Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1422: More optimistic

The news of Laobai's arrival in London naturally immediately appeared on the entertainment pages of major newspapers. Not only the small newspapers that use entertainment news to attract readers, but even some major newspapers have given enough attention.

Laobai's name is heavy enough, and the weight of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is not light.

In fact, before the publication of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", the British had no idea that a foreigner could write their magical culture so vividly and interestingly. If you are Americans, Canadians, or even English-speaking countries such as Australia and New Zealand, that's all, but it's a Chinese from the East!

This kind of strong contrast is really unacceptable for a while.

But after being depressed in my heart, what followed was a strong curiosity-why can a Chinese person do this? What does the British magic school he wrote about look like?

Propelled by these curiosities, the Little Mage series went wild in the UK.

Purely in terms of the ratio of total population to book sales, the United Kingdom is the well-deserved largest household in the Little Mage series, and the ratio is even more than that of Sun Peng's base camp, China, and North America, the most important market! As of the release of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" has sold more than 4.6 million copies in the UK, and the fourth volume of the series "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" "Sales also broke the three million mark!

The movie "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" has not yet been released, and the pre-sale has exceeded three million pounds.

The initial curiosity has become obsession.

Children who like the Harry Potter series are different from those adults who feel uncomfortable. They don't care whether the author is British or American, or the Chinese people they have looked down upon before, as long as the book is good!

The movie is out, so I must go to see it.

So this is why Sun Peng rushed to London before the premiere of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets". His original work is in China, so there is no need to worry about the box office, so the important thing is the European and American markets, just like Hollywood superstars must come to China for a cutscene every time a movie is released.

To be honest, this feeling is really strange to Sun Peng...

"So, it can only be hard work."

While sighing secretly in his heart, Sun Peng smiled at the host of today's premiere: "Excuse me, I was a little distracted just now...what did you just ask?"


After a daze, the coquettish host laughed quickly: "Mr. Sun, I just asked what is your box office expectation for the movie "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"?"

"Haha, the box office..."

Smiling, Sun Peng shrugged and said: "To be honest, I am very satisfied with the second film shot by Haggs Pictures, so if you are looking forward to the box office, it is best to exceed the global box office of the first film! I think in terms of their work results, it should be worth such a high box office!"

Ordinary scenes are Sun Peng's voice.

Hollywood filmmakers in this world did a good job, and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" shot better, which definitely exceeded Sun Peng's expectations. Of course, this is also related to the filming era later than on the earth, and the investment is greater, and it is also said that there is "Han Bo and Lingshi", even a competitor, but also a partner movie behind the supervision, Hollywood movies Of course people dare not neglect!

If the box office is overtaken by the Huaxia version, then does Hollywood's face need it?

So whether it was making a movie or a later promotional movie, Haggs really spared no effort to achieve the ultimate he could do. Of course, the huge potential of the IP of the little magician is also worth their investment, no one can resist this huge temptation!

With a box office of more than one billion U.S. dollars, it is just the bottom line in Sun Peng's heart.

In fact, he hopes that the box office of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" can reach 1.5 billion US dollars! And this number is nothing more than the original 2004 Earth box office plus China’s box office in this world. If China’s audience is stronger, the box office can reach 3 billion...

Tsk tsk, even if the hope is not great, Sun Peng is happy when I think of it.

1.2 billion dollars, no less!

Just as Sun Peng was secretly looking forward to it, the host raised his brows and suddenly asked: "Then the last question, Mr. Laobai, may I ask the "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" in the Christmas file and the New Year file in your country Compared with the released "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets", which one do you think will have a higher box office?"

"Han Bo and the secret room? Contrast?"

After hearing this name, Sun Peng couldn't help but have a meal.

It has to be said that Haggs Pictures and Nanhai Pictures really saw the stimulating relationship between the two brothers of this mother compatriot, so this year’s release date for the second part of their respective series once again chose the first Department of the same schedule. "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" is selected at the Christmas stall, and "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" is selected at the peak of China's box office-the New Year's stall!

The contrast between the two films has naturally become the focus of attention once again.

The last time it was released, the Little Wizard had the unquestionable upper hand. Not only did it leave the Little Wizard at the box office in the Western world, it was only slightly behind in China and surrounding countries.

It can be said that the first contest ended with the little magician's complete victory.

So the host’s question was thrown out, obviously a little bit unkind. If Sun Peng says that the little wizard wins, it means that he has no confidence in his own local culture. It seems that it is okay to be directly said that the western magical culture is far superior to the eastern wizardry culture; but if the little wizard will win, wait until the future of the two If the ticket is released, it will be pulled out by these media to make a face.

Seeing Sun Peng narrowed his eyes, the corner of the hostess's mouth could not help but bend a tiny arc.

Yes, she did it on purpose.

In fact, it is not only the people in Haggs and Nanhai who are watching the box office collision between the little wizard and the little wizard, but for many filmmakers in China and the West, they are also full of interest in this. Because in the eyes of many people, this is a showdown between Eastern and Western cultures, and because of their special origins, it is a very fair showdown!

To be honest, the host would prefer to hear the former from Sun Peng.

Although it would be really cool to face one of the world’s best screenwriters, as a British, she still hopes to hear the answer that the influence of British culture surpasses Chinese culture-even the creator of the so-called British magician culture, This is the black-haired and black-eyed Chinese man in front of me!

It’s just that under the gaze of the hostess, Sun Peng just groaned, then chuckled: “If the box office of the second part of the two series, I think Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets should be better. But if you talk about the future box office potential, to be honest, I am more optimistic about the Little Wizard series..."

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