Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1325: Does it look good?

Time flies.

Four years later.

Qin Sang replaced Qingjun and stayed here for three years, plus his own three years, for a total of six years, and hardly ever left Yuanxu.

During this period, he did not give up his demands.

Refining gold and sinking swords, Qin Sang found out his own shortcomings, and still ordered Li Yu Axe to continue to send spiritual materials, and the refining skills became more and more sophisticated.

At the same time, he began to seriously conceive the magic weapon to conquer Nanming Lihuo.

This time, there is no other magic weapon for him to learn from, and everything starts from scratch.

Since he was unable to enter the Ziwei Palace and carefully observed Nanming Lihuo, Qin Sang could only make targeted preparations based on the information collected before.

Bai guessed that there was probably a piece of Suzaku feathers in the fire of Nanming Li, so that it could not be extinguished until now.

Qin Sang knew that his knowledge was far inferior to that of Bai, so he could only trust his judgment.

In Qin Sang's hands, the most precious thing that can be used to refine magic weapons is green copper.

This thing came from the Ziwei Palace, and it was a fragment of a treasure that still had the power to make Nanming Lihuo fear.

In the future, the magic weapon will be built with green copper blocks as the core.

The second is the tortoise shell of the Nine Lives Mysterious Turtle.

After the transformation period, the big demon spent countless efforts to sacrifice and refine, and it was not inferior to the magic weapon. It blocked Qin Sang's attacks several times and helped him escape from danger.

Qin Sang is going to combine these two treasures and collect Suzaku Zhenyu!

The power of mysterious water contained in the green copper block and tortoise shell has restraint on fire.

With the help of the green copper block, Suzaku Zhenyu is suppressed in the tortoise shell, and the possibility of success is very high.

However, Qin Sang still had to consider how to suppress Suzaku Zhenyu, or what method to use to carry the extremely violent Nanming Lihuo.

There is no doubt that the power of Nanming Lihuo is even better than that of Jiuyou Demonic Fire.

Qin Sang turned his attention to the mysterious white copper.

In the Ethereal Sect, Qin Sang rummaged through the books and found no records similar to the mysterious cupronickel.

As a last resort, Qin Sang went to ask Binghan, but she couldn't recognize what cupronickel was.

After coming to Sinyuan, Qin Sang came into contact with the cultivators of Sinyuan and asked them whether Ye Laomo and others killed the evil spirits after the Yuanxu battle and whether they got any books.

In the end, they still found nothing, because they were all taken away by Ye Laomo.

Qin Sang can be sure of two points.

First, the mysterious cupronickel was brought by the evil spirit, indicating that it was not an ordinary thing even in ancient times.

Second, the mysterious white copper shines like a raging flame, which is comparable to the blazing sun. It must be the top treasure of the fire line. It is an excellent choice to carry the Nanming Lihuo.

These three treasures, plus the various spirits that Sin Yuan compensated for, the preciousness of the material alone has far surpassed the best magic treasures.

To be on the safe side, Qin Sang was not in a hurry.

In case of conflict caused by negligence, resulting in the self-destruction of treasures, there will be no regrets.

four years.

Qin Sang tried every means to analyze the characteristics of the mysterious cupronickel.

The world of immortality is vast and there are countless treasures. It is impossible for a craftsman to know all the spiritual things. Naturally, there are ways to analyze the characteristics of unfamiliar spiritual things. Qin Sang also learned it in the Ethereal Sect.

Perhaps the rank of the mysterious cupronickel was too high, and the effect of using the secret technique on it was not as good as expected. Qin Sang could only use a stupid method. The mysterious cupronickel never left his hand and almost became a part of his body.

Effective, but not yet conclusive.

This time, it was King Yu who came to replace him.

Qin Sang handed the jade pendant to King Yu, and was about to leave Yuanxu when he met the judge at the entrance.

"Fellow Daoist Qin," the judge was very enthusiastic and handed over a mustard seed bag, "These are the spiritual things that fellow Daoist Qin asked for. Please take a look at them."

Qin Sang opened it and found that there were only 60-70% of the list, and looked up at the judge.

The judge rubbed his palms and smiled bitterly: "Ziwei Palace is about to open, I also want to make a difference, but I lost the second main soul in the battle of Yucheng. I found a spiritual thing that might be helpful to me in a forbidden place, can Daoyou Qin give me back the dead jade first? The remaining few spiritual things are really rare, I hope you can see the sincerity of Daoist Qin and give me some time!"

Under the expectant gaze of the judge, Qin Sang thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The other party is also a master of Nascent Soul, and he is cultivating the strange corpse way, so there is no need to force people too much.

Qin Sang put away the mustard seed bag, quickly took out the dead jade, and returned it to the judge.

The judge was overjoyed.

"Fellow Daoist investigates Heavenly Corpse Sect, can you find anything?"

Qin Sang was also asking the juniors to pay attention, but to no avail.

Tan Hao and the mysterious man seemed to have disappeared completely, and no trace could be found.

The judge said: "Last time I said goodbye to fellow daoists, and I secretly investigated. Fellow Daoist Qin also knows that although our cultivators of the way of corpse ghosts are not shouted and beaten by everyone in the world of cultivating immortals, their situation is also very difficult, and they are regarded as more evil than demon cultivators. We can only help each other in existence. I can contact a few masters who are proficient in this way in various fields, but so far I have not found the person Qin Daoyou mentioned, nor have I found anyone who secretly subdued the corpse monk. "

Tan Hao disappeared so completely, nothing happened, right?

Qin Sang frowned slightly.


Yuan Mirage.

Qin Sang entered the spiritual vein and checked the corpse flower and blood amber.

According to estimates, it will take at least twenty years to purify the corpse flower blood amber. It happened to be when Ziwei Palace was born.

Even if it is completed before the birth of Ziwei Palace, it is estimated that there will be no time for refining.

After removing the restriction, the spiritual plant was displayed in front of Qin Sang.

Compared with more than ten years ago, the spirit plant is still green, but the corpse flower blood amber has changed greatly!

It turned out to be a scarlet blood amber, and now the blood color inside has become extremely pale, and the true appearance of the spirit flower can be seen clearly. Only when the blood color completely disappears, it will be completely purified.

After checking it carefully, Qin Sang resumed the restraint, walked out of the forbidden area, and unexpectedly met Qingjun.

"Senior sister, are you out?"

I haven't seen you in sixteen years.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator, even though he was used to this distinction, Qin Sang couldn't help but smile when he saw the familiar face.

Qing Jun lightly nodded his head and said, "I just have something for you to see, Junior Brother will come with me."

Qin Sang guarded the Immortal Gate for her for three years, but Qing Jun did not say anything to thank her.

With their relationship, there is no need to do more.

The two slowed down, and while admiring the beauty of Yuncang Daze, they flew towards Peach Blossom Valley leisurely.

Qin Sang talked about the harvest of these ten years of hard Qingjun listened carefully and offered his own opinions from time to time.

Although she is not good at refining weapons, she is unparalleled in the way of puppets.

Finally, Qingjun wanted to come over to the mysterious white copper, and also used her unique secret technique to help Qin Sang analyze.

Not long after, the two came to the Peach Blossom Valley, Qing Jun put away the secret technique, and noticed that Qin Sang was looking at him with admiration.

"Does it look good?"

Qingjun stroked his hair.

Qin Sang waved his hand to open the Peach Blossom Valley, and his eyes fell on the blooming peach blossoms.


Qing Jun reprimanded lightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were extremely clear.

The two dodged and fled into the valley.

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