Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1085: You can't be a man

Thor, Rocket the Raccoon, and Nebula, Thanos' daughter.

The three thank you for knowing each other.

Not to mention Xing Yun and Sol, the little raccoon Rocket made Xie Zhi feel a sense of fate.

Because many years ago, when Xie Zhi and Bucky used Dongfeng 17 as the name of the mercenary group, they had captured this guy, as well as his stupid and cute tree partner Groot.

I never thought that the little thieves in the two universes had been separated for many years and got involved again, so it was... quite interesting.

As for Thor, the intelligence shows that this kid's strength has indeed increased dramatically, not only upgraded from the hammer **** to the real Thor, but also got a weapon that is more ruthless than the Meow Hammer, called the Storm Axe.

How powerful is this thing? According to Rhodes' description, the Storm Ax once withstood the energy shock released by Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet, and forcibly split a path, severely injuring Thanos.

Although I don't know how many kinds of infinity stones Thanos used at that time, even if there is only one, it shows how powerful the Storm Ax is.

So Xie Zhi is not sure, whether the artifact of his own cottage is qualified enough to compete recklessly with the Storm Axe.

Even Chi Xiao, who has unlimited potential, is probably not enough. After all, he hasn't sucked the eternal flame yet, and he is still in the growth stage. If he directly faces the full-level Storm Axe, his chances of winning are not much.

But Xie Zhi is not afraid. He is wary of the Infinity Gems. As far as the Storm Ax is concerned, the lethality is strong enough and the material is hard enough, but it seems that there is no rule power of cheating nature, so there is something for it.

nebula? Unfamiliar, not very good, passerby.

But leaving the earth is not right away, there are still some things to deal with.

And to go to the universe, at least there must be information about Doubi the Guardians of the Galaxy, yes Doubi, anyway, according to Rhodes, that guy is a big fool, but he is very compatible with Sol, the second fool.

At present, there is a way to find them. Little Raccoon Rocket and Marvel Captain Carol, after they came to Earth, helped the Superheroes upgrade their communication systems so that they can contact their allies in the universe.

Although the Avengers has been disbanded, Rhodes' communication equipment is still kept, and it can be used as it is.

But this is still not the primary issue. Xie Zhi intends to leave immediately after confirming the location, so he has to do everything that needs to be done before contacting the Guardians of the Galaxy.

For example, now, the hunting game between the terminator of evil spirits and the black heart demon can be over.

When Xie Zhi pursued it personally, with the direction of the evil spirit terminator and his own sensitivity to space fluctuations, he blocked the black heart demon in a short time.

What Xie Zhi didn't expect was that there was another person who was also chasing the Black Heart Demon, or maybe he was chasing the Terminator of the Evil Spirit. Anyway, the speed was really astonishingly fast, almost on par with the Terminator of the Evil Spirit.

However, it may be that the other party appeared relatively late, so he could only hang from a distance, and he hadn't caught up for a while.

But facing the sudden appearance of Xie Zhi, the expression of the black heart demon is very exciting. Xie Zhi never thought that there would be so many expressions on a person's face that can be used as dialogue, really emoticons.

Xie Zhi can also understand that this person should have been happy for a while after crossing, but not long after he was happy, he was completely reduced to a dog in the water, running away with his life, and seeing himself again, I am afraid that the black heart demon will not be able to hold others in his heart in this life.

"Why you again!" Black Heart Demon roared in grief and indignation.

Xie Zhi was startled suddenly, and said in amazement: "Are you... are you crying? Sorry, I thought that as a demon, your spirit would not be too fragile."

"It's all forced by you! I just want to turn the world into hell, is it too much!?"

"Uh... Since this is not too much in your opinion, then we can't talk about it today. Come on, anyway, you will die once in my hands, and it is not too much to die a second time."

Before he finished speaking, the Black Heart Demon flashed again, and Xie Zhi sighed: "Death struggle, trouble."

It is indeed a bit troublesome, but it is just a small trouble. Although Xie Zhi didn't plan to use the mirror space this time, he has experience in dealing with black demons, so he can continue to play headshots.

Although the Black Heart Demon has an immortal body, as long as the headshot is fast enough, it will be too late for him to launch the space teleportation, and this only needs one bullet.

It is very simple to say, but there is really not much that can be done. After all, few people have such deep spatial perception as Xie Zhi, so they can arrange in advance.

In short, after the Black Heart Demon teleported three times in a row, a member of the robot army that had been deployed widely in advance shot his head with a gun.

Afterwards, without even a chance to confess his last words, Xie Zhi released Qinglong again, Longyan was cremated, the black heart demon, and the second sudden.

In fact, the Black Heart Devil is still useful before he dies, for example, just like Danny, let Gangzai sign another contract to collect his power.

But this matter, Xie Zhi is really not sure enough, using the routine of **** demons, it is no problem against Danny and Norman who are still laymen, but the possibility of accidents is not low for expert **** creatures.

So it's safest to kill.

After that, Xie Zhi didn't leave in a hurry, and recovered the robot army and Qinglong. At the same time, he hid himself, mainly because he was afraid of scaring away the pursuers.

Immediately afterwards, the Evil Spirit Terminator arrived and waited in place.

After a while, the pursuer appeared, facing the Terminator from afar.

And this pursuer, coincidentally, is one of the targets that Xie Zhi arranged for Norman and the battery man to find, he is... White Vision.

Seeing that the Evil Spirit Terminator didn't speak, Bai Huayan spoke: "Hi, I don't mean any harm, I just want to ask, how is the superhuman you are chasing?"

The Evil Spirit Terminator said indifferently: "Why should I tell you? Give me a reason."

"A reasonable request, but I really don't have a convincing reason. I'm looking for that person, and you, just out of curiosity. I need some... reference standards for self-cognition. Frankly speaking, I'm a little lost."

The way White Phantasm speaks is between mechanical and human, which seems a bit unnatural.

This is a bit different from what Xie Zhi knew. The current information about White Vision's last whereabouts is limited to his appearance in Westview Town, which was shaped by Wanda's strange power.

Witnesses saw the White Vision attack Wanda and fight another vision that should not exist. In the end, the White Vision flew away.

But White Vision is obviously no longer under the control of Tianjian Bureau. Obviously, this has something to do with the encounter between the two Visions, but no one knows what happened between the two Visions.

This is also where Xie Zhi's curiosity lies, which is why he asked his subordinates to also investigate the traces of White Vision.

As soon as Bai Huanshi's voice fell, Xie Zhi appeared, since the other party was already close in front of him, there was no need to worry about him escaping.

"Hello, what's your name?"

Suddenly there were more people, but Bai Huanvision didn't feel nervous at all: "When you ask someone's name, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

"Sure, you can call me Lao Xie."

"Then you can also call me Laobai."

Xie Zhi was taken aback, and smiled, "It's just a title..."

Unexpectedly, White Vision interrupted: "I think the meaning of a name is not only a name, but also a recognition of oneself."

"But you don't seem to want to tell me where you position yourself now."

White Vision was silent for a while, and said: "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't figure it out either. I am Vision, and I am not Vision. Similarly, I am Vision, and I am not Vision.

Maybe... Lao Bai is a good start.

What I want to know more now is whether we should be in a hostile relationship between you and me. "

"You seem to prefer talking."

"Dialogue brings more options than necessary, and few post-conflict options."

Xie Zhi raised his thumb: "Well said, it seems that you are indeed different from the past."

Bai Huayan tilted his head slightly: "You know me?"

"There are not many people on Earth who don't know, but compared to the general public, I do know more.

Of course, I don't know about your recent situation, and according to the information I got, you should have no memory of the past. "

"I have recovered my memory now."


"I don't know if this is a good thing. I want to hear your evaluation of the past hallucinations. This is a reference for me. Thank you."

"It's okay, you're welcome, as far as I know, your consistent speaking style and way of thinking seem to depend on the calculation results of digital thinking, but in fact it is not the case. You started with artificial intelligence, but when you do things and make judgments, you are not objective. "

"Why do you say that?"

"During the Civil War, you sided with Stark and thought it was right to sign the Sokovia Accords, I'm not saying it was wrong.

But I have learned about the content of the agreement, the so-called international supervision based on the UN organization, can't you see who the real leader is? Or lean towards which group.

Since your brain is good at calculation and analysis, then tell me, according to the consistent code of conduct of that country and that group, does doing things have a dime relationship with fairness, peace, and justice?

Even without a trace of emotion, just from the perspective of the overall interests of mankind, analyze in the most objective way, whether the existence of that country or group does more harm than good to the human world or does it outweigh the harm? "

White Vision said: "You are right, but the reality is that they are indeed powerful, which cannot be denied.

And even now, I am still not sure whether arrogance and unbridled greed will lead them to choose extreme measures. "

Xie Zhi shook his fingers: "You seem to be cautious, but I don't think so. If you really start from the perspective of human beings, you should understand that the birth of Chaoying, your birth, has caused fundamental changes in the world structure. It's different.

In my opinion, the Sokovia Agreement was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but members of the Avengers, including you, just chose to sign or not to sign, instead of choosing to fight for their own interests.

You must know that there are not enough reasons to use it. Compared with the human tragedy caused by NATO, the losses caused by the Avengers Alliance are not even a fraction. A **** case caused by washing powder has provided inexhaustible evidence , not to mention that this kind of thing never stopped.

So you asked me for my evaluation of your past. I think the vision of the past was not on the side of the Avengers, nor on the side of humans, nor on the side of protecting Wanda, although your original intention was to protect Wanda. Da.

I think that as the most powerful digital life on this planet, with your ability, you can completely divert the public's grievances against Wanda. You must know that the Internet is defenseless against you.

You don’t need to create fake news, you just need to expose the darker truth. There are too many materials to count, enough to let people know that Wanda was a mistake, something truly inhumane, but she portrayed herself as the world’s policeman.

And it's easy for you.

Then in the end, you can not only protect Wanda, but also gain enough negotiating capital for your friends. So the Sokovia agreement is not absolutely fair, but it is more fair. There is a chance, and this kind of argument will also help The process of human civilization tends to develop healthily.

But you didn't do anything, so I can only say... Either being in love will reduce the computing efficiency of artificial intelligence, or, in the past, you believed in zero-sum games more, and selectively and double-standard shielded all kinds of evils in the Western world , is not interested in win-win, multi-win, and win-win. "

White Vision showed a personalized thoughtful expression, and nodded: "Your statement is very instructive to me. In the past, Vision had a wider range of information and data references, but still made limited choices.

But I think... that's fine, flaws are more like life than machines. "

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "The personalities of life are also different. Individual personalities cannot represent all life. It is okay to have defects, but can the tendency of defects be biased towards the kind and vulnerable groups? Then the disgusting things in the world It would be much less, wouldn't it?"

"You're idealistic."

"You can directly say that I am naive, but things in the world are like this. The common people's request is very simple, that is, to live a good life, but many people can only live as hard as they can, and they may not be able to live."

"I'm not human after all, and I'm not what I used to be, so... you want to influence me?"

Xie Zhi smiled and nodded: "I don't deny it, after all, you are special, your life form is very interesting, and your strength is not just a matter of strength, some of your abilities... are quite tricky.

So just like the previous Sokovia agreement, although I think there are serious problems with the terms of the agreement, it is reasonable and worthy of recognition to maintain certain restrictions on Chaoying and not let it go. It can be called a responsible attitude. "

"Sorry, now I don't want to join any organization, and I don't want to be a weapon. As for constraints... I think the existence of Chaoying itself is a constraint on me."

"Don't be in a hurry to say no, as you said before, dialogue brings more choices, so everything is possible, why don't you tell me, what do you want?

There are appeals, at least they can be used as judgments. In a sense, having no desires and desires is also a kind of doing whatever you want. "

White Vision hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, I don't even know if the love I remember for Wanda is love, because I'm not exactly the Vision of the past.

And the vision I saw before, he is Wanda's lover.

Memories from the past, for me, are like..."

Xie Zhi continued: "Another person's life is related, influential, and is the root, but I am already a brand new me, a brand new person."

"Yes, how do you know that?"

Xie Zhi sighed with emotion: "Because I'm from here, our experiences are very similar, but I have a special relationship with people who have amnesia."

White Vision became interested: "Then how did you establish yourself?"

Xie Zhi opened his arms: "It's very simple, follow your heart and be yourself, and don't delve into what the influence of the past on me means. Studying that is putting the cart before the horse. Not forgetting the past doesn't mean you don't have yourself.

Who am I, where do I come from, my true self, my true self...Philosophical speculation is nothing to do as an academic research, but it would be an idiot if you want to turn yourself into a neuropathy. "

Bai Huantui's eyes lit up: "It's really But who is Ji Wuming?"

"Uh... I can't remember clearly. I think he was a philosopher. He slapped himself to death because of academic issues, so he was very persistent."

"Okay, Mr. Xie, thank you very much for inspiring me, and to a certain extent, indeed influencing me.

But I have to say that although I decided to be myself, I still don't know what I want, and I need a clearer positioning.

So before that, if you want me to join your side, I'm afraid I can only refuse. "

"Hurry up, I haven't proposed to recruit you into the group yet, why don't you listen to my next suggestion."

"All ears."

"You know what wild animals do when they're not sure of their identity?"

Bai Huantui was stunned, and then sighed: "As far as I know, it is necessary... to establish your position in the food chain. Old Mr. Xie, I have a position on my own strength, and I have also seen Thanos."

"But you haven't seen me."

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