170 – Welcome to John Nassen Chicks

“Hey, hey! Oh, hello!”

The road to the true nature of the baron family.

Tisha plucked up courage and approached Lear and Leah, who were walking ahead of her.

At that greeting, the two siblings looked back almost simultaneously.

Lea was fine. She was a woman with a typical beauty image. She

She has a curvy body that looks toned, but she doesn’t overdo it.

On the contrary, it seems that the knights of the empire, whom I saw occasionally, were stronger.

Isn’t he actually a very delicate person? She was even mistaken.

But the moment she saw Lear standing next to her, all those thoughts vanished.


The first thought that came to my mind was ‘It’s scary’ or ‘I’m afraid it will appear in my dreams.’

Tisha has only seen Kyle angry once.

The moment when there was an indiscriminate surprise attack by the Kingdom Alliance in the academy in the past.

The look on Kyle’s expression at that time was still vivid in my mind.

‘Demon… It was the same.’

How angry does that good person have to be to make such a face?

I wondered how vicious the Union had been.

A face you never want to see again, a primitive emotion that gives you goosebumps.

But now, Lear was more terrifying than Kyle’s angry expression.

“… ?”

Even scarier is that Lear isn’t as angry as Kyle.

It’s just what you usually wear, an expressionless face!

“Hello. Let’s see… Yes. Did you say Tisha?”

Luckily(?) It was Leah who approached Tisha first.

As Leah approached with a very bright smile, Tisha smiled as well.

“Yes, yes! My name is Tisha. I so….”

“Kyle’s girlfriend?”

Hey friends! Tisha’s face, which was about to say that, turned red in an instant.

It looks like it will explode at any moment. It had turned so bright red.

Tisha blinked her eyes, and after a while she responded with an ‘Ehh?’

“Ah, that, eh, hick!”

“Huh? No?”

“Yes?! Ah! That, that!”

A girlfriend? Oh, no. Am i still Not yet?!

Something Kyle said was somewhere between a friend and a lover.

So it’s premature to introduce her as her girlfriend. Yeah, it’s premature….

“That’s strange. Aren’t you my girlfriend?”

“I… Yes Yes. Actually, I’m Kyle’s girlfriend.”


A lie that came out without my knowledge. Tisha covered her mouth with a hot voice.

Why did you say this? She was just going to say they were friends?!

What if Kyle hears about this later and she says, ‘Isn’t that your girlfriend?’!

And if you’re disappointed that these two lied….

‘… No no. On this occasion, she just needs to become a real lover!’

Tisha clenched her fists. Let’s get her a definite answer at this point.

Not a romantic relationship, but a real lover relationship. I’m Kyle’s girlfriend. Kyle is my boyfriend.

If what you just said is not a lie, but the truth, then there is no problem!


Lear, who was walking beside Leah, interrupted, clearing his throat.

“Did you say Tisha?”

“Yes, yes! That’s right!”

“What did you like about being the youngest?”


“I am meeting you because I like a certain part.”

“Older brother. It’s not like asking out of the blue!”

“Is that so? But I’m curious. Why was he the youngest?”

She scolds Lear for why Leah embarrasses her guests and Kyle’s friend.

Still, Lear stared at Tisha with an unwavering expression, as if he wanted an answer.

“Tisha. She doesn’t have to answer. It’s not a question to be burdened with.”

“Oh, no. It’s okay. I… therefore….”

What did you like about Kyle? Why is she dating her? That question.

Now that I think about it, those reasons weren’t all that great.

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Just for really simple reasons. The answers that will prompt you to say, “Is that all?”

But really, that’s all. More than this does not come to mind.

“I… First of all, Kyle takes great care of me.”

“Do you mean teaching exercise?”

“There is that too! There’s that too, and the other parts too. Well, actually, there is something I really want to do. However, this is such a difficult road that sometimes I get stuck on the way. At that moment, Kyle approached. And she cheers me up, says to cheer up, and helps me hard….”

To help the needy. What could be more memorable than that?

Both Lear and Leah nodded as if they understood Tisha’s words a hundred times.

“Are there any more?”

“Yes. Sure. First of all, the attitude of working hard is so cool. Others seem to make an effort, but are swayed by temptation and overconfident and settle for complacency, but Kyle did not.”

“The youngest guy is sincere.”

“I was impressed by that appearance, I admired that effort, and I wish I could do that too. Because it’s great. It’s really hard work, but I polish myself every single day.”

Nodding nod-.

The Jon Nassen siblings nodded once again to indicate that they understood.

I wonder if this was enough. At this point, it’s good enough.

So Lear was about to part her lips to change the subject.

“Oh, and! That… Wow, isn’t it really cool?”


“All of Kyle’s older brothers and sisters here are very cool and beautiful. It’s stupid to judge based on looks, but… Still, I think cool is cool.”

“Aha. So, Kyle is handsome?”

“Yes, yes.”

At that, Leah laughed and said, “Paha!”

I can feel sincerity from Tisha’s honest answer.

Thank you for helping me, and liking for the hard work.

She was about to ask if that would be enough.

There are internal factors in love between the opposite sex, but external factors are just as important.

Those who hide it or say no are rather unreliable.

Be honest. Both to oneself and to others. Only then can we go further.

“Yes. Enough….”

“Right! I am really kind to other people. Obviously Kyle would be a little arrogant and no one would say anything about it, but he never does. He is a man who knows how to humble himself. It’s so cool.”

The reason why Kyle is kind to everyone and never shows arrogance.

Of course, there will be things that come from the personality part, but there is a more decisive cause.

That he is the youngest member of the Jon Nassen family. That he dared not stand against anyone.

Can you be arrogant and conceited when you have a father, mother, older brother and older sister? No way.

If you do that, you don’t know what kind of evil command will fall. As punishment, the addition of the hell routine is confirmed.

In the first place, even Kyle himself thinks that he is nothing compared to his family.

“Over there, and again….”

“Stop, stop. That was enough.”

Tisha doesn’t know how to rest and continues to praise Kyle.

In the end, it was only after Lear stepped forward and told her to stop.

“Can I call you comfortably?”

“Yes, as much as you like.”

“Yes, Tisha. I know how well you feel about the youngest. I want to say thank you for doing that. I was worried about how the youngest was doing at the academy, but I knew she had good friends.”

“Bye, say something. I just….”

“Get along well with the maknae from now on.”

After erasing the characteristic expressionless expression that made her blood freeze, Lear smiles slightly.

Although she still makes the viewer feel scared.

Still, this look is a hundred or a thousand times better than that creepy face from a while ago.

“You seem to really like Kyle a lot, brother.”

The Jon Nassen siblings who sent Tisha to stay with Kyle and are left alone.

Lear nodded her head in agreement with Leah’s words.

“That’s right. It’s different from the princess of the empire who came last time.”

“How are you? How do you see your brother? I think Tisha is okay too.”

“But isn’t it too weak? Look at her arm Doesn’t it look like it will break with just a little force?”

“Still, the lower body is quite good. Looking at it this way, her core is well held. My older brother knows that I didn’t exercise at all, or that I didn’t just scratch the surface of the watermelon.”

Surely, Lear nodded and agreed with Leah’s opinion.

“Why don’t you take care of that Tisha?”

“Okay. I want to do that too, but she’s Kyle’s girlfriend. Then Kyle and I have to stick together, and I can’t take him without notice.”

Fortunately, she was Leah, more like her baroness than Baron John Nassen.

If that wasn’t the case, I’d go to Kyle right away and say, ‘Even Nell and Tisha. I’ll train you.’

“I guess we can talk about the rest of the story after meeting our father and mother.”

They finally arrived at the home of Baron John Nassen.


“Welcome, little boy.”

People who help the baron and his wife bow politely.

From here on out, he’s an extremely ordinary servant from an aristocratic family.

Except for those muscles wriggling under the skin.

“It’s been a while. What about your father?”

“Just in time, the little boy asked me to come when he returned.”

“My father? Where?”

“It’s a training ground. It’s time to lower your body, so he said let’s do it together.”

As expected, my father, also Baron John Nassen. Greetings from the gym.

Perhaps it was to talk about the rest of the body together.

“Then while I’m on my way back. I have a guest who came with me. Room guide please….”

“Ah. The baron told me to bring all the guests who came with me.”


“Yes. Little bastard. Everything.”

Confirming her father’s will again, Kyle slowly turned her head away.

Ian, Nell, and even Tisha. All… Well….

‘Let’s all struggle together.’

It’s never a bad thing. Jon Nassen’s alpha and omega is the training ground.

To come to that place means to treat them properly as guests.

Of course, the process will never be easy.

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