After listening to this, Guo Yan tapped her fingers on the edge of the kang, lost in thought.

Indeed, why should innocent people be implicated in a dispute between two families?

It was already known to everyone that Su Junshu had his first wife. If they made a fuss, it might not hurt Su Junshu badly. It would just make Liu Hongxiu more embarrassed. However, Hong Zhen and her son would never have a peaceful life from now on.

Although Guo Yan hates the Su family, she is very sympathetic to women like Hong Zhen.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

After hearing Guo Yan's question, Feng Qingxue couldn't help laughing and said: "Auntie, apart from the matter with the Bai family, I don't know anything about the Su family. How can I have any good ideas? You can just grab any Su Shuai. Wouldn’t it be enough to have a little braid?”

Guo Yan pondered for a moment and said: "As for Captain Bai, many people know what she has done. Since she has repented and has not caused trouble in these years, we don't want to cause too much trouble. After all, the art troupe is a member of the army. Yes, if we make a fuss, no one’s face will be bright..."

Feng Qingxue interrupted her, "Madam, do you think there are others?" How many lovers does Su Junshu have?

In this age where life is so strict, is he really not afraid?

Guo Yan smiled faintly, "Don't you know? Including his first wife, Su Junshu had five wives in total. The following ones were all married during the Anti-Japanese War. They were married every two or three years. A wife, each has children, Liu Hongxiu is just one of them and the one who finally wins and follows Su Junshu to settle in the capital. "

This is one of the reasons why Liu Hongxiu does not target Captain Bai.

Su Junshu's other wives and children were all watching him, so how could she have time to care about Captain Bai.

Feng Qingxue thought about it carefully, and it seemed that Su Junshu's information did record some marital life, but it was not detailed, and there was no date of birth and death of his wife, except for Liu Hongxiu.

"I don't want to deal with him anymore, just borrow the knife!" Anyway, everyone knows what happened to Su Junshu, and it won't hurt his muscles and bones if he takes it out.

At this moment, Xibao and Wang Zhonghua were in good spirits again. They kicked off their shoes, climbed onto the kang, squatted on the left and right sides of Fu Bao, lowered their heads, and leaned in front of Fu Bao's face.

Xibao was so embarrassed that the saliva in his mouth was almost dripping out.

Wang Zhonghua stretched out his sleeves and wiped him. He looked like an older brother. He was handsome and gentle, well-behaved and well-behaved. He didn't look like Wang Xinsheng at all. Feng Qingxue later found out that he looked like his mother, Zhao Yuping.

"Huahua!" Xibao couldn't help but call Wang Zhonghua, pointed at Fubao and said, "My sister, you don't have one."

Wang Zhonghua corrected him: "Xibao, you call me brother! My name is not Huahua, my name is Wang Zhonghua, the Zhonghua of the Chinese people."

"Huahua!" Xibao insisted.

Wang Zhonghua was clumsy and couldn't compete with Xibao. He looked at Fubao angrily and touched her fat face. As a result, she woke up. She was so frightened that she suddenly retracted her hand and sat down on the kang.

"Sister!" Hearing Xibao's call, Wang Zhonghua also called out.

Feng Qingxue turned around and said with a smile: "My sister's name is Fubao, and her real name is Lu Tianhui."

"Baby! Baby!" Xibao called.

Wang Zhonghua thought for a while and said, "Hui Hui."


"Hui Hui!"

The two brothers started to argue over the title of Fu Bao. They both blushed and jumped up. The little brotherly love they had just cultivated was immediately thrown into the back of their minds.

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