Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1423: Back of the great monk

Based on the understanding of the old man of the devil on the net sea sect.


If he didn't know what treasures the Jinghai Sect had, Yuan-jun Yuyi would not believe it.


The **** old man rolled his eyes.


When he touched the eyes of the old man, Yuyi Yuanjun's heart tightened, and the smile on his face still remained.


The old man gave a light sigh, and said with a half-smile, "I can't hide it from the fairy's eyes. The old man is only here for one thing, a sea map. If the fairy finds it, I hope I can share it."




Yuyi Yuanjun was quite surprised, and misunderstood the purpose of the old man, "With the strength of the daoist, we can take it to the Beichen realm through the storm, right? Mysterious master, I had a match with him, but really?"


"Yes, this person has several incarnations, and he is very good at it. The old man did not take too much advantage. I made a deal with him and promised him that he would not step into the Beichen realm for three hundred years."


The old man of the devil admitted frankly, and immediately changed his tone, "This old man is not going to break the promise, that chart points to another place."


"Another place?"


Yuyi Yuanjun was puzzled at first, and then his beautiful eyes suddenly widened, "Zhongzhou! The legendary Zhongzhou really exists, and the Jinghai Sect has a chart leading to Zhongzhou?!"


The old man was noncommittal and asked, "Fairy also knows about Zhongzhou?"


"I thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true. Beihai really has a road to Zhongzhou..."


Yuyi Yuanjun let out a sigh of relief and calmed down his thoughts, "This road only exists in legends, and no one knows whether it exists. Why are fellow Daoists so sure that the sea map is treasured in the Jinghai Sect?"


The old man of the devil raised the black bamboo stick and clicked on the Jinghai Sect below, "Don't you think it's strange? Hokkaido Gate and Modao Dachang, Buddhist sects are not in the stream, the inheritance is cut off, and there are very few people who have established elixir. Why does one appear out of thin air? Such a powerful Buddhist sect, yet unknown?"


When Yuyi Yuanjun heard the meaning behind his words, he looked unbelievable, "You mean, Jinghaizong is from Zhongzhou? How is this possible?"


"It's just the old man's guess," the old man slapped haha, unwilling to say more on this issue, his tone changed, "If the fairy is interested, the old man can share the sea chart with the fairy. Wait for the fairy to break through. In the late Yuanying period, we may go to Zhongzhou together and take care of each other."


"The late Nascent Soul, huh!"


Yuyi Yuanjun shook his head with a wry smile, thanked him, and asked carefully, "In the later stage of Yuanying, can I safely pass through the storm belt and reach Zhongzhou?"


"You'll have to wait until you get the sea map and try it out before you know it. However, if this old man is lucky enough to break through the God Transformation stage, he probably won't be able to use the sea map anymore," the old man rubbed the bamboo stick in his hand and said uncertainly.




In front of the pagoda.


The three fell to the ground one after another.


The thirteen-story pagoda is towering, and each floor is two people tall.


The pagoda is made of stone, the doors and windows are closed, and the unknown Arhat Buddha is engraved on it, as if it were staring at the intruder.


The surface of the entire pagoda is covered with a layer of golden light, which is a unique Buddhist prohibition.


It seems quite dark here, and the power of the ban is not as strong as that of the Golden Summit.


The pagoda has been visited by the ghost mother.


However, in order to make the seal last longer, the ghost mother moved very carefully, and did not completely destroy the prohibition of the pagoda, and on the surface, there were no traces left by human beings.


They looked up for a while, the Buddhist ban was very unfamiliar to them, so they could only attack by force.


Since they couldn't see the interior of the pagoda, they didn't know that it had been raided. In their opinion, the restriction here is because the seal was broken by the impact of the red flames.


No one noticed that there was something wrong with the eyes of the real person holding the ring at the moment.

He was not as excited as before, staring at the base of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion next to the thirteenth-story pagoda, wanting to cry without tears.


"Let's do it!"


The person who held the precept sighed and offered a needle-shaped magic weapon that was specially designed to break the ban.


The other two were not far behind.


Zhenren Jiji sacrificed the magic weapon, and was about to move, when he felt an inexplicable sense of unease in his heart, and then felt a chill emerge from his left shoulder out of nowhere, and he was startled.


"do not move!"


A gloomy warning came from his ear.


Old man bastard!


The whole body was stiff, and a storm surged in his heart.


He immediately remembered what was lying on his shoulder. Before, when he attacked Master Mu Gu, he saw it with his own eyes. It was a ghost-like existence, very strange.


If Master Mugu hadn't sacrificed a strange protective treasure, Master Mugu wouldn't be able to escape, and the three of them would have died in the hands of the old man.


Before he became a great cultivator, the old man was already famous for his viciousness. His enemies died violently many times, but the reason could not be found later. It was probably the ability of this ghost.


The real person who kept the precepts didn't even know when the hands and feet were moved.


Yuyi Yuanjun and the others were right next to them, and they didn't notice anything unusual!


"No! No! It's impossible to be in front of so many people! When he was supposed to attack Master Mugu, this old devil took advantage of the chaos to plant ghosts on me, and he always worried about me..."


The mind of the real person holding the ring quickly revolved, and he thought of a possibility.


"I know what you're looking for." No matter what Master Jiji was thinking, the old man's voice was still cold and sullen, "You shouldn't lie to me... I owe your master a favor, and if you get Zhenlingxiang, you can forget about the past. ."


Hearing the three words Zhenlingxiang.


There was no luck anymore, and he felt that half of his body was about to freeze. He struggled to keep his expression unchanged, and continued: "It's the younger generation who is obsessed with ghosts, and I hope the seniors forgive me. But...the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion has been destroyed. Master said that Zhenling Fragrance is not in the pagoda, but together with the refining method, and it is all treasured in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, I am afraid it is also..."


He didn't dare to hide any more, and revealed everything he knew.


The old devil seems not sighed slightly: "As expected in the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion... No wonder you were in such a low mood just now. Go, open the pagoda and see what's inside."


The Yuanying cultivator can control his emotions.


However, some people do not necessarily want to control, because it is unnecessary.


In addition, it is inevitable that there will be waves in times of sadness and joy. After all, they are human beings, not dead things.


The Precept Realm went through all the troubles and thought that he was about to achieve his goal, but he found that there were no ruins in the Sutra Collection Pavilion. One can imagine his mood.


Mood fluctuations can even be detected by possessed ghosts.


The Ring Master was tense, and became more and more afraid of the old man's methods.


After a while, the person who held the precepts approached the Buddhist pagoda tremblingly, offered a needle-shaped magic weapon, and woodenly attacked the prohibition of Buddhism.


The two people next to him didn't notice his strangeness.




at the same time.


In the medicine garden.


Qin Sang and Tan Hao are busy picking the most valuable elixir.


Tan Hao was instructed by the ghost mother, and he stayed in Jinghaizong for a long time, so he was very familiar with the restrictions here.


Under the guidance of Tan Hao, Qin Sang personally took action. When the ban was broken, the vision was very weak and would not be discovered by outsiders.




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