Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1363: Double Happiness

69 Net 69, the fastest update to ask Xiandao!   The cave is quiet.

   The process of preaching at Qingyangguan is the process of Qin Sang sorting out his own path, and he has made sufficient preparations for this retreat!

   Qin Sang has no distractions and concentrates on cultivation.

   When refining the medicinal power, it will stop every once in a while to experience the soul shadow.

   Corpse Flower Blood Amber and Yuan Ying Talisman complement each other.

   Even if there is a bottleneck, it does not cause much trouble.

   Qin Sang entered the country quickly.

   Fifteen years have passed in a flash.

   Beichen Realm's Immortal Cultivation Realm is rarely stable for such a long time.

   Xiaohanyu, Tianyaoqiu, Tianxing Alliance, Sinyuan and Desert all agree with Beichen Alliance. Even if there is any small friction between the various forces, it can be properly resolved under the mediation of Beichen Alliance.

The most important reason for    is that all of you Nascent Souls have seen the sight of soaring with your own eyes, and your eyes are no longer limited to the one acre of land in Beichen Realm, looking beyond the storm.

   A wider world!

  Compared with it, the previous ambitions and entanglements of interests are ridiculous.

  The key to soaring lies in the receiving platform!

   All Yuanying Patriarchs are busy.

   Some, like Qin Sang, devoted themselves to cultivation.

   After all, if you can’t become a great monk, even if you find a reception desk, it will be in vain.

  Some people think that the world is unpredictable and cannot be generalized. If you can find an access platform, maybe you will have more favorable conditions than Ziwei Palace's ascension, and the requirements for the ascension may be lower.

   They jointly explored the forbidden areas and secrets in the territory, and dug out the ancient books treasured in the sect, the notes left by the predecessors, and the widely circulated legends.

   Even if it’s just chasing the wind, it doesn’t bother to verify it.

   During this process, a hidden secret realm was really discovered, and the monks who entered the forbidden area to explore gained a lot, but unfortunately there was nothing related to the reception desk.

The most eye-catching ones are the Ancient Immortal Battlefield and Yuanxu.

   Master Canghong led people to explore the Yuanxu for decades. I don’t know if they were hiding something, or they really didn’t get anything. The news that came out was not satisfactory.

  The ancient fairy battlefield is the most important.

   Every time the Beichen League has a meeting, it must be discussed.

   Every once in a while, some Nascent Souls go deep into the ancient fairy battlefield together. Someone invited Qin Sang, but they were blocked by Jing Yu and Li Yu Axe.

  The spiritual tide is endless, and new secret realms are born from time to time, but it is far less than the Ziwei Palace.

   However, they can gain something to some extent, and even if they can't find the reception desk, they will not return without success.

   After the grand ceremony of opening a sect and establishing a sect.

   Although Qin Sang is low-key, his status with Qingyangguan has increased rather than decreased.

  Shaohua Mountain and Shangyuan Qingjing Palace only followed Qin Sang’s lead and supported Qingyang Temple. The entire north bank of Yuncang Daze has almost become the world of Qingyang Temple.

   has the best relationship with Qingyangguan, but it is the Ethereal faction.

  Jiang Xue brought the head of the Han family to visit many times to show closeness. Taiyi Danzong and Chi Tan had scruples and did not dare to press harder, allowing Jiang Xue to gain a firm foothold.

  Tianyao Hill has thousands of mountains and bamboo seas, which are connected with Qingyang Temple.

  Mage Tao You Xiangqing took the initiative to befriend.

   San Xiuzhi, because of Qingjun's relationship, Yinshanguan City Lord personally participated in the ceremony and showed goodwill to Qin Sang.

   Qin Sang's prestige in the Tianxing League is self-evident. It is very nourishing to move the Yuan Mirage Gate to the Tianxing Plateau. As a reference, no one dares to act in the interests of the grassland.

  In the desert, Qin Sang saved Lu Boyuan's life.

   Except for the poor relationship with Sin Yuan.

   Qin Sang and the Qingyang Temple under his seat are like giants in the Beichen realm, and they have a pivotal position!

  Tan Yien was conferred the position of the capital and devoted himself to the sect. The mainstay disciples such as Shangguan Lifeng, Li Yuaxe, and Mei Gu concentrated their efforts on cultivation, and each made progress.

  Qingyangguan is thriving, but for decades, there has been a climate that fits the status of a famous school.

   And everything, Qin Sang doesn't care.

   For fifteen years, he never left the Peach Blossom Valley, and he did not show up even if his colleagues from the Yuan Ying period visited.

   This evening.

  Peach Blossom Valley uncharacteristically opened the ban.

   In front of Peach Blossom Valley.

  Tan Yien seems to have encountered something urgent.

   As the head of the Qingyang Temple, which is famous in the world of immortal cultivation, Tan Yien has a graceful bearing and is not humble or arrogant even in the face of Yuanying Patriarch, but at this time, he is restless and walks around outside.

   He looked at Peach Blossom Valley from time to time, looking anxious, but without Qin Sang's permission, he did not dare to trespass.

  The white cat stood in front of Tan Yien, tilted his head slightly, his eyes vigilant.

   I was afraid that this guy was excited and bumped into the master.

   "How long will it take Uncle Shi to go out?"

  Tan Yien has asked several times.

  The white cat still gave the same answer, and snorted: "Half a year ago, the master gave orders not to disturb anything. Even if the sky falls, you can't go in!"

  Tan Yien looked bitter, "This matter was taken care of by the master..."

   But seeing the white cat's non-negotiable attitude, Tan Yien had to give up, sighed, and found a stone and sat cross-legged.

  The white cat didn't go back either, and lay on Taniguchi.

   Two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

   The mist in Peach Blossom Valley suddenly fluctuated, and a person walked out of it, it was Qin Sang!

   Qin Sang was still wearing a Taoist robe, with a natural demeanor and ethereal aura.


  The white cat saw Qin first

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1 of 2 Sang jumped up and pointed at Tan Yien, "He..."

   "I know."

   Qin Sang nodded, looked at Tan Yien who hurriedly got up to pay homage, and said solemnly, "What happened outside, so panic?"

   Hearing Qin Sang's displeased tone.

  Tan Yien was shocked and regretted where he had gone to cultivate his qi for so many years. He took a deep breath and said, "Uncle, Senior Brother Li, they traveled in the desert and searched for many years, and finally found it! Not long ago, the news came back, and it has something to do with my father!"


   A slight smile appeared at the corner of Qin Sang's mouth, "I didn't expect it to be a double happiness, where is Li Yuaxe?"

   He asked Li Yuaxe and others to go to the desert more to look for King Kong Shi, but he did not expect to miss the second car, and Tan Hao was the first to be found.

   Qin Sang was really curious about the movements of Tan Hao and the mysterious man.

   He asked Lu Boyuan to help pay attention to and found no similar people.

  Tan Yien hurriedly took out a communication talisman from his bosom and said respectfully, "It is said that Aunt Mei was the first to notice the signs. Senior Brother Li was on the Tianxing Plateau at the time, and he rushed over immediately after getting the news."

   Qin Sang took the magic talisman, and his consciousness swept over, somewhat surprised.

   The place where Gu Mei found the signs was actually on an island in the sea at the southernmost tip of the Beichen Great Desert and the southernmost tip of the Beichen Realm!

   She suspected that Tan Hao had been here.

   But Qin Sang had explained to be careful before, Aunt Mei did not dare to continue to investigate, and she immediately sent a message back when she found the trace, asking Qin Sang to decide.

   "It's there!"

   Qin Sang pondered for a while, "Follow me back to the sect first."

   After saying that, the figure flashed and flew away first.

  Tan Yien came back to his senses, and was about to catch up when he suddenly remembered what Qin Sang had just said, showing a look of doubt, "Double happiness is coming, what else is there to be happy about?"

The voice of    did not fall.

  Tan Yien's face froze, and the white cat looked at each other with ecstasy on their faces, and their eyes showed fanaticism and reverence.

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