Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1084:

"Father's sister, grandpa's daughter, is my little aunt."

The little girl tilted her head and said, "Why haven't I seen her?"

"Because... she is in another world."

"Oh, my father has also gone to another world, is he looking for my little aunt?"

"Well... There is more than one other world, and there are many worlds."

"I don't understand, did uncle also come from another world?"

"Yes, uncle is from another world."

"Morgan!" A woman's anxious voice came from not far away. It was Pepper Potts.

She was wearing simple home clothes, but there was a beautiful and beautiful necklace around her neck, which didn't match her clothes, and that necklace should be Potts' nano suit.

Xie Zhi can judge this point even without technical scanning, because the emotions generated during the brain-computer interaction are quite special, especially at this time Potts is in a state of explosion at any time. Since there is an interaction with the necklace, the answer is obvious .

"Mom~" The little girl Morgan ran over, but Xie Zhi didn't stop her.

Potts picked up his daughter and stared at Xie Zhi: "I don't care who you are, this is a private domain, please leave."

Xie Zhi got up and clapped his hands: "I'm sorry to be presumptuous, to be honest, I originally planned to visit again during the day, but when I passed by here, I really didn't expect that your daughter is still by the river in the dark Play, the little guy is very skinny.

But I was overthinking. There are Stark machine guards complimenting me for hundreds of miles, even in this river, so there is really no problem. "

Xie Zhi said it lightly, but Potts's heart was indeed full of turmoil. Nothing else, the defensive measures left by Stark did not discover how this person appeared at all.

All the scanning equipment actually scanned a lonely place, and none of the robots sensed that someone had entered the core area.

If Potts hadn't arranged dinner and came out to ask his daughter to go back to the house for dinner, he would never have noticed that a stranger had come.

It can be said that if the other party wanted to kill, the grass on her and her daughter's graves would be three feet high.

And inexplicably, Potts had a feeling that the other party had let her find out on purpose, otherwise since the robot hadn't found out, why could she see this man with her naked eyes.

In short, the strength of this mysterious person is countless. Even if she rarely fights, she has at least participated in the battle with Thanos. She still has this judgment.

Potts couldn't help becoming more nervous. She wasn't sure if ordering the robot to attack now would cause worse consequences. She was too close to the robot, and there were children present...she wasn't sure at all.

As for Xie Zhi, it was a bit embarrassing, he really didn't plan to visit the widow at night, it's hard to say.

Who might be to blame? Curious about what kind of backhand Stark left for his daughter, he purposely flew over here on the way, and strolled along the way. Who would have imagined that it would be dark and the little girl was still in the river? Having fun while playing.

Although it was discovered that there were robots lurking in the river, nothing happened to the little girl, but even though nothing happened when the little girl fell into the river, she was inevitably frightened.

What's more, the little guy is Howard's granddaughter, so he has to be called grandpa, and he couldn't hold back for a while, so he showed up to tease the little girl.

As for why the robot didn't find him, it's very simple. The old Xie family's technology is more advanced, and the detection methods of each robot are well known to the family, and the targeted shielding force field has long been researched.

So unless Tony's technology has completely surpassed the old Xie's family, it is impossible for his products to discover the Xie knowledge that deliberately hides itself.

Just when Xie Zhi was about to speak, the little guy Morgan spoke first: "Mom, this uncle is a good man, I know it."

Xie Zhi was almost happy. This is purely a side effect. The reason is that Xie Zhi did use the force to control his mind, but he didn’t control the little girl’s thoughts. The main reason was that he was afraid that the sudden appearance would scare the little guy and calm his emotions. Intimacy.

Unexpectedly, the little guy was already courageous, but he became more fond of Xie Zhi in the end.

But these words are not pleasing to mothers, and Bao Qi regards Xie Zhi as someone with bad intentions.

Seeing Potts looking at him like looking at a human trafficker, Xie Zhi had no choice but to explain: "You may not believe it, but I am actually Morgan's grandfather~

Well, because Howard and I are like brothers, but not by blood.

Tony is my eldest nephew, and Morgan is my nephew and granddaughter, so nephew and daughter-in-law..."

Potts was angry: "Get out!"

"Okay, this topic is really embarrassing, forget it, let's visit another day..."

Morgan quit: "Mom! Why did you chase Uncle and Grandpa away? Uncle and Grandpa are very nice~ I like Uncle and Grandpa."

"Hey~ Grandpa likes Morgan too~" Xie Zhile said, and went downhill, this kid is really nice.

Followed Xie Zhi with a smile and said: "Grandpa will treat you to a leek box later. If Grandpa remembers correctly, it has a BUFF bonus. If you eat it, you can get a gold medal."

"Really? Mom, have you ever eaten a leek box? Is it delicious?"

"Sir, it's too much for a strong man like you to fool children." Potts' face darkened, he took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "I understand that you are so powerful, maybe Tony is here, I'm afraid Neither is your opponent.

But you'd better think clearly, even though the Avengers are disbanded, everyone owes Tony a huge favor! "

Xie Zhi winked at Morgan, the little guy made him happy, but he didn't care about the embarrassment, and smiled: "It doesn't matter whether you misunderstood or not, but I should clarify what I should clarify. It's Morgan's face not to hurt you, and That guy Tony... did a really good job this time.

In fact, my original purpose was very simple. I wanted to destroy the space-time travel equipment made by Tony. It is not a good thing to keep those things, but after seeing Morgan, I figured it out. Tony’s equipment should have been destroyed, because Tony would not give it to him. Baby left big trouble..."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi became more and more sure of this judgment, because Potts' emotional feedback proved this point.

Xie Zhi continued: "So, there's no need, you don't have to worry about seeing me again, and I can make you forget about me."

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhi was about to use the Force to control his mind and make the mother and daughter forget what just happened, but Morgan suddenly said a word.

Xie Zhi was taken aback by these words, and Potts was also taken aback.

What the little guy said was: "Uncle, grandpa, can you call my dad back after you return to another world? Just tell him, I miss him so much, and if he comes back, I will love him three thousand three thousand all over."

Xie Zhi raised his brows and scratched his head: "Uh... grandpa doesn't lie to children, this matter is a bit... complicated, so grandpa can't guarantee it, but what grandpa can guarantee is that... he will consider it."

"Then let me kiss you, okay?"

Xie Zhi sighed: "Grandpa doesn't accept bribes, you have misjudged the person! But if you are a good boy, Grandpa will think twice as long."

"Is three thousand times okay?"

Xie Zhi looked at Potts: "Did you start teaching her to count with three thousand?"

Potts was completely confused. This person's strength was unpredictable, but his words were strange enough. This person gave her the feeling that he really wasn't perfunctory for children. Maybe he really thought about getting Tony back! ? Is he really capable... or is he just a powerful psycho?

And little Morgan said coquettishly: "Uncle, grandpa, can you promise? Morgan can like you three thousand times~"

"Girl, if you say that, your dad and your grandpa Howard will be jealous." Immediately, Xie Zhi slapped his hands and said seriously: "Well, I will give you a task. If you complete it well, grandpa will think carefully about it three thousand times."

"What mission?"

"Learn to sing a song, the name of the song is... his uncle, if you sing it correctly, you will complete the task."

Without responding with the little guy, Xie Zhi suddenly disappeared.

Little Morgan's boss opened his mouth: "Uncle Grandpa...can do magic~"

"Yeah, he's a magician."

Potts heaved a sigh of relief. It's good that the mysterious man is gone. A neurotic is a neurotic. Now, it doesn't look like he wants to embarrass their mother and daughter. Otherwise, they will just fool the children. There is no need to make a complete listen The name of the song doesn't make sense, and I don't know which language to use, or it's fake, it's clear that it's a problem for the little guy.

Morgan was serious: "Mom, what do you mean by embarrassing him?"

"Mom doesn't know either."

"I want to learn."

"Want to learn?"

"Yeah!" Morgan nodded very seriously.

"Okay, I taped it, Friday, look up what a giant ball means."

And the artificial intelligence gave the answer immediately on Friday: "Ma'am, "His Uncle" is the theme song of a TV series in a big eastern country. It needs to be sung in Shaanxi dialect, supplemented by Qin opera. There is a 99% possibility. It meets the standard of taste that the other party said."

"It's not just my daughter who sings and dances in the square all day long. She is versatile. Children learn more, and when they grow up, they can count as many livelihood skills. It's good. His uncle and second uncle are both his uncles..."

Xie Zhi hummed a little song, and was flying to the next destination, which was where Colonel Rhodes hid the space-time locator.

This is the best solution, destroy it as soon as you get it, and you're done.

These people who mastered the traversal equipment did not choose to destroy it, and Xie Zhi could understand it, and he would not destroy it.

But you have to see if you can protect it with your own strength. If you can't defend it and stay, it will be a disaster.

At present, besides the green fat man, there are shuttle devices on the earth, and only the current Ant-Man and the retired American team are left.

Ant-Man Xie Zhi has a way to find him. After all, Ant-Man is equipped with ant controllers. Xie Zhi knows that this thing has not been used for many years, but it is not necessary. Before he waits, he will not be the chief powerhouse in controlling the ant world, so Ant-Man has no place to run. .

The problem is Steve, this guy has lived in seclusion. He has experienced modern society and seen high-end high-tech. After returning to the past, it is not easy to hide himself.

You must know that if you falsified your identity since World War II, there is no investigation at all, and he is still an old man now, his appearance has changed a lot, it is really hard to find.

But Xie Zhi is not very worried about Steve, this buddy is relatively reliable, and he is more likely to destroy that set of equipment.

But just to be on the safe side, Xie Zhi still wants to meet this buddy. After all, even if the locals don’t have the mantra lasso, there are many techniques for extracting secrets in this universe. There are techniques for observing target memory.

So one of the targets Norman and the Battery Man were looking for was Steve.

But whether you can find it or not depends on your luck.

Xie Zhi is not in a hurry, he will clean up the others first.

Sure enough, it was easier to find Ant-Man than imagined. After all, he still had family information, and he asked the ants around, and easily locked Scott Lang's location.

Unlike other people, when facing Scott, Xie Zhi didn't talk nonsense at all, what about him? Super unfamiliar! Just know the personal name.

So go directly to the Force to control your heart, and after you succeed, find something and destroy it, and you're done.

That's right, this guy also left equipment behind, and he thought he could guarantee it without losing the old man's Pym particles. Unfortunately, he has never seen an opponent like Xie Zhi, let alone his old man decades ago. He was beaten by Xie Zhi, and Xie Zhi is an expert among experts when dealing with Ant-Man.

As for Hank being his father-in-law, that’s right, in this world, Scott and Hank’s daughter had an affair. It seems that Hope still wants to be a stepmother, anyway, Scott thinks so.

Xie Zhi couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, this time it was Hank’s crow’s mouth. I remember that when he came to visit again, the old man once claimed that if he lied to Xie Zhi, he would make the most annoying person his son-in-law. That’s right, Hank is super Annoy Scott, Scott knows that.

In short, although it has been fulfilled in the branch world, Xie Zhi reckons that the fate between Scott Lang and Hope is still the same in the settled family.

The world is different? My mouth can affect the law of causality, certified by the witch's life curse!

As for obtaining this information, Xie Zhi said that it was not because of his gossip, but for the sake of major events. He had to find out Hank's attitude towards the shuttle equipment, so he asked for an hour by the way.

As for Hank's attitude towards the space-time locator, evil ways! Although he is grateful to the Avengers for saving their family through time and space travel, he will never allow anyone to use this technology again, so based on what Xie knows about Hank, this stubborn old man is a sure thing .

In fact, what he said about this matter is almost the same as that of Xie Zhi. It is already luck to be able to travel through time and space successfully, but he will never hand over his fate to others. Traveling through time and space will also affect their family. Little fate.

What's more, his wife has been trapped in the quantum domain for decades, and he will never forget this lesson.

Speaking of his without Xie Zhi's participation, Hank in this world saved his wife from the quantum realm.

However, Xie Zhi didn’t intend to gain rescue experience from the local Hank, because before he left his home world, Hank’s rescue plan had entered a countdown, and it was estimated that it would be completed within a month, which was already five or six years ahead of this world. .

On the contrary, I also got a piece of good news about Ava's location.

The Terminator has not investigated Ava's whereabouts. This is not surprising. After all, Ava's quantum phase change ability is also a magic skill for hiding her whereabouts. If she doesn't want to be found, no one can. I found out that Ava in this world, and Xie Zhi, do not have the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.

It is good to know where Ava is now, but Xie Zhi is not in a hurry to contact or observe, because this is not a daughter of a daughter, it is too special for Xie Zhi, the emotions are complicated and difficult to describe, so he has not yet figured out how to face it .

In short, all the time-traveling devices on the earth, except Steve and Banner, have been solved.

But for the remaining three owners, it will be a little troublesome.

Because, those three guys are all in the universe.

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