisha stuck completely next to Kyle and made a very nervous face.

“What, what is it? Kyle? Now this sound Is it an earthquake? Or a volcano?”

“No. Probably neither.”

“Then this sound….”

“This is the sound of leg extension.”

I put a weight on it now, but it’s ten times heavier than a normal weight.

Every time you do it, the ground just shakes. That’s all.

Kwaaang!! Kwaaang!!-

Arriving right in front of the training ground, Ian, Nel, and Tisha too.

Everyone was gulping dry saliva with nervous faces.

Worrying about whether these people will be able to survive the next two months.


It was Kyle who opened the door and entered the gym.

Koo Goong!-

With a heavy sound, the balloon that was in full swing returns to its original position.

The weight that was slammed down as if it would crush the earth at any moment regains its tranquility.

And beyond the balloon, a middle-aged man slowly gets up.



Ian looked at him and slowly lowered his head.

Recently, it has been said that he became human by Kyle, but the pride of the strong still exists.

Do not bend recklessly. Only for those who deserve it.

To others, I speak and act as a person who deserves it.

But even Ian like that, this time, he puts his eyes down on things like pride.

I can feel it. That she couldn’t beat that man with even one finger.

If he gestures even once, he will fly straight to the academy.

“Welcome, Kyle.”

“Yes. We arrived a little while ago.”

Kyle politely bows her back, and the three men and women follow suit.

Then, Baron John Nassen, who had maintained an expressionless expression similar to Lear’s, gave a slight smile.

“There are quite a few customers.”

“Somehow, it happened like this. From right next to you, Tisha?”

“Yes? Ah yes. Yeah!!”

Tisha, with a very nervous expression, steps forward slightly.

It’s scary. It’s really scary. I’ve met monsters while living in the mountains, but I can’t compare to them now.

It feels like my soul is being weighed down. It seems like you are falling into the abyss even if you just look at the eyes.

Standing in front of you, Baron John Nassen, his legs tremble even though he’s not doing anything in particular.

‘I have to say hello properly. The princess said she saw it, and the saintess said she saw it too.’

The first was stolen, the second was also stolen.

It’s not the last, but it may change depending on your actions.

He is Kyle’s father. He is family So you have to look even better!

“Nice to meet you, Baron. My name is Tisha!”

Even after hearing Tisha’s words, Baron John Nassen didn’t have any particular reaction.

The reason, as you know, was that he was drooling after seeing Tisha’s condition.


I am not very satisfied. It’s not bad, but I wouldn’t say it’s good either.

I could feel that inner feeling all at once.

Sensing the bad atmosphere there, Kyle quickly stepped forward.

“Father. I am teaching. It’s a similar case to the saintess from last time.”

“You mean this time too? If you hold on to too many people, you won’t have enough time to exercise.”

You probably won’t have enough time to exercise. At those words, Kyle’s body trembled.

If you do something wrong, some kind of fitness training may come back due to lack of exercise.

Moreover, there is no very good excuse to return to the academy this time around.

I was on vacation. There is no reason to go to the academy for two months.

In other words, you have to taste hell again here without moving for two months!

“So. How is the progress of that child?”

“It is better than the saintess. First of all, Tisha has a good foundation, and I like moving her body.”

“… So? When I visited Empire briefly the other day, it seemed that girls of that age did not like to move.”

At Baron John Nassen’s words, Kyle sneakily stabs Tisha in the side.

It means to quickly say something and follow the score even a little bit.

Fortunately, Tisha quickly grasped her inner thoughts and removed her lips.

“Ah! Well, actually, my hobby is mountain climbing, Baron!”


“Yes! There are materials that need to be gathered up on the mountain before the day gets hot. So I used to wake up every morning and climb the mountain! Thanks to that, I had no problems exercising early in the morning with Kyle!”

Then, for the first time, a soft expression spreads across the expressionless face of Baron John Nassen.

Woke up at dawn and climbed the mountain? Doesn’t this mean that he did cardio from that early time?

Considering that aerobic exercise is actually the most annoying and difficult thing to do, this is a great thing.

“I said Tisha.”

“Yes, Baron!”

“Welcome to John Nassen. It would be great to see you working hard here.”

Kyle is even more surprised when the baron extends his hand.

Really, he’s a baron who doesn’t look like that at all.

Even when the Marquis came to visit, all he did was ask, “Are you here?”

He is a great man who says that it is better to teach even one more exercise method.

Welcome to such a baron and even ask for a handshake?

‘Can’t the beginning be this good?!’

In fact, it was natural for Baron John Nassen.

Kyle, since my youngest son brought me the first guest, I have no choice but to take care of him.

In the meantime, the baron, who shook hands with Tisha, approached Ian and Nell, who were standing next to him.

As expected, a very nervous face. In particular, Nell’s expression was very colorful.

“You guys.”

“Nice to meet you. Baron John Nassen. This is Ian.”


The baron, who quietly called Ian’s name once, carefully examines him.

It looks like red lasers will be shot from both eyes any moment.

Wouldn’t it be like that if you could dismantle people with your eyes and look at them one by one?


The corner of the baron’s eyes went up slightly as he was looking at Ian.

I’ve seen that reaction before. When was it? Alas, yes. Ground zero.

That’s exactly what he looked like when he was dealing with an ogre in the west.

That doesn’t mean I think of Ian that way, just that he’s an interesting opponent.

Since then, the baron has thoroughly examined Ian’s arms, legs, muscle condition and overall balance.

The eyes were so fierce that Ian was at attention, only his eyes wide open.

“You must have a very clear purpose for coming here.”

“… That’s right.”

“Tell me about the purpose. Why are you here?”

Sudden question time. It was the first time something like this ever happened.

Kyle couldn’t help much, so he couldn’t help but be a little nervous.

“I want to become stronger.”

The answer came out much quicker and concise than expected.

I think I could have given a more lengthy or nice answer.

With just that one word, Ian explained the purpose of his coming here.

“I want to become stronger.”


“The process will not be easy.”

“I know.”

“No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to properly reach what you want to reach.”

He was a baron who clearly realized what Ian wanted to reach.

The young man standing in front of me now had none other than John Nassen, and Kyle, to be exact, was his goal.

Now that I’m next to Kyle, I can’t help but think that way.

“It doesn’t matter.”

But Ian, as usual, very simply.

But I was just pushing forward in a very honest way.

“Even if you couldn’t reach it, didn’t you try to reach it?”


“That’s enough. I have no intention of stopping.”

Isn’t this the answer that touches John Nassen’s heartstrings?

Other reasons? Does not exist. I want to be strong. I don’t think about the process.

Only one conclusion. I only need to reach what I want to reach.

“There could have been another way. Why are you on this road?”

The last question that flew in. A question that means that there are more other ways than this foolish way.

For example, the improvement of mana utilization ability, not the body, or even the drug that was used a while ago.

Ian answers the question of why he chose a path he could not afford.

“Because this is the strongest place.”

After a single nod, Baron John Nassen turns his head.


“Yes, Father.”

“I want to serve this customer.”

The word “Hospitality” Means that I personally treat you. No, I mean I want to train.

Considering that there has never been a case like this no matter how strong a person came, this time is also very unusual.

“Are you okay? Hearing from my brother….”

“That sounds like fun.”

That’s how you express the words that you will keep it by your side and follow it step by step.

It’s definitely because he’s the main character, so he seems to stand out.

Kyle muttered that to himself and answered yes.

“And this friend….”

Huh? The baron tilted his head once and looked at Kyle.

“Kyle. This woman….”

“Oh, Dad! Isn’t it time to lower your body?! Hurry up and do your lower body together!”

As expected, like Baron John Nassen, and as the Baroness said.

I almost came out with the words, ‘What is this woman, she is dressed as a man?’.

Kyle managed to block it and succeeded in changing the subject to her lower body as an excuse.

“I am Nell!!”

But as for Nell, she seemed to want to reveal her will in front of the baron.

Even when Kyle waved her hand away, telling her not to.

“Me too! I want to be strong too! You must be strong! So I want to be like Kyle!! I want to be successful!! It is my dream to become a great knight of the Empire!!”

“I see. As you say, if you do it right, the great place of the Empire….”

“Lower body! Now, let’s lower body! Now! Lower body, lower body!”

Once again, Kyle intervenes, but it seems too late.

Tisha said, ‘Huh?’ She looked at Nell and she started to make a strange face.

‘I noticed.’

I was embarrassed. In front of Tisha, Nell was caught and removed as a man.

She might feel sorry for Tisha that she didn’t tell her the truth.

‘And Ian….’

How will Ian accept it? It turned out that worrying about that part was unfounded.

‘As expected, the main character’s debuff. It has zero notice.’

Even though hints came out of the baron’s mouth twice, his expression was that he didn’t know at all.

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