"Kara! Are you okay!? Iris, Lulusu-kun too......!


Mr. Bardo's chest, rushing over, was decorated with white bulbs with a pin by Lulusu-kun. And just like us, there's a red spark glittering in that body. If you look closely, there is also a red light dangling around Mr. Letterio and Mr. Lamberto.

Oh, thanks to Lulusu-kun and Ignis, Mr. Bardo and the others didn't have to go to sleep either.

"What happened? What the fuck? He is."

"Mr. Bardo! He's the man I was a labyrinth with."

"Huh!? You're the rude man who gave Iris the white bulb!

Did you hear that voice, the man looked around slowly at Mr Bardo, Mr Letterio and Mr Lamberto?

"Rude? Is it your fashion to give the white bulb (it) to the child you want? I just followed it. - I'm sick of blooming in the labyrinth."

I warped my face a little and said the word 'fed up'.

Labyrinth...... yes, this man's man said, 'I was trapped in the labyrinth'. Plus I thought you said someone wanted to give you white bulbs.

"... you, aren't there people waiting outside?

Why are you here when you were able to escape the labyrinth because of it?

Why are you saying you came looking for me to pick me up?

"Oh, I thought you were here... it didn't seem like a long time had passed, did it? I thought it might be thin, but I can't believe how long it's been. I'm a little surprised, too."

I wonder what the hell you're talking about.

Sin and the quiet squares only hear skanks, smoking (dull) smoke and men talking.

An unusual air that I don't think is always vibrant Venetos. Dominated by the pressure, tension emanating from the man, we just stare.

I wish we could have evacuated everyone by now and skipped the news to the knights of security who would be outside the square, but for some reason we remained unable to do so.

"... a knight."

A man walked on with Stasta and walked over to Mr. Letterio, who was confronting him.

"But just the two of us? Yeah, yeah, you're not dealing with him... is that it? Are you doing (...) white (...) and (...)?

"I wonder what you're talking about"

Mr. Letterio answers with a glance, but the man remains smiling.

"So, you're the Spirit of the Dark-haired Knight's Water. The water spirits around here have always been like this."

"What do you mean, yo! It feels bad, Na! Omae!"

"That's the place. That guy over there... - Huh? You, you've seen him before, haven't you?

"... I don't remember."

Suddenly Mr. Bardo, with his eyes turned, replied with a suppressed voice. Hiding Mr. Kara and me on his back, his right hand grabbing the axe pattern.

"Liar! 'Cause that face wound! It must have been attached to a dragon. And that axe, it would be golden to shake, wouldn't it? I remember it because it was beautiful."


Huff, and it was the man with the rosy hair who whispered and laughed. He's the one who's in control of this place now. He's the only one who moves or talks.

If someone moves one step, the air kept in this odd equilibrium will collapse at once. That's what every one of us thought, when he said, "Yikes!?" I heard a small scream.

"What... what...!?

"Hey! What's up!

Someone from across the square. Dozens of people are coming together, not one or two.

Oh, that was a detour! We were safe outside the square! Clear your ears, you're hearing faint music and fun sounds!

"- Oh, no! Run!"

"Don't come!

"Shut up."

Me, Mr. Letterio, and the man's voice overlapped. When the man waved up, he found a high concentration of magic vegetables seeping around it.



"Guard! Cornu, tie the line!!


A water junction appeared around the square in the voice of Mr. Lamberto. It's like a water curtain! I'm not a magician, Mr. Lamberto, but I'm amazed at the magnitude of the power of that covenant spirit.

"Wow - Cornu is cool!"

"Ah, some knights!

I said that in a small voice. Looking at the distance imitated by Lulusu-kun, the knights did surround the square within and outside the junction. Little by little, but apparently rescuing people who remain asleep.

"Ah, I knew it was you, the captain or something. Well, that's good."

The magic of an unactivated and fogged man gathers in its hands again.

"... Iris!


Mr. Letterio, who suddenly shouted out loud, rushed to me. And the next moment you held me tight, the white bulb that was decorating my hair was engulfed in flames.


The petals burned off in an instant, and only the blackened fruit rolled coldly on the ground.

"Oh, Iris!! Oh, you! What are you doing?!"

Ignis flies a flame and attacks a man, but the man melts the flame with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Ignis. It's the knight's fault, right? I was actually going to burn that knight... then Iris would be involved"

"What are you talking about?"

Ignis, once again obsessed with anger, flies one flame after another. but that flame still goes away to melt.

Yes. They disappear for some reason. It melts to suck (...) yield (...) with a kneaded hand instead of the guy consuming (...).

"... weird. Ignis' flames are supposed to be strong...... he really is?

Always cheerful, Lulusu-kun rarely lowers his ears and tail, trembling a little. Mr. Kara is holding a knife, holding Lulusu-kun like that and sheltering him to me. Mr. Bardo nodded with Mr. Letterio, joining Mr. Lamberto and the guard.

"Iris, are you okay? Is your hair on fire? Are you burned anywhere?

"Ah, maybe. It's okay."

Behind Ignis, trembling with anger as opposed to Lulusu-kun, Mr. Letterio gouges up my face, sweeps ashed white bulbs and checks all over my cheeks.

"... that? Iris, here, there's a little scratch behind your ear."

"What, oh, since before, maybe. What kind of chili is that guy..."

"He did?

I heard a little tongue pounding from Mr. Letterio looking back.

"You. Stay away from Iris any further."

Turning a cut to Ignis and the man who was paying off the flames, Mr. Letterio said.

"Ha ha! Kaga no (...) people (...) look great......!

- Eh.

Now this guy... did you call Mr. Letterio a number (...) person (...)? Why? How do you know Mr. Letterio is the 'keeper of the labyrinth'!?

I was willing to, but somewhere, there was still a part of me that thought I was gay. "Half the Book" had become a story, and there must have been an exaggerated part. Besides, "The Princess's Notebook," because there was only fragmentary information. So...

"Then Ignis. Don't you dare."


"Little, little, your flames are no match for me."


So there's no way this strange man...

"'Cause, you see, the full moon just comes up. There's no point in planting' Xiaoxiao Grass' in the labyrinth anymore. Tonight, my magic will be full."

Mr. Letterio, who confirmed the silver watch with those words, turned a sad complexion.

"I've already slept too much and I'm tired of the labyrinth. I can't believe the beautiful silver-haired kid I found at that time... destiny, huh? You've been nice to me, and you're so different from that princess!

- I can't believe it was the Spirit of the Moon!

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