Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 989: Take it right

Lao Bai went out in person, and the cooperation with Capoca was quickly determined.

It’s not that Sun Peng’s face is big enough for the other party to make huge concessions, but because Sun Peng is the last one, and his attitude determines the success or failure of this cooperation-so when Sun Peng is not I was impatient and stated that if I couldn't negotiate in the United States these days, I would hand over the script to DreamWorks or other Huaxia Animation companies. When they continued to talk with Capoca, the other party would compromise almost instantly.

Again, who wants to share good things with others?

Although Lao Bai wants high pay and dividends, high enough to set a new record for Capoca, even Hollywood animation film scripts and soundtracks, he has tasted the sweetness of "Frozen" and "The Lion King" After that, Capoca must still pinch his nose to agree!

Otherwise, as soon as the Huaxia people enter the game...

"Tsk tsk, then it will not be just about dividends and pay!"

While the rest of the company is still very upset, Francis? Philip narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "If Huaxia's investment in the end accounted for the majority of the investment, and we became a supporting role in it, which plan would have the greater loss?"

"What are you afraid of cooperation? We can do the same as before..."


"Damn it, don't mention your careful thoughts to me!"

Without waiting for the other person to finish speaking, Francis? Philip had already slapped the table hard and exclaimed angrily: "Have your brains been flooded? No problem in North America. That is our territory, but what about China? Where is the biggest market for Laobai animation, at least at the box office. Can be half higher than North America... guess who suffers more?"


After the president's angry cry, no one dared to speak anymore.

Exaggerated publicity costs, numerous hidden costs, and of course the distribution share are all Hollywood studios' methods of exploiting investors. But when the Huaxia film market has completely risen and the total box office has surpassed that of North America, this method is less and less least for Huaxia people, they dare not use it.

The market is too big, and China's movie giants are not easy to mess with.

So seeing the subordinates shut up one by one, Francis? Philip didn’t hesitate anymore, and he made a decision directly: “Then, let’s go back and let the Legal Department discuss the details of the contract with that side! guys, please remember me! Laobai is our most important cooperation with Capoca. Partner, so I don’t care what you think, but don’t allow anything that harms his interests..."


"Xiaopeng, Haggs Pictures has agreed!"

After putting down the phone in her hand, Sun Ya looked at her brother with a weird look: "These **** guys...I highly suspect that they photographed people to follow and monitor us! Hmph, we are going to Haimen soon. Thinking of the film industry, they suddenly called and said they agreed to all the conditions?"


After a daze, Sun Peng was suddenly happy.

The other party's decision came so quickly, and he still agreed to Sun Peng's terms without bargaining, which was indeed a bit surprising. But in any case, it is a good thing for Sun Peng, because no matter what the result of waiting to go to Hymens, his purpose of coming to the United States this time has been achieved!

At this moment, Liu Chang, the assistant next to him, suddenly shook his mobile phone and said with a slight disdain: "If you want me to watch it, it should be the influence of the trailer, right?"

After blinking, Sun Ya asked in a puzzled manner: "Trailer? What trailer? "Terminator" is about to be released. Hasn't the trailer been released long ago? Is there something new? "

"Not "Terminator", but another one!"

Shaking his head, Liu Chang simply put the phone screen in front of the two of them, and then said: "Liang Ren's "Trumen's World", the second version of the trailer has just been released on the whole network! It is just equivalent to releasing a stereotype. According to the first version, the second version of the trailer is much more exciting...Tsk, anyway, I want to go to the cinema immediately after watching it!"

"Liang Ren? That's not surprising!"

After listening to Liu Chang's words, Sun Ya suddenly realized.

As China's well-deserved number one superstar, Liang Ren is not as famous in the United States as Michael? Pete, but he definitely ranks among the top stars. It is even more famous in the world, even slightly better than Long Ge on earth! The release of his new movie trailer will naturally arouse the interest of many people.

If it's normal, that's all, but "Trumen's World" looks very interesting!

At least after Sun Peng watched the second version of the trailer, he felt that the director had completely grasped the essence of the film-the huge dome of the studio, as well as the dialogue like God and the people, directly captured the audience. Our heart!

"In other words, they are optimistic about this movie?"

After rubbing his chin, Sun Peng smiled thoughtfully.

"Hehe, more than optimistic?"

Taking a look at Sun Peng, Liu Chang chuckled: "This trailer has only been released for less than 24 hours. On the two major North American websites, "Trumen's World" has risen to the top ten most anticipated movies in the summer. ; And in China, it directly rushed into the top three, which is much higher than your "Assassin League"!"


Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng didn't want to speak.

The scripts written by him are definitely a tie in this regard; as a novice director, even if the results of the first two films are good, they are definitely incomparable with the famous Hollywood director invited by Liang Ren, which is definitely a disadvantage; As for the final cast...

Lang Chen + Lin Lin + Xue Ligang, can you make Liang Ren better?

Just like on the earth, a little fresh meat who just entered the movie circle plus four little flowers, plus a "late bloomer", only played the old drama bones of two popular movies, and can fight for the call of the dragon brother. force?

That's nonsense!

Sun Ya naturally understood this, so he did not "mouse" Sun Peng with Liu Chang, but said solemnly: "Xiao Peng, the current situation is that Haggs Films has agreed to our terms, so what follows Hymens...Should we raise the conditions higher?"

"Huh? You mean..."

After thinking about it, Sun Peng quickly understood what the second sister meant.

The other party agreed to his terms, it doesn't mean that he has to cooperate with them, he can give Haimensi a little higher, and then see what they mean-to put it bluntly, just sit on the ground and start the price!


"No, no!"

Soon a decision was made, and Sun Peng shook his head and said: "Since Haggs Films agreed first, then "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" will be handed over to them, and we can't lose our reputation!"

"Then... Do you still go to Hymens today?"

"Go, of course!"

With a flash of gaze, Sun Peng said with a smile: "As for Haimensi Pictures, today's negotiations are correct..."

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