Grandma Connie’s house was not very spacious to begin with, and the new set of furniture given by Ella made it even more crowded.

So she planned to take advantage of this weekend to sell the unused sundries at home at the door.

This can not only free up space at home, but also earn some extra money, which is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone.

Mike got up early. Before going to the technology lecture, he also helped move the large furniture that was not being used at home to the door.

Similarly, little George and Missy, who had nothing to do on Saturday, were also called over to help.

Soon after the efforts of the four people, the old furniture and various sundries that were no longer needed at home were moved to the door, forming a temporary small flea market.

Come, drink some juice and take a rest~ After all the old things were put away, Grandma Connie served drinks to the three of them.

Next, let's discuss some business. After a few people had almost rested, Grandma Connie called little George and Missy in front of her and said, Mike is going to attend a lecture in a while. So, I hope you two can stay. Please help...

Although the size of the flea market at the door is not large, there are many golf clubs, pipes and various small souvenirs inside. If only one person sells, it will be too busy.

Obviously, Grandma Connie wanted to recruit Missy and Missy as temporary salespeople.

Seeing that the two children were silent, it was regarded as acquiescence. Grandma Connie asked, Do you know how to sell things and negotiate prices?

Missy, who had never had any work experience, shook their heads at the same time.

Okay~ Grandma Connie saw this and said, Let me teach you some experience...

So, Grandma Connie told the two of them the skills of bargaining: for example, when someone wants to buy an item, he must first offer the other party a high price, wait for the other party to counter-offer, and then negotiate a middle price.

In this way, the price after rising and falling can satisfy both parties.

How do you understand? Grandma Connie asked after imparting her sales experience.

However, this was the first time for Missy and the two of them to work, and they obviously wanted to disappoint her.

After listening to Grandma Connie's explanation, the two of them still looked confused.

Okay~ Grandma Connie shook her head and said, It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I will watch you from the side during the actual operation later. Now, you can get familiar with the product first.

Just when the two children were going to work, little George suddenly realized something was wrong. He stopped and said shrewdly: Wait, you haven't said how much our reward will be.

Obviously, little George doesn't understand anything. He at least knows that if you work, you should be paid accordingly.

After little George's reminder, Missy also reacted. She said cleverly: We want five meters...

Yes, five meters per person. Little George agreed.

One meter~ Grandma Connie smiled and counter-offered.

This is too low. Little George complained.

This is the counter-offer I told you. Grandma Connie said slightly proudly.

At this moment, little George seemed to understand Grandma Connie’s intention. He suddenly had an idea and said: Four meters yuan~

Two meters, no more. Grandma Connie looked like she had lost a lot.

How about three meters? This is the middle price we can all accept. Little George learned quickly, as if he had already learned the essence of bargaining.

Okay, I've been convinced by you, it's only three meters. Grandma Connie looked heartbroken. Then, she asked: So, do you want to have lunch at my place?

Of course~ Little George said casually: I want to eat beef pizza.

Okay, let me do the math... Grandma Connie said, picked up a pen and paper from the side, and after some calculations, she continued: Beef pizza is ten meters, after deducting your salary. . Now, each of you still owe me two meters.

At this time, little George and Missy, who were not very sensitive to numbers, were shocked.

How could this happen? Little George said in surprise.

This is the fact. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself. Grandma Connie handed the calculation paper in her hand to Little George, and at the same time said heartbrokenly: I haven't included that bottle of drink for you yet.

Then, Little George and the two looked at the paper in their hands carefully and found that according to Grandma Connie's calculation, they still owed the other party two meters.

Seeing the doubtful expressions of the two children, Grandma Connie snickered and said in a pretentious and generous manner: Well, if you two are willing to help me for free, I won't ask you for money. How about that? ?”

Hurry up and promise her~ Missy, a math idiot, heard that she would not owe money and quickly urged George, who was negotiating on her behalf.

Okay, we agreed. Little George was not very smart and agreed to Grandma Connie's proposal.

In fact, he was so confused by the other party that he didn't realize that there was something wrong with him working for the other party and still owing him money.

On the side, Mike, who had watched the entire show, finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Really, the capitalists would cry when they see Grandma Connie’s exploitative methods.

But the one who was deceived still looked like he had earned something.

This situation is really difficult.

And Mike's smile finally made Missy and Little George realize something was wrong again.

Just when Missy and the two wanted to seek help from Mike, a smart man. Grandma Connie, who felt guilty, took the lead and said to the two of them: This is our 'battlefield' and we cannot ask for help from outside the field.

At the same time, George's father drove up in front of Mike, driving little Sheldon across the street.

Mike, it's time for us to go~ Little Sheldon rolled down the window and shouted.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to today's science and technology lecture, and his appearance and clothing have been carefully prepared.

Yes, Mike, go quickly. Don't be late for the lecture. Grandma Connie kept winking at Mike while speaking.

Here, Mike is naturally not interested in exposing Grandma Connie’s conspiracy. After looking at Missy and the two again, he held back his laughter and got into the car.

After Mike left in the car, Grandma Connie looked at Little George and the two of them, and said again pretending to be serious: Either you work for me for free, or you two owe me two meters each. Choose now~

Although Mike's subtle reminder made George and George realize that something was wrong. But they couldn't figure out what exactly was wrong.

So, after they looked at each other, it was little George who said, We choose to work for free.

Very good, let's take action~ Grandma Connie clapped her hands and urged.

At this time, it was already bright, and there were many pedestrians on the street, attracted by the flea market in front of Grandma Connie's house.

On the other side, in the car going to the Texas Museum of Natural History, little Sheldon handed Mike a thin magazine and said: This is the brochure of this lecture, which records a lot of knowledge about carbon dating.

This lecture at the Texas Museum of Natural History mainly explained how to use carbon elements to determine the age of an item.

Mike took the brochure, nodded, and began to read it carefully.

For a professional lecture like this, usually people who go to attend the lecture will do some homework in advance. This can be regarded as the most basic respect for the speaker.

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