Not long after leaving school, Mike saw little George on the side of the road.

The other person was squatting under a tree with his back to the road, his shoulders shrugging, as if he was crying.

Yes, little George has just ended his unrequited love, and he is still watching his first love goddess fall into the arms of others.

After such a series of blows, it seemed reasonable for him to find a place to cry.

Little George, are you... Mike originally wanted to comfort the other party.

As a result, when he got closer to the tree, he saw little George squatting on the ground with interest, observing a row of ants moving on the ground.

Moreover, he was holding a small stick in his hand and was making trouble for the ants.

Although the move of ants is very attractive to the boy, it has to be said here that little George has a really big heart.

Mike, why are you here? Little George said, hiding the stick in his hand aside.

He was still a little embarrassed that Mike saw such a childish side of himself.

Oh, I'm here to deliver something to you... Mike said nonchalantly, then took out the letterhead and handed it to the other party.

Seeing the letterhead, little George thought of Veronica again. He said with a frustrated look, Have you seen everything?

Well, it seems that little George's heart is not that big. In his current state, he looks like he needs someone to comfort him.

Little George, I understand how you feel... Mike acted as a guide and continued: There are many good girls in the world, and there is always one who suits you, waiting for you in front.

Perfect, Mike had been holding himself in for a long time and said what he had prepared long ago. He feels that he can now be called a qualified intimate big brother. Little George wanted to say that Mike, who had several beautiful girlfriends, didn't understand the feeling of losing his first love at all.

However, looking at Mike's kind-hearted look, little George still didn't say anything in the end.

I know you are feeling very sad now, but time is the best medicine. It will make you forget all the sadness. Mike continued to play the role of life mentor.

Then, he patted little George on the shoulder to comfort him. Then he called the other person and walked home together.

Sure enough, Mike's guidance was not completely useless. Over the next week, little George slowly got out of the shadow of broken love.

Time came to Friday afternoon. After Professor John's university course ended, he walked up to Mike and Little Sheldon and said, I am now participating in a university research group. If you two are interested, you can continue on the weekend. Come to the scientific research team as an observer.

Professor John has discovered through this period of contact that both Mike and Little Sheldon are very smart. Normal university courses have little effect on them. On the contrary, joining a professional scientific research group may be beneficial to their future development.

Of course, Professor John would not be so kind for no reason. He invited Mike and the two of them with the intention of pleasing Grandma Connie.

Yes, he is now learning how to become mature.

Taking care of the other person's family is a sign of maturity in his opinion.

What is the research topic of your research group? Little Sheldon, who loves science, was very interested in Professor John's proposal.

It's about physics. As for the specific direction, I still need to discuss it with Dr. Linklater. Professor John replied.

His tone was decidedly not very good when referring to Dr. Linklater.

However, at the University of Texas, there are only two people with super high level in physics, Dr. Linklater and Professor John.

Even if Professor John is very reluctant, in order for the project to proceed smoothly, he has to continue to be colleagues with Dr. Linklater.

Hasn't the research topic been decided yet? Little Sheldon struggled for a moment, and then said, I'm afraid I won't have time this weekend. I need to attend a technology lecture.

It doesn't matter. Professor John smiled and said, Determining the research topic is a very long process. Even if you agree to come and observe, it will be a few weeks later.

Obviously, Professor John's invitation was just to say hello to Mike and Mike in advance.

That's great. Little Sheldon breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the research project did not conflict with his science and technology lecture.

Then, he said: When your research topic is determined, please be sure to notify me in time.

I will~ Professor John nodded. Then he looked at Mike and said, By the way, do you still have contact with Peggy? If possible, I would like her to join my research project as an auditor.

Obviously, Professor John was also deeply impressed by that genius girl.

In other words, he admires the other person very much.

Peggy has not contacted me during this time. However, I will convey your words to the other party. Mike responded.

Peggy has not been to the University of Texas since she attended two lectures given by Professor John.

Even Mike, who had a good relationship with her, she never contacted again.

Okay, you can just walk around. I have something else to do. After seeing Grandma Connie waiting at the door, Professor John didn't waste any more time.

While Professor John and Grandma Connie went to have fun, Mike and Little Sheldon were hanging out at the University of Texas.

Mike, are you free tomorrow? I want you to go to a technology lecture with me. Little Sheldon invited.

In his opinion, Mike's weekend time is spent playing with girls, which is a waste of time and life.

Where did you know about the technology lecture? Mike asked curiously.

Mike knew that he would meet Peggy again at this technology lecture. Therefore, he had paid special attention to this news before.

But the actual situation is that he still has no clue about the lecture. But Little Sheldon knew the time of the lecture accurately.

This puzzled Mike.

Newspaper, I saw the news about the lecture from the newspaper in the morning. Little Sheldon said.

So that's it. Mike solved the doubts in his heart.

He knew that the Cooper family had always had the habit of subscribing to newspapers, and of course Grandma Connie's family also subscribed. But after getting a computer, Mike rarely pays attention to newspapers.

How about it? Do you want to come with me? I heard that the organizer of this lecture is an expert who has published a personal book. Little Sheldon invited again.

Of course, I am actually also very interested in technology lectures. Remember to call me when you leave tomorrow. Mike said with a smile.

The actual situation is that Mike hasn't seen Peggy for a long time, and he doesn't know what her condition is like.

Mike is quite interested in people who can provide him with the main attribute of intelligence.

Are you sure you want to go? Now it was little Sheldon's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect that Mike would agree so simply this time.

You know, on normal weekends, Mike spends most of his time with Katie and other girls.

Even if little Sheldon doesn't have high emotional intelligence, he realizes that Katie and others are very attractive to Mike.

I'm sure. Mike smiled and nodded.

Okay~ Little Sheldon stopped delving into further details and continued: At dinner time today, we will discuss with George and ask him to take us to a technology lecture tomorrow.

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