Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 1324: Confirm what you have learned

"Kill Master Uncle."

Tan Yien came in to pay homage.

Qin Sang ordered him to get up, "I asked you to secretly investigate Mu Yifeng's trail, but what news can you find?"

Qin Sang kept Mu Yifeng's affection in his heart.

Back in Xiaohanyu, Qin Sang wanted to see him, but Mu Yifeng had been cultivating in Shaohua Mountain and had no chance. Later, he and Uncle Dongyang openly turned against each other, so as not to implicate Mu Yifeng, and it is even more impossible to openly approach him.

Tan Yien replied: "Uncle Qi, the younger generation has absorbed some loose cultivators for secret talks, deliberately contacted the disciples of Shaohua Mountain, and found some news about Mu Yifeng. This person is an ascetic monk who rarely shows up and has been in Jingyuefeng Mountain. He practiced in a cave dwelling at his feet. In recent years, he has never stepped out of Jingyue Peak, and even the disciples of Shaohua Mountain are seldom known about him."

"Jingyue Peak?"

Qin Sang's eyes flashed.

If he remembered correctly, Jingyue Peak used to be Chenyan's dojo!

When he first worshipped Shaohua Mountain, Zhuang Yan took him on a tour of Shaohua Mountain, focusing on introducing this peak. Back then, Jingyue Peak was a forbidden area, and disciples in the sect were not allowed to approach it.

Chen Yan had a great background, and after that incident, he did not completely break with Uncle Dongyang.

She has a mysterious master who is trapped in Ziwei Palace, and he may come back when he is not sure.

Shaohua Mountain is vast, and there is no shortage of cave dwellings at all. He is as shrewd as Uncle Dongyang.

"Could it be that Uncle Dongyang didn't show his anger at Mu Yifeng back then, but Chen Yan was secretly protecting him?"

Qin Sang secretly said in his heart.

The real inside story, I am afraid only the parties know.

After thinking for a moment, Qin Sang said: "You continue to order people to guard the major squares outside Shaohua Mountain, waiting for Mu Yifeng to leave the customs. Other than that, don't make any unnecessary actions, so as not to cause Shaohua Mountain to suspect."

For ten years, Bo Dongyang lived in seclusion and did not make any move against Qin Sang and Qingyangguan.

Taking away the Yuan Ying talisman and sabotaging Dongyang Bo's plan, Qin Sang let out a bad breath. Later, after being enlightened by my senior sister, the resentment in my heart has disappeared.

However, the tree wants to be still and the wind does not stop.

Because of this, after Bai left the customs, Qin Sang deliberately revealed flaws to create opportunities for Dongyang Bo.

If Dongyang Bo can always be so peaceful and the two sides are at peace with each other, it is acceptable.

"Disciple obey!"

Tan Yien did not ask the reason and acted according to the order.

Next, Qin Sang ordered a few more things and ordered him to retire.

three days later.

Qin Sang left Wanye Mountain and returned to Yuanxu.

He will replace Cang Hong Zhenren and guard the Xianmen of Sin Shrine for three years.

The spiritual energy here is rich and does not affect cultivation. In addition, Qin Sang just needed a few years to accumulate the art of refining, and then began to prepare the magic weapon to conquer Nanming Lihuo.

sea ​​of ​​fog.

As soon as Qin Sang came in, he was noticed by Master Canghong.

Master Canghong flew towards him, cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist Lao Qin will follow."

Qin Sang took the jade card that manipulated the spirit formation and asked, "Is there any change in Xianmen in recent years?"

"I never found out that Old Demon Ye has been silent. Unsurprisingly, he is also waiting for Ziwei Palace to be born. However, fellow Daoist Qin should not be slack," Reverend Canghong shook his head slightly, reminding him.

Qin Sang nodded with all his thoughts, and remembered one more thing, "How are those Taoist friends who have taken Ku Yuan Dan now?"

"Essence and spirit are weakened, and no one is spared! Old Monster Feng and the others have tried their best, but they can only slow down the speed of the weakening. What's more terrifying is that a fellow Taoist vaguely feels that his catastrophe may come early!"

Master Canghong shook his head and said with lingering fears, "If it's true, it's better to keep this medicinal pill on the shelf!"

"Heavenly robbery ahead of schedule?"

Qin Sang was secretly shocked.

This kind of price is more terrible than the three declines of spirit, energy and spirit, Ye Laomo's scheme is really vicious.

After sending away the real Canghong, Qin Sang entered the Qishui Fantian Formation and mastered every change of the Spiritual Formation. The other Daoists stationed here came out to greet Qin Sang. After getting to know each other, they went to their respective places to practice without affecting each other.

Qin Sang came to the core of the Seven Water Lost Heaven Formation.

Once Xianmen changes, you can immediately notice it, and you don't have to worry about being spied on when you practice here.

To be safe, Qin Sang put a layer of isolation and restraint, and then called out the Yuan Ying Talisman.

Now Yuan Ying Fu Puppet has been subdued by Qin Sang and regained his previous strength. He has the protection of the Jade Buddha, is not afraid of the backlash of the talisman, can be manipulated at will, and is an excellent helper.

Of course, what Qin Sang values ​​most is the soul shadow in Fu Puppet's body.

He skillfully integrated his mind into Nascent Soul Talisman's body to experience the shadow of the soul. The whole process consumes a lot of mind and feels a little tired, so Qin Sang put away the talisman, practiced and realized what he just got.

Then he took out the magic flag and refined the "Nine Serenity Demon Fire" until he was exhausted.

After doing this, I reviewed the classics of the Ethereal Sect and learned about the art of refining.

One thing at a time, it's packed.

For ten years, Qin Sang has spent every day like this, and has never let up in the slightest. The most obvious improvement is the refining technique. He has learned many precious secret techniques in Ethereal Sect, which is of great help.

In the blink of an eye, he spent another two years in Yuanxu, but Old Demon Ye still didn't change much.

On this day, Qin Sang called out Jin Shenjian.

For a long time in the future, Jin Shenjian will replace the ebony sword as the spirit sword for his swordsmanship.

According to Qin Sang's plan, start with Jin Shenjian to verify his progress in the art of refining, then refine the magic weapon to conquer Nanming Lihuo, and finally smelt coke wood.

At the same time, several precious spirits were taken out.

These are all wooden treasures.

Not many, only a few.

Because Qin Sang used most of his military exploits to exchange for fire spirits.

However, if these kinds of spirits can be successfully re-refined together with Jin Shenmu, it should be able to upgrade the Jin Shenmu to the level of a high-grade magic weapon, which is enough for the time being.

As for the best magic weapon, it is not so easy to make, not to mention that there are not enough spiritual items, even if they are collected, Qin Sang is not sure.

"Root Stone, Azure Silver..."

Qin Sang glanced at the spiritual objects one by and then pinched a seal, closed his eyes slightly, and performed the secret technique learned from the Ethereal Sect to analyze.

After generations of accumulation, only the secret techniques related to this step, the Ethereal Sect has collected dozens of kinds of spirits, dealing with different characteristics.

Loose cultivators who are exploring alone, unless they are geniuses, how can they be able to create their own?

If it were one thousand, Qin Sang would have to consume a lot of energy at this step, but now it is much easier.

After completing this step, Qin Sang performed a new secret technique and summoned Jiuyou Demon Fire.

With the help of the power of magic fire, the spirits are smelted one by one to remove impurities, and the Jin Shenjian is also smelted into sword embryos.

Without the help of the fire power, Qin Sang could only endure the amazing consumption of the magic fire. In the middle of the process, I took out the medicinal pills frequently and took them to restore the true essence.

Qin Sang solidly completed every step of refining, and when encountering difficulties, he stopped to think, so as to make improvements, and gained a lot.

In the end, he watched with his own eyes Jin Shenjian was reborn in his hands and completed his transformation!

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