Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1423: Can't underestimate

Ignoring the host who looked surprised, Sun Peng smiled and walked into the premiere hall.

To say that the Little Witcher series has greater potential is indeed a bit vain, but Sun Peng did not hesitate when he said it, because he did have such expectations in his heart. And think about the Little Mage series on Earth, why except for the eighth finale, no one can exceed the box office of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"?

Sun Peng may not know the reason, but from this series of figures, a fact can be seen, that is, there is an obvious ceiling in the box office of the Harry Potter movies!

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is the ceiling!

As for the final "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2, it is special because it is the finale of the series. It is not surprising that the final piece can get 1.3 billion US dollars at the box office.

After all, it still lacks freshness.

Because of the strong position of Hollywood movies in the world for decades, Western magic movies have long been not new themes. Not to mention the audiences in Europe and the United States, who in the East where China is located does not know magicians? In domestic and Japanese animation themes and those online novels, I don’t know how much there are about magicians.

Seeing too much, naturally there will be no freshness.

Although Harry Potter is indeed more interesting than ordinary fantasy novels, it is definitely not going to reach the point where countless people are crazy on earth! And in this world, if Laobai or Laobai did not accumulate enough fame, and without two publishing houses and two film and television giants sparing no effort in publicity and promotion, I am afraid that there would be no way to reach Chengdu now, right?

There is still room for imagination in novels. The more movies are made, the less novelty they will be.

But the Little Wizard series is completely different.

Although China’s Xianxia culture is equally popular in China, it is mostly concentrated in the field of online novels and TV dramas, and movies are rarely shot. It's not that the movie people can't see the potential of the Xianxia category, but if they want to do well, the investment in special effects is too great-something that needs to be on the big screen can't be like a TV show.

If the investment is large, the risk will increase.

Therefore, the domestic fairy tale movies, in fact, only started to take off in the past few years, and in order to cater to the young people's market, they are often combined with love and staged a series of **** love...

A fairy school?

It’s in those Internet novels that often open up their minds, the fairy-style novels are mainly martial arts, right? Not to mention that there are high-speed rails, airplanes, and everything that modern people are familiar with.

Full of freshness and full creativity!

So even in China, the little wizard can bring a full sense of freshness to the audience, let alone abroad. And because of the bonus of the name laobai, the wonderful relationship with the little magician, and the investment of Nanhai Films and Rainbow Pictures at the expense of the capital, the little wizard’s first "Hanbo and Lingshi" is of high quality and completely Hollywood's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is worthwhile, this is its confidence in the global box office of more than one billion dollars!

In comparison, which series has more potential?

Anyway, no matter what others think, Sun Peng always feels that the front... even the Little Wizard series, which is still in a weak position among the two, may be the final winner. It’s just that the process of winning may be very difficult, because the influence of Chinese films and Hollywood is still far behind, and the influence of wizarding culture is also far behind that of magicians, but from the second to the final. The eighth book, at least eight or nine years away, who knows what will happen next?

Haha, just look forward to...


"Mr. Bai, you, hello!"

While Sun Peng thought about what he had just said, when he walked into the hall where the premiere was held, he suddenly heard a very naive greeting.

He looked up and glanced around, and there were fiery eyes all around.

As the finale of today's premiere, Sun Peng naturally did not have to go to the VIP room specially prepared for him to rest, but went directly to the premiere scene that was about to begin. So as soon as he walked in, he greeted countless eyes of attention-at today's premiere, he was absolutely the number one boss.

But after turning his eyes around, Sun Peng's gaze quickly stopped on the little girl in front of him.

Lina, the only girl in the Magic Triangle.

Twelve-year-old Lina? Morpheus cannot be said to be particularly beautiful, but being selected to play Hermione at least shows that she is very attractive. Has Sun Peng met this girl twice, or three times? Knowing that this is a very well-behaved girl, but also quite mature. And she is now a big star in the UK. She has appeared in a movie with a box office of more than one billion dollars, and she is destined to continue to star in at least six or seven movies, which has won her unprecedented attention.

So after seeing her clearly, Sun Peng immediately showed a gentle smile on his face, and then proactively stretched out his right hand: "Hello, dear Lina, it's been a long time... Oh, you are getting more and more It's beautiful!"

"Thank you, Mr. Laobai!"

After hearing Sun Peng’s greetings, Lina? Morpheus was obviously very excited. After carefully shaking Sun Peng's palm, he blinked his eyes and asked: "We have not seen you on the set for the second and third series this time... You are now Don't care about Harry Potter movies anymore?"

"Haha, of course not."

After releasing the opponent's hand, he subconsciously wanted to pat the opponent's head, but after Sun Peng's right hand stiffened in the air, he soon put it down again: "I just have a lot of things recently, and I don't have time to leave China."

A twelve-year-old girl cannot be easily killed by touching her head.

Especially the little girls in Europe and the United States are very precocious. Coupled with the differences in concepts and habits, I really want to touch people’s heads. If you can’t go back to the British tabloids, there are a few silly articles. Then Sun Peng It's really disgusting.


At the moment when Sun Peng hesitated, the little girl smiled sweetly: "Mr. Laobai, how many days will you stay in London this time? If you have plenty of time, can I invite you to dinner tomorrow? I have There are too many questions about Hermione I want to ask you!"


Looking at the other person with a seemingly innocent smile, Sun Peng couldn’t help but glanced behind her. After making sure that no one was there to remind him, he twitched his mouth and smiled: “Hehe, sorry, I have very important things to do tomorrow. I’m afraid I won’t be able to accompany you to dinner... It’s a shame."

Sure enough, even the twelve-year-old girl can't underestimate anyone in the entertainment industry!

Remembering that the contract between Haggs Pictures and the three leading actors was signed for the third film, Sun Peng has already begun to pay a silent tribute to their future production fees-this second film only needs to be high enough at the box office to start the fourth film , How many times does the salary of others do?

Shaking his head slightly, Sun Peng was not interested in pestering a little girl, and smiled apologetically: "Sorry dear Lina, I think I have to say goodbye for a while..."

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