Feng Qingxue read it carefully and continued reading.

It is recorded on it that he had two wives, the first named Zhu Hong, and the second named Guo Yan. The first wife Zhu Hong gave birth to three sons and one daughter. During the war, neither son nor daughter was saved, and the remaining two sons died. In important positions, one was named Wang Qingping and the other was named Wang Qing'an. Zhu Hong died of illness during the Anti-Japanese War. A few years later, Wang Xinsheng remarried Guo Yan and gave birth to six children. The eldest son died in the Northeast battlefield, and the remaining five sons all grew up. , engaged in all walks of life, and no one is engaged in politics or the military.

Regarding Wang Xinsheng's family life, Feng Qingxue did not read it carefully, because after Wang Xinsheng's children, there were records about his grandchildren. There were ten or twenty of them, men and women, and there were so many talented people that it was dizzying to see.

She only looked at Wang Xinsheng's life events, paying special attention to the 20 years of the 1960s and 1970s.

Feng Qingxue froze when she saw the record that Wang Xinsheng was dismissed from his post in 1966 and was transferred to a northwest farm.

1966, isn’t that three years later?

It seems that he has not escaped this catastrophe, what should he do?

This was politics, and she knew nothing about politics, so she had no way of warning or preventing it, because politics involved all aspects, and was out of reach for her. It was not something she could completely avoid with just a few reminders.

Thinking of this, she quickly looked down and saw that Wang Xinsheng had resumed his duties in 1973.

In other words, even if he suffered in the catastrophe, he would still be reinstated in office a few years later and continue to work for the country until his retirement.

"There is no danger, there is no danger. Amitabha, as long as you can survive this catastrophe, as long as you can survive this catastrophe, everything else is not important. There is no big deal except death." Feng Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief. , thinking of Wang Xinsheng's age, he died at the age of ninety-five, which can be regarded as a long life, and he can see the rapid development of the country with his own eyes.

The brief history of characters records Wang Xinsheng, is there someone else?

She went to find Lu's father first, probably because he didn't have much contribution or achievement. There was Cheng Baoguo and Lu Jiang in the directory, but he was not there.

"Lu Jiang?" Feng Qingxue's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she saw. She stared at the two words "Lu Jiang" in the catalog, "Lu Jiang, Lu Jiang, this is my husband Lu Jiang." , or is there someone else with the same name as him?”

However, she did not have the courage to open the records belonging to Lu Jiang.

She was very afraid, fearing that Lu Jiang's wife had someone else, and that she had traveled through time and space to replace her and change her life.

She was afraid that there was something in the content about Lu Jiang that she didn't want to see.

"My eldest uncle and my second uncle are both among them. I searched carefully, and there must be something about dad, right? The Taoyuan three are sworn brothers, and my eldest uncle said that dad also contributed to the country, so there must be no records."

Feng Qingxue, whose current codename is Ostrich, returned to the page about Wang Xinsheng but could not find what she wanted to see.

There is no separate record of Lu's father in Cheng Baoguo's life.

This is a powerful figure in the political world. During the catastrophe, he miraculously avoided all kinds of persecution and stayed peacefully in his hometown city for more than ten years. He was widely praised. It is said that the local people were reluctant to let him leave, and they also recorded it in detail. He made great achievements in his hometown. After the catastrophe, he returned directly to the capital and has been rising steadily since then.

The two sworn brothers are all safe, and Father Lu, who is in the middle and is extremely smart, should be fine too, right? Feng Qingxue patted her chest, fully prepared, gritted her teeth and turned to the page recording Lu Jiang.

When she saw the first line, she burst into tears.

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