"Uh-oh, that robe cloth on... it's what I saw! What weave...?

That's Lulusus, he's got a different focus.

But that robe that does look fine, sparkling and understated every time it rocks in the wind...... but why? That guy, the shirt he's wearing inside is sloppy. The chest's open and it's yo-yo.

"... your face is beautiful, too. It's a messy human being."

"Oh, Lulus-kun. Nice eye, huh? I can still see your face."

And, a glaring moment, a deafening voice and figure jumped into my sight.

"Brother! Wait!"

"I won't wait. This place is noisy and full of gaps. Move somewhere to calm down. Now where..."

Bad, eye to eye. And also with Mr. Letterio behind it.

"... oh, you're the (...) Irina apprentice of example (...)"


A black robe! A little dripping eye on your beautiful face......! Blonde hair! Besides, what Mr. Letterio calls "my brother" is this guy - Clemente, the lead magician at the Alchemy Institute......!

"Here we go..."

I rush to control where I lowered my head with my hands and they say, "Keep your head up".

And they look down at me just one step away from my big crotch... this gaze, it's like they're observing me.

What should I do? I wanted to be as kitty as the first time I met him, but I missed the timing.

"All right. Let's go to your workshop."




"You, show me around."

Ignoring Mr. Letterio's voice, the head of his face, very similar to Mr. Letterio's, smiles and says with some fun.

"No, but..."

"Forced, brother."

"Brother, Iris must have come here for something. I won't let you go back to the workshop."

"... you're a loud brother. I guess you called it in, huh?

"I didn't call you! You suddenly and suddenly pushed me."

Is this... a brotherly fight?

"I have no choice. Apprentice... was that Iris?


"I'll head to the workshop when you're done with your business. Nice."

This "good" would be a "good" decision.

But is it a good thing to nod at this "good"...... I see Chillari and Mr. Letterio.

"... ha. Iris, I'm sorry, but I was wondering if you'd agree."

"Okay. But my errands are very detailed..."

The fact that he promises to go to the commercial guild to file an application for the opening of the festival, Lulusu-kun tells him that he plans to go to the workshop where he is having his hair decorated.

"And then I want you all to plug in... you know, I was hoping you'd give the letterios a taste."

"Let's have it."

"Brother. This isn't your garden, so make yourself comfortable."

"Isn't your garden good in my garden"

I didn't know anyone really said "your stuff is mine". The four new knights who are consolidating there are saying the same thing.

I knew you couldn't help getting in there......

"I'm busy in front of the festival right now. Anyway, go inside..."

"Oh, the (...) festival of (...).... oh."

The head looked at me and laughed nigga.

"Iris, turn around."

"... Huh?

"Go around on the spot."

"Brother, suddenly..."

Really, what the hell is that? I know it means something because the head says so... but I'll report it to Dr. Irina and Dr. Penelope later. I order the lead surgeon Clemente not to know very well...... can I say!?

I go around on the spot for no reason and for some reason Ignis seems to enjoy it too...... oh you want to show off your cape. Cute.

"Um... what is it? Head..."

This guy... I had no idea he was like this because I had only seen him from a very far away place.

There's a difference in direction, but the brothers are kind of close to each other, and I'm only confused that I'm not very used to noblemen or men.

"You haven't inserted flowers (...) into your hair, have you?

The head looks at Mr. Kusuri and Laughing Letterio. And I saw Mr. Letterio too... but he looks kind of complicated, troublesome and odd.

"... flowers?

"The girls I'm wearing - there they are."

"The princess's white bulb. I knew it was going to go well with the Lurus hair decorations. Ha."

I was hazy with the two words. Speaking of which, the meaning of decorating your hair with white bulbs - they said something in the labyrinth, right? What is that...?

By my side trying to think back at high speed, I heard the new knights exchanging words between Bossoboso, Soissois and somethin '.

"What, Iris, no reservations...?

"No way."

"Stop it."

"Don't you spare your life. I'm sorry."

"... an appointment?

- That's right. Sure... decorating white bulbs on my hair is a sign that I have a festival partner...

"What...!? Didn't you just put flowers on festival day!?

"If you put a white bulb on it for a while, you can show it around you that it's pre (...) about (...) done (...)? That's why I give it to you in advance. And you have to turn it red."

"... ah"

I realized it was awkward. No, maybe it's good to know now.

"Oh, right......! If I had to turn it red, it wouldn't have made any sense..."

Four knights, Ignis to Lulusu-kun, and Letterio looked at me with the face of what now......

"Right. Because I eventually have to return the 'Knight's Red Bulb'...... Iris, I asked you once, but I gave it to you. How are you doing?

"Uh... in the vault of state retention... it was gone"

Mr. Letterio silently covered his face with one hand and dropped another sigh of relief, hah...


"Senior, I need to teach you something properly..."

"Bright white flowers returned at the festival......"


There's such a voice from four people looking down at me from behind.

"... that returning white flowers is muggy...?

"That? Don't you know that? I mean, I'm sorry."

"What, I didn't know that! I just thought I had to take care not to wither away by the festival......!

"Do you have this disciple as your master?"

Horrible...... I didn't know it would come that way. And, the head had a slightly tight laugh, pounding Mr. Letterio's shoulder.

"... what does that mean? Brother."

"Good. It's too early for you."

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