Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1362: Breakthrough

At least before giving birth to spirituality and advanced spiritual treasures, the ebony sword no longer needs to smelt spiritual wood.

People without thought, he must worry about.

If there is a chance to get the top ten sacred trees, Qin Sang doesn't want to miss it.

The last time the monster in the blood lake woke up, I wanted to wait for the chaos in the blood lake to subside, and then go back to find Wuji Xuesang after I became stronger, but unexpectedly such a change occurred.

Cang Hong Zhenren and other sin Yuan Yuan Ying have been exploring the bottom of the sky mark, looking for fragments of Yuan Ruins. If you are lucky, the main body of the deep ruins may not be completely destroyed.

When he has time to spare, Qin Sang will also take a walk in person to find the blood lake.

But according to the various news from Sinyuan, I am afraid that the chance is not big, and the destruction of the inner valley of Wuya Valley is more thorough than that of the bottom of Tianhen, and it will not work.

Qin Sang has great expectations for the third type of divine wood, and has always had the idea of ​​contacting the Pure Yang Sect.

The red-haired ancestor fell, and the Pure Yang Sect was divided, just to take advantage of the emptiness to enter.

But the news brought by Jiang Xue was not satisfactory.

At the beginning, the Chunyang Sect almost used all the power of the sect, and the red-haired ancestor even left the sect many times to personally search for King Kong Shi, but in the end he found nothing.

Hundreds of years apart, it is almost impossible to find any trace clues.

Pure Yangzong has long since given up.

The disciple of the Blood Underworld Sect is afraid that it has turned into a dead bone, and I don’t know which piece of yellow sand He Jingang is buried under.

Because of this, Jiang Xue easily disclosed the matter to Qin Sang.

Finding King Kong in the Beichen Desert is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, since I got the news, how can I be willing not to give it a try?

As the leader of the sect, there is no shortage of manpower under his hands. This kind of trivial matter of exploring and collecting information does not require him to go out in person, and his own disciples will serve it.

Qin Sang snapped a stream of light.

After the white cat saw it, it flew out of the Peach Blossom Valley and brought Li Yuax back in a short while.

"Disciple sees Master."

There was still joy in Li Yu Axe's brows.

The establishment of Qingyangguan is Yunyouzi's last wish, and it is also a big stone in Li Yuaxe's heart. After years of long-cherished desire to try it, Li Yu Axe was even more excited than Qin Sang, the spectator.

"Come in and talk..."

Qin Sang asked about the trivia of Qingyangguan.

Li Yuaxe entered the cave and answered them one by one.

In a word, Qingyangguan is thriving, and the future can be expected!

As long as Qin Sang, the spectator master, continues to become stronger, and there are successors, and Yuan Ying continues, it is not impossible for Qingyang Guan to grow into the No. 1 sect in Xiaohan and even Beichen!

It is not an extravagant hope to have a futon with a heart.

After listening, Qin Sang said: "This is the only thing you can do for the teacher. You can't slack off in your practice in the future. Otherwise, the Qingyang Temple will be only a flash in the pan. Especially you, Jade Axe, who is second only to Tian Linggen in talent. Your master and I have high hopes for you. In the future, we will leave it to Yien and Hanqiu."

"Disciple understands!"

Li Yu Axe should be solemn.

Qin Sang also instructed: "I need to retreat again for the teacher, it is estimated that it will take at least a few decades, or even a hundred years. If there is no major event during this period, please do not come to Peach Blossom Valley to disturb you. When discussing matters in the Beichen Alliance, you will come forward on your behalf, and listen to Daoist Jingyu. of."

Li Yu Axe responded one by one, suddenly realized something, and his face was full of surprise, "Master is going to break through again?"

He felt unbelievable, how long did it take for the uncle to form an infant, could it be possible to break through the middle Nascent Soul again within a hundred years?

Shizu once said that Shibo is born with five spiritual roots. Could it be false?

You must know that when the uncle was born, he was about the same age as he is now, and he was still in the golden core stage.

Li Yufu fell into deep self-doubt.

"Two more things..."

Qin Sang took out a letter of worship and gave it to Li Yuaxe.

"After you go back, you will arrange for people to go out to practice and find clues for your teacher. After you get to the desert, take this letter of worship to meet fellow Daoist Lu..."

Mainly two things.

One is the whereabouts of Tan Hao, and the other is the news of King Kong Shi.

After thinking about it, Qin Sang said: "If you find Tan Hao's trace, report it quickly, and remember not to act rashly!"

Tan Hao has been missing for too long, and the mysterious person behind him is unknown, and Qin Sang always has a bad feeling.


Li Yuaxe respectfully exited the cave, stopped for a while at the exit, and flew out of the Peach Blossom Valley after talking to the white cat a few words.

The white cat raised his front paws, closed the peach blossom valley, and returned to his cave.


Peach blossom fragrance.

Since then, Peach Blossom Valley has become a holy place in the hearts of Qingyang Temple disciples.

And Qin Sang, the spectator, has been missing for decades.



Qin Sang added several layers of protection and prohibition, first awakened the fat silkworm, and fed a poisonous algae fruit.

There are not many poisonous algae fruits left in his hand, and he has not found another food that the fat silkworm likes. It is estimated that the fat silkworm can only be upgraded to the late third stage at most.

Also in trouble is Tianmu Die.

Qin Sang bought several rare elixir at the trade fair, but Tianmu Die was not interested at all. She only drank some elixir on weekdays, which was of little help to her.

Since breaking through the fourth transformation, Tianmudie's cultivation has hardly improved, and Qin Sang has truly realized the difficulty of cultivating spirit insects.

The road connecting the Canglang Sea is broken, and it is impossible to go to the Wu people to find the secrets.

All Qin Sang could do was to collect all kinds of spirit flowers and fairy dew that spirit insects liked, and try them one by one.

Huoyu Centipede is still very interested in Huorongdan, and there are faint signs of breaking through the middle stage of the third change. It is expected that during the third change, there should be no need to worry about it.

But the bottleneck of the fourth change is still a big difficulty.

Fortunately, Qin Sang did not rely on the fire jade centipede to fight the enemy, but only valued its treasure-hunting ability.

Feed the three worms.

Qin Sang sat cross-legged.

The Yuan Ying talisman sat across from him.

The Thousand Ton Ring flickered and flew out of a jade box.

The jade box was opened, and there was a corpse flower blood amber inside.

After the purification of the spiritual veins, the blood poison in the corpse flower blood is completely free, extremely pure, and the whole body is crystal clear, like a spiritual flower carved out of crystal.

A corpse flower blood amber has been refined.

Qin Sang's next actions seemed very skillful.

He closed his eyes tightly and silently activated his true essence to perform the secret technique that Jing Yu had passed on to him.

Following Qin Sang's movements, the corpse flower and blood bud spun gently, and flowed out from Qin Sang's body, forming a small vortex around the corpse flower blood bud.

The speed of the whirlpool is getting faster and Ka…’

The corpse flower Xueba began to vibrate, and fine cracks appeared on the surface.

Qin Sang clicked his fingers, countless runes submerged, the crystal exploded with a snap, and then countless fragments melted, turning into a mass of pure spiritual liquid.

‘Whoosh! ’

The spiritual fluid disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, Qin Sang's Nascent Soul had an extra spiritual fluid surrounding his body.

In the end, the spiritual liquid turned into a cocoon, wrapping the Nascent Soul, like breathing, shrinking.

Qin Sang's breath calmed down, refining the medicinal power a little bit.

It is indeed a peerless elixir that can help the transformation of the big monster!

And this kind of elixir, Qin Sang has as many as three plants!

During the refining process, Qin Sang's cultivation has improved at an astonishing speed. If anyone sees it, he will be stunned!

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