Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 930: trade

Fang Laomo appeared, causing a wave of waves, which soon calmed down.

The monks waited quietly.

It's half time.

Da Wuzhu's expression moved slightly, and his red lips lightly opened: "Fellow Daoist Lingzhu, the time has come, and this concubine will trigger the Thousand Swords Formation."

Lingzhuzi calculated and said solemnly: "The Immortal Array is at its weakest moment. I will do my best to help Da Wuzhu break through the formation. Let's start."

After all, the spirit beads flicked the dust, and the other Nascent Soul monks dispersed one after another, standing on the edge of the great formation, urging their true essence into the spirit formation.

Seeing this, the Jindan cultivators were in a commotion and retreated one after another, for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the spiritual formation, but they did not want to miss this opportunity to observe and did not retreat too far.

Soon, the two clans of Nascent Souls stood apart.

In the center of the great formation, Ling Zhuzi and Fang Laomo are on the left and right, on both sides of the Great Wuzhu.

Da Wuzhu took a deep breath, lifted his jade hand lightly, and the water surface below swayed microwaves. A milky white light spot slowly rose from the bottom of the sea and was gradually elongated, turning into a slender spirit sword.

Immediately afterwards, Da Wuzhu punched out a mustard seed bag with his other hand.

With the mouth of the bag down, a ray of light flashed, and the spiritual stones fell into the sea like flowing water. They were all high-grade spiritual stones!

With so many spirit stones, the cultivators outside the Core Formation Stage were stunned. Only then did I understand why a jade talisman was so expensive. This is just a spirit stone, and the amount of spirit material spent to arrange a spirit array is still astronomical.

I am afraid that only the top forces can afford it.

The place where the spiritual stone fell, happened to be on the light spots in the sea. After entering the water, it was swallowed up by the light spots and melted silently, and the light spots grew little by little, just like the one led by Da Wuzhu, slowly rising and finally turning into one. hilt rapier.

The surrounding Nascent Soul monks moved in unison.

They mobilized the lightsabers around them, and turned into a stream of lightsabers, all of which rushed to the center of the formation. The speed and momentum are astonishing.

It was obviously not easy to achieve this step. All the Primordial Infants showed struggling expressions, and some even urged magic weapons to help.

Da Wuzhu's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Lingzhu and Fang Laomo.

I saw one person and one cicada, shooting a cyan light and a yellow light respectively, connecting the lightsaber in the middle, as if to force it to rise.

At the same time, a stream of light flew over and crashed into the lightsaber.

The waves are still, the lightsaber is like a bottomless pit, swallowing everything.

Qianjian instantly merged into one, gathering the power of the entire great formation, and the amazing power was gathered in one place.

Qin Sang and the others were at the outermost periphery, with only some vague feelings, their scalps tingled and their hearts were horrified.

Ling Zhuzi's expression was solemn, the dust brush was connected to the lightsaber, and her arms trembled slightly.

Fang Lao Mo spread his wings and vibrated frequently, and the sound of the cicadas was sharper than before, making the listeners upset and dry.

The most labor-intensive is Da Wu Zhu, who presides over the Thousand Swords Formation. Her eyes are like water, her lips are tightly pursed, her handprints change continuously, and countless seals enter the lightsaber one after another.

Because of this, the lightsaber merged with the thousand swords, and it still did not collapse, and it became more and more solid.

In the end, a jade-white spirit sword appeared above everyone.

The spirit sword is about three feet long, the whole body is crystal clear like jade, and the sword body is covered with runes, like a fairy sword.


Da Wuzhu suddenly raised his jade hand and pointed at the immortal array, the spirit sword trembled slightly, and a flicker disappeared into the gray wind wall. After a brief silence, a terrifying invisible wave suddenly erupted within the wind wall.

The minds of the monks seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and the light of escape shook.

The next moment, a familiar scene appeared. The gray wind wall began to shatter from the inside, and countless cracks exploded in all directions in an instant. There seemed to be a lightsaber in each crack, opening the way for the monks.


Dawuzhu and Lingzhuzi almost shouted together.

All the Nascent Souls took out their jade talismans one after another, passed through the gap in an instant, and escaped into the wind wall.

Qin Sang's movements were not slow, and he was ready for a long time. He immediately raised the jade talisman, selected a gap, and rushed in. Long before he came in, the power of the jade talisman would have been activated.

This time, it was not a blood-colored shield, but a sword-like light that enveloped the whole body, opened the way in the storm, and soon suffered the first impact.

Qin Sang revisited his hometown and dealt with it calmly. Under the protection of the jade talisman, he successfully resisted the impact of the Immortal Formation, passed through the Immortal Formation, fell from the air, and landed on the wasteland.

The wasteland is extraordinarily vast.

Qin Sang stepped on the ground under his feet, looked up, and saw one after another figure passing through the fairy formation and falling from the air. Everyone landed in a different position.

After a short pause, these people acted immediately, swept away in all directions, and disappeared into the deep mountains and dense forests.

"It's back again!"

Qin Sang let out a sigh, first looked at the direction of the sky tower, then turned around and flew away towards the Purple Mist Jedi, deciding to get the Jiuyou Demon Fire first.

Soon, Qin Sang came to the ancient jungle connecting the Purple Mist Jedi.

Qin Sang still remembered the encounter with Xiang Yi for the first time. He knew that there were many insufferable worms and beasts in the jungle, and he prepared several kinds of medicine powder to wear on his body.

As soon as he chanted the tactic, he disappeared into the jungle and went to find the purple river.

Qin Sang was as careful as possible when he acted, because he was not sure whether the Eastern Pole Alliance would send someone to Ziwu Jedi to open the ancient shrine, and what twists and turns would happen again.

Just when Qin Sang quickly swept towards the Purple Mist Jedi.

Deep in the mountains, the Nascent Souls of the two clans were not far apart, and the direction they were flying was the Sky Pagoda.

At this time, Old Demon Mu glanced in the direction of the Purple Mist Jedi, and then looked at the Nascent Soul monks around him one by one, but did not see any clues.

He pondered for a moment, and suddenly said something to the blood-robed old man beside him.

The blood-robed old man was startled when he heard the words, "Old Demon Mu, you dare to disobey the orders of Lingzhu and the Demon Lord! You are impatient with your Don't implicate this seat!"

"Hey, blood old ghost, you think I don't know your details! You want to use the ancient ban of the Seven Killing Hall to refine that evil thing and help you survive the next thunder calamity. The chance of success is probably less than 10%, right? No? This evil thing, you are afraid that you will not live for a hundred years. As long as you help me once, I can go to Old Demon Wen and borrow his Tiangang ring for you."

Mo Lao Mo suppressed the anxiety in his heart and talked about the transaction with the old man in the blood robe.

The blood-robed old man was torn apart in person, and he couldn't help being furious, but he couldn't help but ask: "Tianganghuan is the lifeblood of Old Demon Wen. If it is his life, you can borrow it if you say it is?"

"Old Demon Wen owes me a big favor. I can still do it by borrowing the Tiangang ring once! Although the effect of the Tiangang ring is not as good as that of your evil creature, it is a rare treasure. It can help you win a chance."

Old Demon Mu had a confident look on his face, "Furthermore, this time I'm not against the order. As long as you do your best, you won't make any mistakes."

The blood-robed old man was obviously moved, and his eyes flickered.

"Okay! I'll believe you once! However, if you dare to lie to me, I don't have much time, so I won't have any scruples. Be careful of your Tianfeng Island!"

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