"Then I'll be there... Mr. Letterio, you know, thank you"

"Yeah. Sorry to bother Iris too..."

The head doesn't seem to care at all if Mr. Letterio looks sinister next door, and he is smiling at me and waving at me.

While I laughed lovingly, I handed Mr. Letterio a new tasting and plugging and ran to the commercial guild.

'Cause he's the lead alchemist at the Alchemy Institute. Not the kind of person I can keep waiting for a long time as an apprentice.

"Let's act differently from here. Lurus will go straight back to the workshop when he receives his hair decorations!

"Yeah, okay! I'll be back in the Knights dorm as soon as I get through the process in my guild, too, and then I'll be home!

"Lurus - Later"

Ignis was waving at Lulusu-kun and Lulusu-kun was waving back at me as he ran too.

- Oh, Ignis' drop-off was so cute and nasty, but not at all. That guy is more of a 'lead' to me than Mr. Letterio's brother.

"I'm so nervous......"

Would there have been any tea treats? Before we do that, what do we do with the tea? Choose from Dr. Penelope's tea collection. There must be some good tea a little expensive......!

"Yes, this completes the store opening process. So, Mr. Iris. As I was saying, the store is open, and there's no good place left. Are you sure?"

Behind the reception booth for the commercial guild, Emma was the one who went through the process in the consultation space.

And now, the map that Emma spreads a little sorry for is a placement map with a store opening on the square and street. If you look at it, Biscilli and the store were arranged at both ends of the main street as well as the square.

"Yes. It was my fault I signed up late, and it was cheap!

My placement is in the deepest corner of the square, but also an unpopular place in the shade of a large tree.

"I really want to make it a little better place...... you don't have anything else left. But this is a place that stays vacant every year, so it's a little too..."

"Wah, that's it...? Um, but I don't have a choice."

Tonton, and I heard footsteps down the stairs, and somehow looked up at the person who came down.

"Oh, Iris....... hmm? You're signing up to open a store by now?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Yes!... today, maybe?

It was Mr. Bardo who came down the stairs. Behind it is the man I see for the first time. Even considering he came down from the second floor of an guild with a private room, called a crisp figure, I'm sure this guy would be the guild leader for a commercial guild.

"Oh. I was here to talk to you about (...) in example (...)"

"Um, is it going to work?

When it comes to the commercial guild (here), it's the story of sprinkling the labyrinth with the seeds of "Midnight Grass". Let's absorb some of the magic vegetables that are overflowing in the labyrinth and sell the reddish 'Hope Moon Grass' fruit! a useless plan. Then I'm sure you'll hear the slightest imposition.

"Sort of. I don't need to worry about this one... Isn't Iris a little worried? There won't be that place."

"Oh really...?

"Oh. Well, Iris might be nice, but Lulusu-kun's with you, isn't he? Disappointed or angry...... no, maybe it burns the other way"

Yes, it was. It could be pathetic in this place to think about Lulusu-kun, who looks ready for fun.

"- Iris, what are you going to sell?

Mr. Bardo asked me with a face that seemed to come up with something.

"Huh? I have a little fruit and jelly soda water and potions, and Lulusu-kun is a hair decoration"

"Oh! That's good. All right, let's give our place half way to Iris. You, can you get our papers out? It's the Golden Axe Pavilion that opens in the square."

Mr. Bardo instructed Emma to do so and sat next to me. Emma looked at the guild chief as bewildered, but the guild chief nodded silently, so she took a seat in search of the paperwork.

"Um, Mr. Bardo? Is that okay?

"Oh. Every year, we serve skewered grilled meats and roast beef, but we're not going to make it to the labyrinth. So, Carla's got sweets for you this year instead, but when it comes to us, it's meat, right? We had a lot of male customers every year, so we thought we should bring in female customers this year..."

"Ah, Lulusu-kun's hair decorations are going to catch the attention of women!

"And Iris' soda water. Sparkling and brightly colored things catch the attention of customers."

"I see. Then maybe you have an idea for a potion bottle too......?

It's not the same as sending them together to the institute. Especially when it comes to festival stalls. It would be better if there was cuteness, like you would want to hold onto it while you enjoy the festival.

Try to devise a label, put a ribbon on it, talk to Lulusu-kun and try something!

Documents will be available before me and Mr. Bardo, and we'll redo the process of opening the store. I apologize to Emma for the hassle I've had twice.

But the opening place of "Golden Axe Pavilion" is a good place that seems to have quite a few crowds in the square. I'm sure this will please you, Lulusu-kun!

"Yes! Again, the process is complete! You're looking forward to it, Mr. Iris. And I look forward to Golden Axe Pavilion's sweets too......! Um, I've always wanted to go eat, but cafetime is hard to get to at work...!

"That's gratifying. I'll tell my wife."

Carla's sweets are complimented and Bardo is in a good mood. Then on its shoulder, Ignis jumped on with Peton.

"Hey, don't you have any meat for fukuchi?"

"Right. I gave up half to the Iris and this year the meat is going to turn to handling the labyrinth (over there) without it. Sorry, Ignis."

"Zanenda! Oh, it's the labyrinth."

Me and Mr. Bardo left the guild behind as we grinned bitterly at Ignis, who became Shun.

"Um, are we going to seed the late-night grass in the labyrinth?

"Oh. I'm going to see Letterio after this because it's better early. Sounds good anywhere to sow it if you want it to absorb the magic vegetables in the labyrinth... what do you think? Ignis."

"Mm-hmm. But I think it's best to stay in a thickened place."

"Right.... then it's me and Letterio in charge of the sowing."

Right now, the deepest part of the labyrinth is the darkest of the magic vegetables. There are cages and transfer formations over there that I'm not sure about. It's part of the secret of the labyrinth, and it's a place where you don't know what's coming out. A shallow layer could have given the hunter a good reason, but not at the deepest end of the spectrum either.

"Um, but Mr. Bardo. Your brother is coming to Letterio right now..."

"... what? Isn't his brother great at the Alchemy Institute?

"That's right! I'm a leading magician......! And yet I'm going to talk slowly in my workshop or something......!

"How can it be annoying to say you're great...?

"There's a story about sowing, right?"

Kufu ~! and Ignis, who seems happy for some reason, pulls Mr. Bardo's sleeve.

Oh, Ignis loves Mr. Bardo for his delicious meat......

"Right... if it's good to go, I'll go, but aren't we talking about the inner circle of the Alchemy Institute?

"No, not at all. Maybe when Letterio talked to him about the labyrinth, it felt like the head suddenly came..."

"You're really great. You're annoying."

"I've never even been able to say hello to you before, but you were so mypaced that you couldn't even let me do that"

"You look like a troublesome brother."

Mr. Bardo flies a voice transfer flight (tugmi) while smiling bitterly. "I'm going to Iris' workshop. I'll get back to you," so I'm sure they'll be Mr. Carla.

"Well. Then hurry to the Knights dorm.... By the way, Iris, what happened to white (...) et al. (...)?

Mr. Bardo looked at me from above and tilted his neck.

Oh, I knew we all thought so!? If you really take a closer look at the city, a woman with white bulbs in her hair is walking. Some men wear it on their chests.

"Ugh! That's not true - I was already told - Iris said - it was in the vault."

"What...? That would be miserable for you...?

"It's not! I didn't know about this festival until before...! Ugh... Mr. Bardo was the one who could give it to Carla properly?

"Naturally. As soon as I got home, I handed him the kitchen as usual. It's important to us."

"I knew it was an important festival in Venetos"

"Well, you are. - It's also special to us. You hear me?"

Niya laughs. Mr. Bardo looks like he'd like to hear it.

I'm sure we'll be talking about just the right length on the way to the Knights dorm.

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