Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 931: hell

Old Demon Mu's face stiffened, and he said with a dry smile, "When did you become so preoccupied, Old Ghost Blood? If you don't have full confidence, why should this old man ask you for help, you're asking for trouble."

"Humph! The Nascent Soul present, I am afraid that only this seat can help you. Refining a blood soul, the blood energy consumed by this seat will take decades to recover. If it weren't for the Tiangang ring, let your tongue bloom with lotus flowers, and you can't even think about it. Ask for one!"

The blood-robed old man secretly handed a fist-sized blood ball to Old Demon Mou. There was a blood-colored figure sealed in the blood cell, with an extremely painful and hideous expression.

"When you get there, you can leave this blood cell behind and leave the rest to this seat."

Old Demon Mu looked happy, put away the blood balls, and distanced himself from the old man in the blood robe, so as not to be noticed by others.

Looking at Mu Laomo's back, the blood-robed ancestor's eyes flickered and he was suspicious.

"This old demon found some great treasure in the Hall of Seven Killings. It is worth his opportunity to borrow the Tiangang ring and trade it? He is not afraid of the calamity? I heard that the old demon copied the Dongming's cave in the demon sea. , Could it really let him get something, can't his strength be greatly increased?"


Purple Mist Jedi.

Qin Sang followed the Purple River, upstream, and soon saw the purple fog in the sky.

On the way, Qin Sang kept Tianmudie vigilant all around, so as not to bump into people from the two major business alliances, but he didn't see a single person on the road.

I don’t know if the Eastern Pole Alliance has changed its target and has not sent anyone here.

Walking to Ziwu, Qin Sang found that the edge of Ziwu seemed to shrink a lot more than the last time he came. I don't know if it was a normal phenomenon.

He opened the spirit beast bag and took out the fat silkworm.

The fat silkworm knew that he could find food for him again this time, and he didn't complain at all after being hungry for so long.

Without Qin Sang's instructions, he jumped up on Qin Sang's shoulder, opened his mouth and sprayed out poison-proof armor, stared straight into the depths of the Purple Mist Jedi, and shook his head.

Tianmudie was still in the sea of ​​Qin Sang's energy at this time, urging her magical powers to help.

Qin Sang wanted to find out the ghost that took Fei Tian Yasha, and he couldn't reveal the existence of Tianmu Die too early.

With the poison-proof armor on his body, Qin Sang flew into the purple mist with a flicker, and his figure disappeared.

He went straight to the purple star eagle's lair that he passed by last time, and caught a few purple ferrets on the way. There are more than one pass on this high cliff, but this is the easiest one to pass through. Other places are either too far away or extremely dangerous to pass through.

Unexpectedly, when Qin Sang came to the pass, he was surprised to find that there was not a single purple star carving in the canyon.

The last time I came here, the purple star eagles were densely packed, and there were hundreds of adult purple star eagles hovering over the canyon at all times.

There are very few beasts that can survive in the poisonous fog. The adult Purple Star Eagle is not weak. There are many people and almost no natural enemies.

If it weren't for this, Xiangyi wouldn't be so sure last time.

"Remember the last time when the monk surnamed Pan turned against the water, the life-splitting ground lizard led the group of purple star eagles to form a melee on the scale of a beast wave. Could it be that that battle wiped out the purple star eagles?"

Qin Sang was surprised, "I don't know what kind of beast the current owner of the pass is?"

He stopped in the distance, not daring to approach, Ming Tianmu Die urged Tianmu to observe.

Unexpectedly, there was no trace of a beast, and the canyon was unusually calm.


Qin Sang frowned secretly, if there were no beasts guarding him, he could swagger and walk over. But for some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He had heard Mrs. Liu say that when Xiang Yi and others were returning, they were accidentally chased and killed by a beast comparable to a transformational monster, which caused so many twists and turns.

"Could it be occupied by that big beast?"

Qin Sang stared at the canyon with hesitation on his face, and finally decided to take a detour instead of risking his own life.

He has not yet had the strength to deal with the transforming monster, not to mention that this is the Hall of Seven Killings.

"Fortunately, I made a lot of preparations," Qin Sang said angrily, the figure slowly retreated, then swept straight west along the mountain range, flew out an unknown distance, and came to a cave.

The cave is also one of the passages leading to the other side of the high cliff. It is said that there are many earth dragons that can swallow and breathe purple mist. These earth dragons usually burrow into the cave to sleep, and only move when they are awakened.

But the purple mist they spit out is second only to the depths of the Purple Mist Jedi.

Cultivators who are not strong enough, or who don't have top-notch poison-proof techniques, dare not choose this path, so there is not much news about the cave, and it is still uncertain whether there is only one kind of vicious beast in the cave.

Qin Sang remained vigilant, concealed his breath, and dodged into the cave.

The cave twists and turns, but is unusually wide.

There was silence inside, Qin Sang walked a long distance without seeing any other beasts. At this moment, his figure suddenly paused and turned to look at the stone wall.

The purple mist shrouded, and there was a strange luster on the stone wall.

After a closer look, you can see that this is a stone wall, it is clearly a scale!

The whole body of the earth dragon is hidden in the stone wall, only this scale is exposed.

"No wonder it's called an earth dragon!"

Qin Sang was secretly startled, estimating the size of the earth dragon through the scales, I am afraid that even the Jiaolong can't compare, but I don't know how strong it is.

He wasn't interested in testing, so he sped up to get away. On the way, he found a few earth dragon's nests, all of them were sleeping, and finally came out of the cave smoothly and abnormally.

Qin Sang breathed a sigh of relief, saw the direction clearly, and swept toward the Great Rift Valley. On the way, he took a turn and passed the vicinity of the ancient shrine. No other monks were found.

The ancient altar was still sleeping underground. I don't know if it was because the ancient ban was too strong, or because of the existence of true demonic energy, Tianmu Die couldn't see the depths of the ground, so Qin Sang had to give up.

Great Rift Valley.

The best magic is close at hand.

Staring at the purple mist as thick as colorful clouds, Qin Sang's state of mind made him feel a little excited.

He repeated his old tricks, quietly climbing down along the cliff, avoiding all oddities on the way to avoid twists and turns. After falling to the bottom of the valley, Qin Sang called out Jiuyou Demon Fire and followed the induction to the direction of the ghost land.

The fat silkworm was dissatisfied and rolled on Qin Sang's shoulder, humming, wanting to go get the amethyst first.

"You kid is eating more and more. This time I'm afraid I have to buy a few more pieces before you can eat it. The beasts guarding Amethyst are very strong and need careful planning. In the end, grab them and run away."

Qin Sang spoke softly and explained to Fat Silkworm, with an unprecedentedly good attitude.

The fat silkworm finally Qin Sang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If this guy loses his temper and takes back the poison-proof armor, he will be finished.

After appeasing the fat silkworm, Qin Sang made a round of twists and turns, and finally returned to the extremely hidden canyon.

in the canyon.

The group of Nine Nether Demon Fire still floated in the same place, firmly blocking the entrance to the ghost land, as if it had not changed in the slightest for decades. Opposite the Demon Fire, a pale white ghost fog shrouded the entire ghost space.



Thank you Qing 2844225, Hunter Lao Meng, Book Friend 20211027175456835, Xuan Yuan Qinghuan, Book Friend 20180108170552370, Book Friend 20190513135654262, Big Red Date Mom, Rabbit Talk Rabbit Language, I’m Born to Be a Waste, Book Friend 20210613191337721, etc. Big wave reward.

It's a bit confusing, I haven't written the climax yet, what's the situation.

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