American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 302 The First Master, Servant Moriarty

Chapter 302 The First Master, Servant Moriarty, Part 1

Jingle Bell!!

The sky turned white, and dawn came quietly.

Nara City once again ushered in a new morning, and the piercing sound of the alarm clock woke up Tetsuya Yamashita from his dream.

I tried to open my eyes, feeling weak all over, as if I had just fallen asleep last night.

Yamashita Tetsuya climbed out of bed listlessly, then hurriedly washed and dressed, and ate breakfast in a hurry, without even having time to savor it carefully.

On the subway, Yamashita Tetsuya was immersed in the noise of crowded people and bumpy carriages, with an indifferent expression covering his face.

Sitting in the subway, he was silently thinking about the work and tasks he would face today, his expression slightly tired.

As the subway shuttled under the outdoor neon lights, the whole person just gradually fell into deep thought.

When he arrived at the company, the busy and stressful day began immediately. Yamashita Tetsuya walked into the office door with a large cup of coffee, and then entered the working state of the day.

Throughout the morning, he was dealing with documents, phone calls, and emails almost non-stop. Time pressure pressed on him every moment, as if there was no peace.

During lunch time, Yamashita Tetsuya ate a simple lunch in a hurry, and then continued working at his desk.

Time seemed to be getting farther and farther away, Yamashita Tetsuya's energy began to be exhausted, and the words in front of him became blurred. At this moment, he had fallen into a mechanical state, completely losing his perception of the passage of time.

After get off work, Yamashita Tetsuya walked out of the office door and could only feel a sense of weakness. On the way home, his steps became very heavy, as if he was carrying the weight of the whole world.

When Tetsuya Yamashita returned home, his attention to the things around him had reached an extremely low point. He just mechanically completed the actions of dinner, washing and going to bed.

In the darkness, he fell asleep quietly, without dreams, only the endless pain of fatigue and fatigue.

This was a tiring day, and it gradually became routine in Yamashita Tetsuya's life. In fact, this kind of day had already become a norm.

Like most other people, Toru Yamashita was a company man.

I have been working hard in the company for several years, but I still haven't gotten any position. I am still the clerk who brings tea and water to others.

You must know that in Sakura Country, a country where seniority and sophistication have a strong impact, the phenomenon of seniors squeezing juniors in the company has actually become a norm for a long time.

When working overtime on time every day has become a normal life, the pressure of life will make you unable to resist, and the passion and ambition in your heart will be slowly extinguished by cold water.

When you fall asleep from work every day when others have already woken up, you will be completely fed up with this damn life.

It was another heavy workload for several consecutive days. In the early hours of the morning, Yamashita Tetsuya was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Uh, ah~~

And the moment Yamashita Tetsuya walked out of the company, he just moved his whole body slightly, and his whole body instantly felt soreness and backache.

Go back and take a nap!

Tomorrow, my sister will have something else to do...

And when Tetsuya Yamashita hurried back to the rental house, he immediately dove into the quilt, fell on the bed and fell asleep. Even the clothes on his body that looked a little dirty, Tetsuya Yamashita didn't bother to change. Lose.


Yamashita Tetsuya's loud snoring played in a loop in the empty room, and when he woke up again, at this moment, it was already dark and dusk had arrived.

The setting sun falls quietly on the distant skyline, bringing a touch of warm color. The sky performs magnificent changes, from bright blue to soft orange-red, and then merges with the golden afterglow.

Yamashita Tetsuya looked at everything outside, walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of cold beer, and used a screwdriver to pry open the beer cap.

I saw Tetsuya Yamashita sitting quietly on the window sill of his home, holding a cold beer in one hand and holding the window with the other hand, looking at the sunset gradually setting in the west.

The city lights shined through the gaps between the buildings and onto his face, illuminating his tired face.

He stretched out the tip of his tongue and gently wiped away the water droplets on the beer, then put the cup close to his lips and tasted it in small sips.

As the cold liquid slowly flowed down his throat, it gave Yamashita Tetsuya a slightly tipsy feeling.

The bitterness and sweetness of the beer intertwined on the tip of his tongue, making his mind wander and remember more of what had happened.

Yamashita Tetsuya closed his eyes, leaned on the seat, and savored the taste of this beer and the beautiful sunset.

A sense of tranquility and ease allowed him to no longer feel troubled, but to enjoy such quiet moments, free to think and meditate.

The beer gradually disappeared from his lips, and he felt a hint of drunken joy. He no longer thought about work, worldly and busy affairs, he just enjoyed the tranquility and freedom of this moment.

Yamashita Tetsuya finally relaxed his body and mind. He was immersed in the afterglow of the sunset and the intoxication of beer, enjoying his own time.

The breeze blowing in from the window sill gently caressed Yamashita Tetsuya's face, bringing him a touch of coolness and comfort.

Maybe during the day, maybe only during this rest time, Tetsuya Yamashita can take a good rest.

But even like this, he still felt a slight sense of loneliness in his heart.

His mother's madness and his sister's helplessness made him extremely bitter...

··············································· ······

Soon, the night was getting darker, and Tetsuya Yamashita came to the kitchen to prepare dinner. He turned on the stove fire and started cooking today's dinner.

I picked my favorite instant noodles and cheap noodles from the supermarket from the cupboard, and made a dinner that experts said was nutritious.

Boil water in a pot, pick out a few good-quality eggs, put them in the pot and boil them, then run the boiled eggs through cold water, and put your favorite sauce on a small plate.

Boil another pot of water, put the instant noodles and dried noodles into the pot together, season with a few spoons of salt, take out the chopsticks and stir slowly in the pot, scoop out the cooked noodles, pour the soup on them, and make them steaming hot.

The peeled eggs are bouncy, white and tender, and even more delicious after being dipped in the sauce. With a gust of wind and lingering clouds, the simple and plain dinner was finally finished.

Yamashita Tetsuya walked past the window sill, then picked up the unfinished wine on the table and continued to drink. He just glanced at it inadvertently, and saw a black envelope with a gold lacquer stamp on the table, which was particularly eye-catching. .

The strong curiosity was like a cat's claw scratching in his heart. Yamashita Tetsuya picked up the envelope and looked at it carefully. The unbearable curiosity in his heart made him open the envelope.

Dear Yamashita Tetsuya-kun:

Hello, we are honored to have chosen you to open this letter, because you will get an opportunity, an opportunity to change your destiny against the will of heaven and realize your wishes.

Because you will observe the real secrets inside this world, we hereby sincerely invite you to participate in a competition, which is also a war. We invite you to participate in this [Holy Grail War]!

First of all, please allow me to introduce to you the prize of this competition-the Holy Grail!

The so-called Holy Grail is the cup that can fulfill all wishes. No matter what kind of wish it is, the Holy Grail will answer it.

Wishes fulfilled by the Holy Grail, no matter whether you are good or evil, whether you are humble or great, as the Holy Grail is a universal wish-making machine, it will unconditionally grant one of your wishes.

If you have agreed to participate in the Holy Grail War, please read the following rules carefully.

[Please maintain a sense of mystery and do not leak any information to anyone except yourself, let alone allow the enemy to obtain information! ! 】

[In this Holy Grail War, you will serve as the master to control the heroic spirits and start an unknown life and death struggle. 】

[Heroic spirits, legendary figures recorded in the past and modern times, are also called servants. They are heroes who have achieved great achievements during their lifetime and are widely praised by people.

They became objects of belief after death, and their deeds were told by the world.

Typically, heroic spirits are seen as forces that protect humans, and are removed from the timeline and summoned throughout the ages.

Summoning a Heroic Spirit requires certain conditions, such as using a Holy Grail or an item with similar power.

The summoned heroic spirit is actually a clone or replica made from the information of the heroic spirit's body. These clones will be summoned in various eras. 】

[Preparing for war this time is different from previous Holy Grail Wars, but heroic spirits are still your greatest help in this Holy Grail War, so please summon them. 】

[In this Holy Grail War, we will give you some special abilities to awaken the potential in your body. 】

[There are seven normal classes among heroic spirits: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. 】

[Getting along well with the heroic spirits will make you much more relaxed and gain more advantages in the Holy Grail War. 】

[Heroic spirits are divided into strong and weak ones, and the strength of the heroic spirits also depends on the master’s own strength.]

[Please be sure not to fight against heroic spirits on your own, because lower mysteries are subordinate to higher mysteries. The pattern traces that appear on the back of your hand are called command spells. There are three of them. They have absolute control over the heroic spirits. Please use them with caution! 】

[Under normal circumstances, Command Seals cannot be replenished. If other Masters die, the heroic spirits may exist for a period of time, and you can choose to continue to sign a contract with them. 】

[This Holy Grail War is extremely cruel, so please be prepared to die. 】

[Priests and other arbitrators from the Vatican are the referees of the Holy Grail War. They are all impartial beings and you can always trust them. 】

[If your heroic spirit is unfortunately defeated and you are worried about your life safety, you can go to the church to seek refuge from the priest. The priest will protect you until the end of the Holy Grail War. 】

[If you have the idea of ​​giving up during this Holy Grail War, you can transfer the heroic spirit to another master or priest. 】

[Remember that the Holy Grail War is conducted in secret, do not expose it to public view]

[The Holy Grail War is cruel, you can use any means]

【Don't violate the above rules! ! Again, never violate the above rules! ! I repeat, don’t break the above rules! ! ! 】

The description of the summoning spell and summoning formation is printed on the other side of the letter. At this moment, Yamashita Tetsuya could suddenly see the three-stroke command spell appearing on the back of his hand.

It's quite formal, but I don't believe there is such a thing in the world. Even if there is...

Yamashita Tetsuya turned around and threw the letter into the trash can. He had other things to do. The problem with his mother and sister had not been resolved yet, so he couldn't stop yet! !

But when Tetsuya Yamashita lay in bed at night, he kept tossing and turning in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep.

Because Yamashita Tetsuya has his own pain and insincerity in his heart, and he also has an indelible madness! !

A crazy mother who believes in oblique angles, an innocent sister who is dragged down by her family, and ambitions and dreams that she cannot realize...

Yamashita Tetsuya stood up and looked at the time and found that it was already very late. He wanted to force himself to rest quickly.

Because there is still work to be done tomorrow, and in recent times, the company has strictly enforced strict regulations on leaving early and working late, so I have to go to bed now.

However, he still couldn't sleep.

He got up and walked to the kitchen.


Yamashita Tetsuya still followed the instructions on the envelope and prepared everything required on the letter step by step.

Although the summoning circle depicting the summoning of the servants was drawn hastily by him using tomato paste in the kitchen.

However, the simple and harsh conditions did not allow Yamashita Tetsuya to make more preparations, perhaps compared to other masters who were well prepared.

Yamashita Toru is also unqualified.

I saw Yamashita Tetsuya's lips quickly reciting the incantation to summon the servant, and the room was quickly filled with white light.

Fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it, fill it.

“What goes around comes, then comes five.”

However, when it is full, it is when it is abandoned.


Your body is on my side, my life is tied to your sword, and I surrender to the foundation of the Holy Grail.

Follow this idea, follow this principle, and it should be done.

I swear here, I will be a good person forever, and I will be a evil person forever.

You, the seven heavens of the three great speaking spirits who protect the body, descend here from the Wheel of Suppression.

Guardian of the scales, obey me, and my life is tied to your sword.

The summoning array on the ground started to move as the summoning spell was chanted. The summoning array emitted a dazzling white light, shrouding the dim rental house.

But as a burst of dazzling white light gradually dissipated, nothing appeared in the summoning array of heroic spirits.

Yamashita Tetsuya looked at it, the light in his eyes weakened a little, turned around and shook his head with a wry smile.

It was all just a joke!

Forget it, I still have to work tomorrow.

And just when Yamashita Tetsuya was a little frustrated...

Servant Moriarty, sir, are you my Master!?

A voice with the tone of an English gentleman appeared in the room! !


The familiars that the heroes of the past became are Servants, and those who contract with them and use them are Masters. Generally, Servants have seven classes.

The legends and abilities of Heroic Spirits will change, and Heroic Spirits are ultimately spirits, so it is very difficult to reproduce them.

Human magicians don't have enough resources (Resources) or memory (Memory).

Therefore, the Holy Grail fixes one aspect of the heroic spirit, which is the seven classes - Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Berserker, Assassin.

No matter what kind of heroic spirit it is, it can definitely manifest itself in a certain class. That is the true face of a Servant.

In the Holy Grail War, the Servant's true heroic name, the so-called true name, needs to be hidden for protection.

Dad said loudly to the Avengers team who followed him. He knew that these annoying guys would come and he had to explain to them.

Because a certain braised egg is particularly annoying! !

Dongmu Church, this is the church that serves as the supervisor of the Holy Grail War. It also protects the defeated Master in the Holy Grail War.

Dad stood in front of the door of the church, talking to Tony, Constantine and others, not paying attention to the eyes of ordinary people as if they were looking at Alzheimer's disease.

The priests who live in this Dongmu Church are agents sent by the Vatican. They are the elites of the Holy Church.

The purpose of the establishment of the Holy Church is to annihilate heresy.

Those who use mysterious techniques to insult God, kill humans, disrupt the world, and distort the God's truth that governs the world are all heretics.

Therefore, those who eliminate heretics in the Holy Church are called agents. The so-called agents are the church's exclusive executioners. Those who are good at fighting usually use special ceremonial weapons - black keys.

The person Dad wants to visit this time is the representative of Dongmu Church, and he is also one of the referees of this Holy Grail War.


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