Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1417: look forward to

"There is no doubt that in terms of plot and soundtrack alone, this is a masterpiece!"

As a special commentator on the cgn website, fixt did not hesitate to give "The Legend of the Old White Knights-Book of Swords and Enmity" a high score of 8.3, and wrote a long review of 1,600 words.

"The plot is very good!"

In the first paragraph of the long commentary, fixt wrote passionately: "As the supreme **** in the field of martial arts novels and the pioneer of this theme, the game plot created by Bai Da himself is impeccable! At the same time, he even jumped out In contrast to the current trend of various martial arts novels, the more and more mysterious the martial arts, the more bizarre the plot, and the closer to the truth...At least in the first part of "Old White Chivalry", he asked The players showed a more real world!"

"In addition to the battle between the court and the Red Flower Society, Bai Da's description of emotions is still nothing to say. The love between Chen Jialuo and the two sisters, the emotional entanglement between Luo Bing, Yu Yutong and Li Yuanzhi, and even the Tianshan Double Eagles. The vinegar sea interesting things that make people laugh, make people feel a **** martial arts!"

"Compared to the characters flying around, these people who are real enough to immerse the players may be the most suitable carrier for martial arts games, rather than making people feel like just a series of data..."

"The soundtrack is very good!"

After talking about the plot, the next step is the soundtrack, and on this, fixt is more fanatical, and directly wrote: "As a game commentator, in fact, I don’t feel qualified to judge "The Legend of the Old Watchmen-Book Sword" The soundtrack of "Encouragement Records" is not even qualified for any game commentator! The ones who are really qualified should be the big players in the music circle, and they may not have any idea about the other soundtracks, but for the theme song "Best Lovers", they should have already given their own judgment..."


"The picture is seven points! Although Maolin Chen from Lao Bai Studio did a great job and pushed the picture level of "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography" to the top of China in one fell swoop, but compared with the 3a masterpiece of the international big factory, their production time is short. Insurmountable flaws, so the picture is only seven points..."

"Six points for the gameplay! It can be seen that Lao Bai Studio has considerable reservations about his pioneering work. Although many side plots enrich the content of the entire game, the limitations of the linear plot cannot be avoided. In addition, in Shanshan The novel settings such as evil value and adventure value are too simple, maybe we can only look forward to the improvement in "Old White Knights 2"..."

"The lens design is five points! Compared with many well-known rpg game ips, the lens design of "Old White Heroes" is undoubtedly still immature, and there is a lot of room for improvement..."


"To sum up, "The Legend of the Old White Knights-Book and Sword Encounter" can get a score of 8.3. Although it is far away from the world's top shangyuan, it can definitely be called one of the pinnacle masterpieces of China RPG. ! As a China game reviewer, I am very satisfied with this, and now I am more and more looking forward to "Old White Heroes 2" and "Old White Heroes 3"..."


Cgn, one of China's most well-known game scoring websites now.

As the top brand of cgn, fixt's long review is undoubtedly a huge affirmation of "Old White Heroes".

At the same time, game websites such as 52game are not to be outdone, and have sent their strongest lineup to evaluate the most popular game "Old White Heroes".

Objectively speaking, everyone's ideas are similar.

The plot and soundtrack have a full score or close to full score, and the graphics and character design have also given considerable affirmation. At least the domestic top level of "Old White Heroes" is recognized, but the gameplay and lens design are important parts of rpg games, or the most capable It reflects the background and accumulation of a game company, and their scores are not very high.

"In short, this is indeed our problem!"

When Sun Peng came to Lao Bai's studio again, Chen Maolin took a deep breath and nodded helplessly: "So although I am not reconciled,...Lao Bai's studio is still lacking in strength!"

"Hehe, because of the lens, gameplay and graphics?"

With a slight smile, Sun Peng asked faintly.

"No, not including the picture."

Shaking his head, Chen Fengzhi smiled and said, "This thing is actually an investment problem, but it is the least important part! As long as we have enough investment and enough time, Huaxia local painters and programmers can solve it. These questions...Boss, we just didn't think it was necessary when we made "The Legend of the Old White Knights 1", but it doesn't mean that we can't reach the top level in the world!"

"Yes, Old Chen was right."

Nodded, Chen Maolin said solemnly: "If we extend the production cycle for another two years, we are confident that we can achieve a world-class level... but there is no need for that! Because even if the graphics are top-notch, what about the gameplay? , If there is no major breakthrough in lens design, the final product is just top-heavy and still a partial student! As for lens design, there is no way, just like movies, we need time accumulation!"


After pondering for a moment, Sun Peng nodded slowly.

In fact, he had already learned about these things before, and he insisted on letting Chen Maolin and others make the best pictures, but after understanding the time and cost to be paid, he gave up With this plan-Laobai Studio is a newly-built company after all, and its efficiency is incomparable with other big factories. It is also the top-level picture that the time and money cost will be greatly improved. It is really not true to spend on the first one. Cost-effective.

In terms of lens design, the production of rpg requires experience and accumulation just like film shooting. Sun Peng can only hope that the second part will improve.

The key issue lies in the gameplay!

"The second part of the game, we may have a breakthrough!"

When Sun Peng asked about this, Chen Maolin thought for a while and said seriously: "Because of time and accumulation, we do have reservations for the first part, such as the adventure system, the good and evil value system, and the fast catching system. I gave up halfway through... In fact, it can’t be regarded as giving up, it’s just too simple to do, and there is no playability. But in the second part, we will definitely increase our efforts to make them one of the most attractive parts of the game. One!"

"Ok, I know."

Of course, Sun Peng has already understood these things, nodded and smiled: "To be honest, I look forward to these gameplay more than critics and players... But the real expectation is the openness of "Old White Knights 2" Up."

"Yes, this is our most important task!"

Both eyes lit up, and Chen Maolin nodded and said: "In the past three years, our focus has been on "The Legend of the Old White Knights 1", but...hehe, boss, you should also know that not only the game engine, including We have never stopped the development and accumulation of the second and third parts..."

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