Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1424: Weird stone statues in Buddhist temples

Qin Sang moved quickly, picked up the most valuable spirit medicines, and put them in a jade box.

Among them were the Lingzhan flower, which he valued most, and an elixir that would help Tan Hao break through.

‘Boom! ’

Suddenly a bell rang.

The melodious voice resounded throughout the Jinghai Sect.

Qin Sang stopped and listened. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

The bells have a strange rhythm.

Qin Sang has the Jade Buddha to protect the primordial spirit, and has no special feelings, so he looks at Tan Hao sideways.

I saw that Tan Hao's eyes were slightly closed, and his expression was calm, and he calmed down a lot when he heard that Qin Sang was going to compete with the great monk for the magic weapon and was restless.

Qin Sang was amazed and listened attentively, but could not find the source of the bell.

"Is it a magic weapon, or what?"

Qin Sang asked curiously.

This kind of treasure that can clarify the mind is good for the cultivation of immortals. If it can be moved away, even if he does not need it, he can take it back to the Qingyang Temple.

Tan Hao shook his head and said with some regret: "The sound of the morning bell and the twilight drum does not come from a magic weapon, otherwise I wouldn't have to stay here all the time. It seems to come from a strange restriction, but the senior didn't say whether it was the method of the Jinghai Sect, or it came from The original demon-suppressing seal."

"The world of immortals is truly amazing."

Qin Sang sighed that he had learned a lot.

He put away the elixir that Tan Hao needed, threw the jade box to Tan Hao, stood up, looked at the potholes in the medicine garden and said, "Almost, they have already started to break the ban, and we should prepare."

While speaking, a dark shadow flashed in.

Tan Hao was startled by the Yuanying talisman. Seeing the puppet standing behind Qin Sang, he knew a little more about his strength.


Tan Hao glanced at the remaining elixir. Now Zhang Si

These elixir are equally valuable, and in his opinion they are even rare.

Qin Sang said with a smile: "If there is room for something, you can only deceive the eyes of those people. You are here waiting for my signal. When the time comes, you will break the ban on the medicine garden and reveal the elixir in the mist. And urge your smoke and rain pot to create the illusion of these kinds of elixir, hidden among the real elixir."

Having said that, Qin Sang handed Tan Hao a jade slip and asked him to observe it carefully, making sure to note down every detail, so that the illusion can be confused with the real.

Tan Hao, with the guidance of the ghost mother, understands the prohibition of Buddhism, and is fully prepared to create chaos in the medicine garden.

The Yanyu Pot is a high-grade magic weapon. It was originally owned by a Nascent Soul from Boundless Sea. Because he provoked the ghost mother, he was killed by the ghost mother, and the smoke rain pot was thrown to Tan Hao by the ghost mother.

During the period of following the ghost mother, Tan Hao really got a lot of benefits.

This treasure is a magic weapon of the way of illusion. The spout sprays a thin mist, and the illusion created is close to reality.

With this magic weapon, Qin Sang was saved from trouble.

Tan Hao nodded and took out the smoke and rain pot. The appearance was a stone pot, less than the size of a palm, with patches of dark clouds painted on the surface, and there was water vapor condensing at the mouth of the pot all the time, rippling slightly.

"Although it is a high-grade magic weapon, my cultivation is too weak, and I am afraid that they will easily see through it," Tan Hao said worriedly.

"The purplish flames of the Void interfere with their vision and judgment. Besides, just distracting them is enough for me to do a lot."

Qin Sang comforted.

His plan was to attract the attention of the demon old man with the vision in the medicine garden. However, how to get rid of the chasing soldiers such as the old man and the devil still needs to be considered.

Tan Hao took a deep breath and warned in a deep voice, "Brother Qin, be careful!"

"Don't worry, I won't risk my own life, I will definitely make another move. If it doesn't work, we will divide up these elixir and leave," Qin Sang smiled calmly, turned and walked towards the secret passage.

Yuan Ying Fu Puppet followed closely.

Tan Hao held the smoke rain pot in one hand and a magic talisman in the other, his mind was tense.

Entering the secret passage, Qin Sang swept towards the one leading to the golden top.

After a short while, Qin Sang's figure paused slightly, and looked at the front with a solemn expression.

The familiar light intertwined with red gold fills the entire secret passage.

The topography of Jinghaizong appeared in his mind, and the secret road bypassed the mountain pass and led to the Golden Summit. Qin Sang knew that his current position was on the edge of that mountain pass.

The wall of the secret passage is part of the seal.

When I came into close contact with the seal, what I saw was different from the 'Swastika' seal outside.

The walls of the secret passage were dazzling red, and the red flame inside seemed to be bulging out in the next moment. On the surface of the wall, the power of the seal was manifested.

Obviously, the seal has two layers.

Countless small 'swastikas' flowing on the outermost side are forbidden by Buddhism.

The inner layer is a kind of restriction that Qin Sang has never seen before. It is mysterious and complicated. Qin Sang stared at it for a while and tried to comprehend it, but he felt dizzy.

"It must be the handwriting of the ancients."

Qin Sang sighed slightly, and stopped worrying.

At this time, he noticed that there were similar cracks between the seals in the inner layer, and most of the power of the Buddhist ban was used to suppress these places.

Thinking of what Tan Hao said about the awakening of the devil, Qin Sang nodded slightly, and probably guessed what happened that year.

He looked at the seal on the wall, thought for a moment, and moved on.

Soon, he came to the end of the secret path. In front of him was a stone gate, which was tightly Buddha light flowed on the surface of the stone gate.

The entire Golden Dome Hall was blocked by prohibition, and the power of prohibition was equally powerful, and the secret passage was no exception.

Qin Sang couldn't see the scene in the hall, but through Tan Hao's introduction, he already had a complete impression of the locations of those magic weapons.

He first recalled what Tan Hao said about the ban on the Golden Dome Hall, and then raised his hand to lightly touch the stone gate, and then there was no movement.


In front of the Golden Summit.

The demon old man and Yui Yuanjun landed on the ground paved with gold bricks.

The main hall is resplendent, with a full seven doors, three of which are hidden, but cannot be entered. The entire hall is covered with a layer of golden Buddha light forbidding.

Through the gap in the door, you can see the scene in the hall.

This is a Buddhist temple.

At the back of the hall is a golden Buddha, which is gorgeous and heavy. They are not Buddhists, and they cannot tell which Buddha is in the legend.

On both sides of the Buddha statue are standing statues of two bhikkhus.

Strangely, next to the Buddha statue, there is actually a human figure.

This man stood with his hands behind his back, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, dressed in a long gown, and his robe was fluttering. He stood on a square stone, which was as high as a Buddha statue. Judging from his status, it seemed that he was on a par with the Buddha.

Seeing these statues in the Buddhist temple, Yuyi Yuanjun's eyes showed doubts.

It's so strange, Buddhism is very strict, and Jinghaizong actually enshrines people outside Buddhism in the Daxiong Hall. Is it a layman? control the big lord

Yuyi Yuanjun stared at it, and it was just a stone statue, and he felt that this person had an extraordinary temperament, and he was definitely very human.

She wanted to travel all over the three realms of the North Sea, and the influential figures passed down through the ages would not match the name of this person.

While pondering, Yuyi Yuanjun didn't notice that the old man's turbid eyes flashed with a gleam!

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