He didn't mention it before, and now, Guo Yan doesn't want to mention it, so as not to dirty Feng Qingxue's ears.

The evil of evil people is that they use the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman.

Feng Qingxue originally wanted to ask what Liu Hongxiu said, but when she saw Guo Yan's expression, she knew it was definitely not a good thing, so she didn't bother to ask further, "Uncle and aunt must be mentally prepared for this matter. After all, it's easy to hide from open guns and hard to guard against hidden arrows." ”

"Don't worry!" Guo Yan reached out and patted the back of her hand, "Your uncle and I have gone through ups and downs for more than thirty years, crawled out from the dead, and then reached where we are now. It's not just a matter of words. You can do it with passion. If your uncle doesn't have any brains, how can he handle government affairs and other things with ease in front of the old leader."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Dad and I both understand what uncle is capable of, so we are not worried that uncle cannot cope with it, but we are worried that the villain will catch him by surprise and attack him unprepared, and he will not have time to take precautions."

Guo Yan nodded, "I know what to do. Your uncle is not at home, and whatever happens in the capital has nothing to do with him."

When he said this, a trace of anger flashed in Guo Yan's eyes.

Feng Qingxue didn't ask her what she planned to do, but Guo Yan had no intention of hiding it from her, and whispered: "Su Junshu covets your uncle's position, how can there be no one who covets his position? There are many monks and few people, who doesn't want to squeeze others out? And getting to the top by yourself? This is the psychology of most people. When people go up and down, they all want to be promoted to the third level. It is easy to understand that Su Junshu has pigtails and others are afraid of the great achievements he has made. I didn’t dare to arrest him openly.”

Feng Qingxue hummed, "Are you trying to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

"What are you talking about? It depends on what you said." Guo Yancai would not admit that this was the first thought in her mind, "Didn't Bai Xue want to bring Su Junshu's first wife to the capital? I just need to give her some help. Su Junshu's original wife The wife's name is Hong Zhen, and she gave birth to a son to Su Junshu. The mother and son are working at home, and their village and the Su family finally have such a big shot as Su Junshu. Su Junshu’s reputation.”

Feng Qingxue frowned, "Isn't this too overbearing?"

Guo Yan sighed: "Although it is New China, there is a strong sense of clan in many places in the countryside, and they still adhere to the tradition of not publicizing family scandals. Everyone is proud of Su Junshu. It's just that Hong Zhen's mother and son are pitiful. They live a life without a meal." It’s the end of the day, but Su Junshu is living in the capital with a beautiful wife and a group of children, and his life is no different from that of a god. "

Even though supplies were scarce, Su Junshu's family never lacked food or clothing, a hundred times better off than his original wife and children.

"Under such circumstances, can Bai Xue successfully bring Hong Zhen to the capital? Life is not easy for mother and son, and they must not be willing to bring disadvantages to Su... Su Shuai!" Feng Qingxue said.

Guo Yan nodded and said: "Baixue definitely can't do it on her own. It will be different if I help."

She paused and frowned slightly, "Actually, I don't want to involve Hong Zhen and her son in dealing with Su Junshu. If something happens to Su Junshu, it will be difficult for them to have a place in their hometown."

Feng Qingxue said hurriedly: "I was just about to tell my aunt, why bother involving innocent people? Didn't you tell me, he has pigtails!"

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