Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 988: DreamWorks

Well, Sun Peng is embarrassed right now.

Because after listening to Lucas's words, Sun Peng almost immediately remembered the famous symbol on the earth-a little boy fishing on the moon.

That company was founded by three entertainment giants.

The soul figure is the great director Spielberg who Sun Peng is very familiar with. Since its establishment, the company has produced many classic movies and animations, such as Shrek, Transformers, Kung Fu Panda and so on. It's just a pity that the company was sold to Global for various reasons!

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that Sun Peng just thought of the legendary company, and when he blurted out the name, he suddenly remembered that his animation company is called DreamWorks...

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Because of the embarrassment, he couldn't find anything to say for a while, and Sun Peng could only close his mouth and cough twice.

"However, the name DreamWorks is really great!"

Seems to see the embarrassment of Sun Peng, Steve? Lucas frowned and laughed: "The filmmaker's job is actually to make dreams. Unfortunately, you have already used this name first... Sun, why did you suddenly talk about your animation company?"

"This one……"

After turning his eyes a few times, Sun Peng said casually: "I'm thinking, if what you just said becomes a reality, maybe you can work with DreamWorks on several movies in the future... well, an animation. the film!"

"Oh? This is really a good proposal!"

After listening to Sun Peng's words, Michael next to him? Pete's eyes lit up instantly!

More than good? It's simply wonderful!

How about Lao Bai’s animated movie, can these two people still be unclear? So far there are three, one of which overturned Japan’s historical box office champion, and the remaining two "Frozen" and "The Lion King" not only almost overturned the global animation champion, but also won twice in a row. Best Oscar...

A fool refuses such a good thing!

So after looking at each other, Michael? Pete and Steve? The two Lucas became more enthusiastic about their plans. While the waiter sorted his thoughts while serving the dishes, Lucas continued, "How about? Sun, do you want to think about it? This is really a good idea!"

"Yes, the company we work with will have the best resources!"

Steve? As soon as Lucas finished speaking, Michael next to him? Peter then nodded and said: "You have the best script and the best soundtrack. We also have the top directors and actors in Hollywood. As long as we have enough funds, we can definitely make good films... Two markets, and they still have influence radiating the whole world. I really can't think of a reason for failure!"

When it comes to this, Michael? Pete's eyes are glistening!

"Yes, I think so."

After a long silence, Sun Peng nodded slowly.

He couldn't refute the other party's words.

With Michael? Pete, a superstar of Hollywood, has Steve? Lucas, a super director who can spend more money to make money, and of course Sun Peng, a super scriptwriter with a brain full of Hollywood classics, it is conceivable that Hollywood still rules most of the world, and the Chinese market is also What is the future of this new company in a place that has doubled in size!

No matter what you think, it is full of allure!

Looking at Sun Peng's thoughtful look, Michael? Pete and Steve? Lucas looked at each other again, and then both saw the joy in each other's eyes...

In addition, there is a touch of loss.

Just in the memory two or three years ago, Steve? When Lucas invited Laobai to cooperate, he still had the idea of ​​dispensable and regarded the other party as a choice; and Michael? Pete felt even more indifferent, just polite. But now, they all really see each other as a figure of the same level as themselves!

No, maybe more than that!

So even if you see Sun Peng's heart moving, the two people's ideas are likely to become a reality, and it is really difficult to get them excited at this moment-the contrast is indeed a bit too big.


After a while, Sun Peng smiled suddenly.

This kind of smile seemed very strange, it seemed to be a relief, and it seemed to have such a little confidence. In short, this Mr. Laobai raised the wine glass in his hand and shook his head at the two Hollywood bigwigs. "Thank you, thank you both for your trust and respect for me! To be honest, I was really moved at that moment! It’s a pity that I still prefer to be a pure screenwriter or director. Others don’t have much interest in starting a company..."


"Xiaopeng, are you really not interested?"

After listening to Sun Peng's report, assistant Liu Chang asked quite curiously.


Some nodded carelessly, but Sun Peng didn't explain much.

Really not interested?

of course not!

The reason for the failure of DreamWorks on Earth is really not clear to Sun Peng, but one thing he can be sure of: If new companies in this world always use Sun Peng’s own scripts, then whether it is because those big companies monopolize distribution channels Fortunately, because of his own operations, Sun Peng firmly believes that it will not recur in this world.


The feeling of heartbeat lasted for less than a minute, and Sun Peng kicked him back.

Even if it is a big success, what can be done?

If it's just for making money, Sun Peng's direct wholesale scripts and novels will definitely come faster! And if in the future the film company becomes bigger and bigger, even reaching the top level of Hollywood, then will it be regarded as the success of Hollywood or the success of China Film?

The result can be known with the ass.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his sacrifice was great. Sun Peng couldn't help but nodded his head repeatedly: "Tsk Tsk, I made a major sacrifice for the future of Huaxia Movies..."

While thinking about it, Sun Peng squinted at his agent.

If the second sister asks the reason, should he say it? If you say it, do you want to think about the words and sentences in advance, and make your own thoughts more impartial?

"Okay, don't think about it if you refuse!"

While Sun Peng was pondering secretly, Sun Ya suddenly waved his hand and said, "This is all about meddling. Starting tomorrow morning, we are about to do business!"


Sun Peng's face went dark, and he rolled his eyes suddenly.

It’s just that Sun Ya didn’t care about his mood at the moment, and said to herself: “This time Xiaopeng comes to the United States, regardless of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", or the little magician, you can relax. , But the "Zoo City" must be settled as soon as possible..."

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