American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 303: Father Kotomine of the Church, the natural Rider Master

Chapter 303: Father Kotomine of the Church, the natural Rider Master: Martin Needle

The Holy Church is a huge organization under the rule of the Vatican. It has various departments with strict division of labor.

The church is divided into many departments, including the Eighth Mystery Society, which is responsible for recovering and managing holy relics, the heresy interrogation knights affiliated with the church, and the elite troops that fight against heretics.

The Burial Agency, although it is under the church, is actually an independent organization that gathers all the strongest personnel among the agents.

The Dongmu Church itself is a branch of the Holy Church Church and is also an ancient church in Fuyuki City.

It is located on the edge of the city, next to a peaceful small park.

The architectural style of the church is simple and elegant, with the exterior walls made of gray stone bricks and a tall spire on the top.

The architectural design is simple and beautiful, showing the traditional European church style. The main entrance is an ancient wooden door with exquisitely carved patterns.

The door leads to a spacious and bright hall, which is full of peaceful atmosphere and is suitable for religious activities.

The walls are painted light blue, and there is a row of tall stained glass windows in the center of the church. The sunlight shines through the stained glass, giving off a brilliant light.

The interior space of the church is spacious and open, and can accommodate a large number of believers.

In the center of the church is an elegant altar. In front of the altar is a wooden altar stand with exquisite Bibles and flowers placed on it.

On both sides of the altar are a pair of windows inlaid with stained glass, and there are some small prayer rooms on the side of the church for believers to conduct private prayers and reflections.

Dad, it seems that the status of this church and your friend in the Vatican is not low!!

Constantine looked at the power of faith in front of him that was so strong that it could be seen everywhere, as well as the 7 holy relics appearing in front of him, as well as the magic power hidden under the earth's veins...

Looking at the strong power of faith, Constantine's eyes showed an inexplicable color, and his heart became active involuntarily...

Just now, Tony, Constantine and others accompanied their father to carefully open the door and enter the solemn church.

As soon as the Avengers entered the church, a religious atmosphere hit them, and the air was filled with an inexplicable sacred power.

The lobby is emitting warm yellow light, illuminating the interior of the church. Below are believers who believe in God and come to worship.

Today is the day for church services and mass.

Constantine stared at the altar in front of him. The priests on it were dressed in solemn black robes, standing on the pulpit, and reciting the Bible in solemn voices.

Suddenly, violin music sounded, and the melodious melody filled the entire space. The interior of the church was illuminated by soft yellow candlelight, creating a solemn and peaceful atmosphere.

Priests dressed in black attire, holding Bibles in hand, conveyed the words of God, and performed Mass on the altar accompanied by the clear singing of the singers.

During the Mass ceremony, the priest's voice penetrates through the entire church and penetrates into everyone. They recite scriptures together to convey the doctrine so that people's souls can be nourished and guided.

Everyone listened attentively, some chanted along with the scriptures in a low voice, and some prayed silently.

The ringing of the mass bells symbolized the arrival and blessing of God, and against the backdrop of the bells, everyone sang hymns, and the songs echoed in the vaults of the church, seeming to be connected to the heaven above.

In front of the altar, priests light candles and raise the chalice, which represents the body and blood of Christ.

Everyone knelt down in silence to receive the sacrament, filled with piety and awe.

The prayers, chants and hymns in the Mass ceremony are intertwined, deeply touching the hearts of every believer.

There is a sense of peace and tranquility that pervades the church, and everyone feels close to the divine and connected to ancient beliefs.

When the mass came to an end, the priests led everyone in blessing in unison, and the whole church burst into applause as the concluding remarks came.

The believers felt inner peace and contentment, and exchanged smiles and glances with gratitude.

After the mass, people slowly stood up and dispersed.

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it is finally over!!

The Avengers and their father approached the altar with crisp steps and walked through the long corridor in the church. Their footsteps echoed faintly on the marble floor.

Even ordinary people like Deadpool who have never studied magic can feel that their souls are soothed in this solemn hall, as if they are close to the gods.

There were seven religious bowls placed on the altar, and Tony and Constantine's eyes were deeply attracted by them.

Constantine, this is...

Shh! Don't say, this is the sacred object of those fanatical believers...

In Christianity, 777 is known as the number of God because it is associated with God's perfection and holiness.

In the Bible, 777 is mentioned many times, especially in the Book of Revelation, where there are seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls.

7 is the seven Spirits of God. In the process of God’s judgment, there are seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls and seven plagues.

After Noah entered the ark, God retained grace for seven days.

Solomon built the temple for seven years and kept the festival for seven days.

On the cross, the Lord Christ uttered the famous seven words.

These numbers all appear in multiples of 7, with 777 considered the holiest number.

In occultism, 777 is regarded as an aggregation of energy, representing positive and pure power, and is used in various occult rituals and predictions.

In the field of Tarot cards, 777 is the highest number, which represents the state of perfection and divine power.

As for the set of holy relics on the altar, Constantine could tell at a glance that they were no less holy relics than some of the collections of the Vatican.

Young people, are you curious about these holy relics?

And just when the Avengers were observing carefully, an old but powerful voice appeared next to the altar. An old man wearing black priest's clothes and a young priest came out from behind the dark curtain one after another. Came out of it.

Old friend, long time no see. You still look young and in good spirits.

Welcome you to come to Dongmu again and join me as the referee of this Holy Grail War!

Kotomine Rizheng narrowed his eyes, smiled and said to the father in front of him.

Oh, Risheng, my place is so full of life with you as the representatives of the Holy Church! I'm already old, but you don't seem to have changed at all, you're still so energetic.

With a smile on his face, the father stepped forward and shook hands with the old man.

The old man wearing a black priest's uniform is the leader of the local Holy Church in Dongmu, and he is also one of the referees of this special Holy Grail War.

Father Kotomine Rimasa looks older and solemn in appearance, wearing black clerical clothing and a black priest's hat.

A pair of sharp and penetrating eyes reveal calmness and wisdom. The voice is deep and magnetic, full of majesty.

As one of the local gangsters in Dongmu City, the Holy Church is also the supervisory organization of the Holy Grail War.

Father Kotomine certainly has the ability to preside over the judgment of the Holy Grail War. In addition, he will also explain and emphasize the rules and restrictions of the battle to the Masters participating in the war.

Taking an impartial and neutral stance, ensuring that every participant in the war is at the same starting point, and strictly supervising their actions to ensure that there are no violations or violations of the rules of the Holy Grail War.

After all, this Holy Grail War is special, and the selected group are basically some special ordinary people. They naturally need some help from the Holy Church.

Rizheng, have any of the seven masters come to the church to register now?!

No, we just sent out the invitations to the Holy Grail War not long ago. It will probably take some time for the masters to come here...

Stop talking about those things. We won't talk about these official matters today.

Kirei, come and say hello to your Uncle Cheng. The last time he saw you was when he was a child...

Since the last time we broke up, we finally got together today. It feels like time flies so fast. Now it's like we're back to the past...

Father Kotomine Rimasa shook his head, looked at his old friend, turned around and introduced his son Kotomine Kirei to him.

The two old men just stood chatting next to the altar, and then walked to the reception room inside the church.

Along the way, they kept reminiscing about bits and pieces of their youth. The two shared their stories and experiences with each other over the years, completely ignoring the forgotten Avengers and Kotomine Kirei.

What are these two old guys doing?

It took me such a long time to get here, and I also watched a wonderful mass...

I don't have time to watch the two of them chatting!!

Deadpool didn't care at all that someone else's son was right next to him, and he spoke very foul-mouthed words.

Constantine, what are you looking at!!

Nothing, I just think this is really interesting!!

The way Constantine stared at the ground in a daze suddenly caught Deadpool's attention. Faced with Deadpool's curious questions, Constantine just said something perfunctory to Deadpool, and then looked into the distance.

Looking in the direction of the temple he saw when he came, he seemed to remember that when he was looking at the detailed map, the name of the temple seemed to be Liudong Temple!

A temple where magic gathers!

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Sakura Country's public discharge of nuclear wastewater has caused many adverse effects and caused a lot of disputes and discussions.

Opposing opinions and heated exchanges of words exist in every field! !

Today, the United Nations will welcome two crouching dragons and phoenixes, who will present us with a wonderful farce and a fierce debate about environmental protection and pollution.

The United Nations Headquarters is located in Manhattan, New York City, United States, adjacent to the East River.

The United Nations Headquarters complex consists of multiple buildings, the most famous of which is the United Nations Secretariat Building (Secretariat Building), which was completed in 1952.

Designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer, the building's iconic glass facade and curvilinear shape have made it a prominent icon of the Manhattan skyline.

Today, Greta Thunberg, an environmental girl from Sweden, will give a speech here and give a very environmental protection speech.

I saw the environmental protection girl standing on the podium of the United Nations General Assembly. At this moment, it seemed that the eyes of the whole world were focused on her.

However, the strange thing is that the words and deeds of this environmentally friendly girl reveal an inexplicable honey self-confidence. Her young face contains a kind of firm power, and her opening words shine with a disgusting feeling. enthusiasm.

Dear representatives, I make a voice on behalf of the youth of the world! As one of the future of the earth, we should shoulder the responsibility of protecting and saving our planet.

Although the voice of the environmentally friendly girl is full of passion, you can feel her deep love and commitment to environmental protection.

However, when I think of her words that expressed support for Sakura Country's discharge and sewage some time ago, it always makes people think that this is a thief shouting to catch the thief.

What a funny call that came out of his mouth! !

However, the West only accepts this set of discourses, female boxing, environmental protection and gender opposition...

Once these buffs are added to you, you will become a golden body that is invulnerable to all poisons in the Western world.

We are facing serious challenges. Climate warming, environmental damage and biodiversity loss are increasing.

We must act urgently to change the way we live and protect our natural resources.

I have witnessed with my own eyes the forests in my hometown disappear, the marine ecosystem collapses, and innocent animals are on the verge of extinction.

I think we can't just sit back and watch, I have to speak out and call on you to join me in working to protect our planet.

We need to transform our energy mix, reduce emissions and increase support for renewable energy.

Nuclear energy is actually a very clean energy. Discharging nuclear sewage into the ocean seems to be a polluting act, but it can actually be solved by using the self-purification ability of the ocean!!

In fact, instead of dealing with nuclear sewage issues, we should encourage sustainable urban development, improve waste management and promote a circular economy.

At the same time, each of us should start from small things, save water, reduce consumption of goods, refuse to use plastic, etc.

“In the face of environmental crises, we cannot wait for others to act, we are the leaders of change.”

We must take the first step bravely, gradually change our lifestyle, and convey love and care to our earth.

The environmental girl's speech triggered warm applause and appreciation, and people were moved by her courage and wisdom.

That's weird! !

How can a person who believes that discharging nuclear sewage is an environmentally friendly act consider himself an environmentalist and call on others to engage in environmentally friendly behaviors? !

You really have to build an archway to become a BZ! !

The environmental girl's speech is over. The person who will give the speech next will be a simple boy from the Tallest City in the World of the great eastern country.

I saw a young man with an innocent smile on his face. He walked to the podium in a crisp suit and began to speak.

Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen:

Hello everyone! Today, I am honored that as a child from the QZ plateau, I can come to the United Nations to tell my story about my animal friends.

My village is called Ranhika. It is small, but Genie Mountain and Hengduan Mountains are huge...

May I ask who is on the podium?

You are a born Rider, the king of Litang - Thimble! !


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