"Is that it? That white bulb isn't the one I gave you, is it? And there's a kind of disturbing smell to it. Hmm, that's why I couldn't quite trace the smell (...)..."

The man touches my hair like it was a labyrinth and blushes behind his ear with his fingers. I felt a tickling little pain and, oh, speaking of which, I remembered that you had the same pain when they inserted flowers into that hair.

"Ah, of..."

Oh. What's the matter? I don't know why. My head is blurry and the words don't come out. I suddenly feel unreliable under my feet. His eyes are blurry, and the sound of the bustling orchestra is heard in the distance.

"Hey, what's your name?

The ticks behind my ears are twitching and getting hot.

What is this? Something... no way, poison or something...?

"... Eye, Squirrel"


The man laughs with a nymphomali, with his lips bowed.

- It's unusual. Heterogeneous.

The alarm rings in the back of my head. But somehow, I can't shake off the hand of this man, who I don't hesitate to touch, and I honestly tell him his name.

Yeah. I'm not incapable of doing that, I'm willing to do that.

Bright loose-knit rosy hair more vibrant than when we met in the labyrinth. It is glowing more and no longer shining like a pearl. Both the bright white top and bottom, and the strange colored coat that changes color like Aurora, float strangely among the festivals full of decorated people.

"Iris, shall we go? You're mine now."

A man offered his hand. And I'm in that hand so I can suck...


Bobon, and I heard Mr. Carla in the distance of my ear.

Oh, yeah. I thought you were with Carla. But I have to go with this guy...

"Hey, you! Get away from Iris!

Gui was pulled by a warmer hand and leaned against Mr. Kara with a leg that was powerless.

"Carr...... la,"

"It's okay!? Hey, what did you do to this girl!? I won't tolerate strange imitations."

Mr. Carla is holding me to protect me, poking out a knife and saying:

... Kara, where did you have that stuff? Maybe something I've had since I was a hunter. I always have a picking knife too...

"... you have an unpleasant red hair. Sleep."

When the man gently paid his hand, a sweet scent rose around him, and Mr. Kara collapsed on the spot with Gakuri.

"... what did you do"

"That? Why don't you sleep? That's crazy......"

- So (...) what was (...) before (...)?

When I realized, the music that was played everywhere had disappeared. And the voices of those who were busy, and the footsteps of those who go out, disappear, and the sound of the meat roasting across the street, and only the smell, drifts.

No way...... people in the square were put to sleep? My spine waxed at the impossible.

"Oh, close... don't stop by...!

Mr. Carla covers me in the back while I kneel. I hear a faint sound of jarri, I see a man's white shoes in his blurred vision, and...


Kah! and I wondered if the light in front of me glowed red, and the sparkling light poured down, and then my vision cleared. What's your voice now... Ignis?

"Are you both okay?!?

Yeah, the ears I was holding on to are starting to sound refreshing, as usual.

"I'm fine...... oh, what about Iris!?

"Me too... it's okay, it's"

Looking up, he also noticed a sparkling light drifting around Lulusu-kun peeking in worryingly.

"Ah, this light...... Lulusu-kun's hair decoration......?

"Ignis' Demon Stone Nha. This is also a talisman to protect Minnie!

"Oh. That means that strange man...... evil (...) also (...) of (...), right?

Really? Is this spark baking something with a bad Ignis flame and purifying it for me?

"Iris ~! Carla ~! Ooh... WHAT!? YOU!

Usually serene and adorable, Ignis shows fiery spiritual (salamander) intensity, shaking the flame on its back. It's supposed to be a small body, but that look that floats between us and that guy feels many times bigger.

"Ahaha! You work so hard on chicks (...)! Ahahahaha!"

"Mmmm!! Wah-rah... ahhh!

The big firepillar is gobbling! and stood up. I've never seen such a strong Ignis flame before.

"... heh. It's small, but it's quite magical. So am I."

The man clapped loudly to make a fool of himself, and raised his hand softly. The area was dyed red as soon as possible, and the hot air was blowing. A huge wall-like flame was appearing behind the man's back as he raised his face with that posture he still couldn't get up.

"Hey, what's this..."

"Holy crap... it's not magic!?

Yes, it's not magic.

Because if you're a magician, you need a team to activate it, or a mediator who's already planted it. But this guy just raised his hand. There were no wands, no bracelets, no rings, no tattoos or nails. I don't even use magic props.

Such a great sorcery...... impossible!

"Come on, little lizard, huh? Me or your flame, which is stronger?

"Uh-huh! I'm stronger ~!"


The flames on the man's back whirl, as linked to his arms waved with laughter, pouring down here in the square (there).


Ignis exhales heavily, skipping a thin tornado flame and attempting to hit and offset a man's flame. - but when a man with his eyes narrowed to look at a smiling object leaked a small exhale "hu," the flame added strength, even though it wasn't even incited, and blew Ignis' bright flame.


"Zanen. Sounds like you're underpowered, huh? Lizard."

"I'm not a lizard!"

I guess there's blood on your head. Ignis is turning bright red and arguing, but the man's flames are about to spread into the square in the meantime.

It's a quiet square now, but some tents open, some shopkeepers and guests. There are many people on the ground who have fallen or sat down.

- What do we do, we have to put out the fire or evacuate everyone...!

I thought so, reaching for the wand in a hurry and trembling, but my hand stopped perfectly.

But should I (...) or (...) turn it off?

Because I don't have a Spirit of Water. I know water magic, but I don't have enough power to put out this flame of momentum.

"Ha ha, I'm in danger! It burns!

"Water it up!... Chip! This isn't enough at all!

Hang the bucket of water in the tent where Mr. Carla is about to burn, but it can't be suitable for the flames that rise next to it, across the street, all over the square.

"Ignisu! Calm down!

What should I do? I can't do anything about it.

"Ignis! Listen, put out the fire one by one!

Lulusu-kun and Kara are shouting up their voices at Ignis.

- No. I have to do what I can, not "I can't help it"!

I squeezed my hand tightly, sticking my hand in the demonic stone pouch, not the wand -. Many of them are scrap demon stones, but choose the big ones among them, and even more water demon stones.

"[Recipe]..." Water Talisman, "" Ancient Language ""

In my head, an old water talisman emerges for as long as I can remember. I specified 'Ancient Language' because there is a special 'Letters (mornings) character' that reassembles several words into one letter.

I extract what I can draw in one letter from it alongside the Zlari and draw it into the Demon Stone with the thin magic I have worked out at my fingertips. Even if it is somewhat complicated, a single letter can be carved into a small demonic stone.

And when he scolded his still powerless knee and stood up, he threw it into the flames.

One, two, three, four, five. I want to put out the fire just close by or just where it reaches with my arms! I thought so, it was a demonic stone I threw with just enough magic to get in, but it only weakened the momentum of the flames a little. This crisis has not yet changed because it did not reach far from it.

"Wow. Iris, that's funny, right? I knew you were an alchemist, and so are you. But..."

A man lifted his arms high again, grinning niggly.



"Hey! Everybody wake up!!

"Wake up!"

Me and Ignis, Mr. Carla and Lulusu-kun, each voice overlapped. At that time...


"Cornu! Get the water in the wind!

"I'll take care of it!!

Bwah! and a strong wind blew, and the winding water poured down into the square with heavy rain.

"Mr. Letterio......!

"Lek ~!?"

"Nymberto! and Cornu!"

Yay! Now the fire's out! That's what I thought, but I guess the magic of the flames is too strong. The fire has faded, but it has not led to a fire suppression. Then Mr. Letterio raised his voice again, "(Wentus)!".

Then, what is it? For a moment I wondered if the wind had stirred the flame, and at once the flame shriveled away. The only thing left in the square is the heat left by the flames.

"Come on, it's gone!

"Wow...... Yikes! Now, you've compressed the magic...?

Probably. Not only did he create the wind, but Mr. Letterio manipulated the air with magic.

Flames caused by magic will not disappear unless both the magic or the burning need (...) for vegetables (...) are exhausted. But that man is there, so the magic can't go away. But the flames went out.

I looked back at the man. He smiled for some reason and seems to have all the magic around him. This is stopping the magic supply to the flames...?

"Damn...? The burning (...), uh (...), the need (...), the lack of vegetables (...) prevents me from keeping the flames just because of the magic I've been using..."

That's why I got magic once.

That's right. For everything to exist that way, it's not magic, it's in accordance with the natural logic of this world. Always need oxygen for a flame to burn... alchemist would know.

"I manipulated the wind to create a vacuum..."

Mr. Letterio, you said you were just getting protection from the Spirit of the Wind (Silf), but it's totally amazing! Even though I am a knight, the use of magic is meticulous as a magician......!

"Heh. Did they turn it off? That's funny, you."

"You've done so much for me."

Mr. Letterio's eyes turned to Chillari and mine. "It's okay," I said, laughing and showing him, my slightly drooping eyes showing harsh colors, a little but soothing.

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