After searching and searching, Feng Qingxue finally found a history of modern characters.

When she looked up information about the 1960s, she didn't pay attention to the revolutionaries in modern times or what their fate was.

For her, those ancestors were legendary figures and she had no chance of contacting them.

She first looked at the table of contents of the book. Since it was a brief history of characters, the table of contents was listed based on the names of the people. She did not dare to glance at ten lines in a hurry, but carefully read each name one by one, and finally read the first half of the book. When it came to the name Wang Xinsheng, it was written in black on a white background, and the three characters Wang Xinsheng were clearly printed on it!

Suppressing the turmoil in her heart, Feng Qingxue took a breath and slowly turned to the page introducing Wang Xinsheng.

Wang Xinsheng (1905-2000), formerly known as Wang Guigui, changed his name to Wang Xinsheng when he joined the army, courtesy name Qiming, a great Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, strategist, politician, founder and leader of the party, army and country …

Next, there are his origins, marriage and family, and the most important life experiences, all the major events he participated in.

In the introduction of his background, Feng Qingxue saw that it clearly stated that he, Lu Zhiyuan, and Cheng Baoguo in Taoyuan went their separate ways after becoming sworn brothers. It was said to be from Wang Xinsheng's oral account. He was a poor young man and was originally from the Lu family, a big landowner. There was a cowherd boy who often lay outside the private school to eavesdrop and study. He was discovered by Lu Zhiyuan, who also attended the private school.

Lu Zhiyuan not only did not report it to his husband, but instead allowed him to enter the school as his accompanying student. Wang Xinsheng accumulated a wealth of knowledge and was able to have enough food and clothing because of Lu Zhiyuan's funding.

The Taoyuan Three Brothers was proposed by Cheng Baoguo.

Cheng Baoguo was also Lu Zhiyuan's companion. His original name was Cheng Tiedan, but he was a distant child of Lu Zhiyuan's maternal grandfather. He was fostered in his hometown by his parents who participated in the revolution. As a result, the family he was entrusted with was unable to raise him. He ate too much and was moved to another place. Lu family.

Lu Zhiyuan is the eldest young master of the Lu family. He is extremely smart, gentle and elegant, and lives among the stars.

Lu Zhiyuan originally had only two companions, one was Wang Zhengguo and the other was Chen Xingguo. They were both children of the Lu family's tenant farmers. Because they were smarter, honest and honest, and similar in age to Lu Zhiyuan, they were chosen as companions. After development, the companions The number became four, and the two more were Cheng Tiedan and Wang Guigui at that time.

That year the peach blossoms bloomed, and 13-year-old Cheng Baoguo proposed that the Taoyuan Five be sworn brothers.

Yes, it was the Taoyuan Five who became sworn brothers in the beginning.

Wang Zhengguo was an honest man and thought that he was a sharecropper's child and was not qualified to compete with Lu Zhiyuan. Chen Xingguo had the same idea as him. Neither of them had the courage of Cheng Tiedan and Wang Guobao, so they ended up becoming the Taoyuan Three. The witnesses of the sworn alliance were Wang Zhengguo and Chen Xingguo.

Wang Guogui joined the army at the age of eighteen. When he left, he took a large bag of gold lent to him by his father, totaling one hundred taels.

"Although my second brother never gave up his writing and joined the army, he always cared about the motherland. When I joined the army, he lent me one hundred taels of gold to finance my expenses and development. He said it was a loan, but it was actually a gift. He took care of my self-esteem. My third brother I also received one hundred taels of gold from him when I joined the army. I went to ask for help when I was short of funds and got another three hundred taels. Since then, I have received countless supplies to assist the anti-war soldiers, so I dare to say with my heart that I am responsible for the establishment of the country. Second brother’s contribution!”

Wang Xinsheng’s words are recorded in this introduction.

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