American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 240 The Song of the Magic Bullet Shooter, the Space Carrier Crashes


Everyone, please light up the smoke. This is the smoke of rebellion that declares to the world that we have returned to this world!!

In Ragnarok, a major wearing a white trench coat sat on the main seat in the command room. Warrant Officer Schrödinger and werewolf Bell stood beside the chair on the left and right. I saw the major's left hand wearing a white glove snap his fingers, and then there was a snap.

Millennium and the initial return of the German Reich rebellion are officially rising! !

And the first person to light up the wolf smoke in the millennium has arrived on earth, and she will destroy SHIELD's space carrier at great speed.


Today, we sing this song

【Heute wollen wir ein Liedlen singen】

Drink all the wine in the glass

【Trinken wollen wir dir kuhlen Wein】

Then, the confrontation

【Und die Glasser sollen dszu klingen】

It is a natural obligation

【Denn die muss es muss geschieden sein】

granted to your hand

【Gib mir deine Hand】

Your snow-white hands

【Deine weisse Hand】

Farewell, lover, farewell, lover, farewell, farewell

[Leb'wohl, mein Schatz, Leb'wohl, mein Schatz, Leb'wohl, Leb'wohl]

We attack

【denn wir fahlen】

We attack

【denn wir fahlen】

We attack

【denn wir fahlen】

We attack America

【gegen USA USA】

In the Valkyrie combat flying saucer, Magic Bullet Shooter Lieutenant Rip Van Winkle was leaning on a comfortable and soft seat, lovingly stroking the retro-style rifle in his hand.

Her affectionate and intoxicated look seemed like she was caressing her lover's face. She was in a very happy mood at this time, humming an unknown song softly in her mouth.

Soon, the Valkyrie combat flying saucer that Lieutenant Wink is riding will come to the earth. As the vanguard of the Millennium Revenge, she is also an artificial vampire warrior of the Three German Empires, and she will once again show the world what German war is. The power.

Although the tall and thin Lieutenant Wink looks very young, in fact, Rip Van Wink's real age is at least 70 years old, but because she is an artificial vampire, she looks like she is only in her twenties. age.

He has a pair of blue eyes, some small freckles on his cheeks, and long blue-black hair that reaches his knees. The hair is tied into two long braids, and there is a particularly long dull hair on the top of his head.

I have to say that Magic Bullet Shooter Lieutenant Rip Van Winkle is indeed an out-and-out beauty, and the style of her clothes is also very fashionable, very much in line with German romance.

Lieutenant Wink wore a dark blue suit, a pink shirt, a green tie, black shoes on his feet, a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, white gloves on both hands, and a large silver swan pendant.

How long does it take to reach SHIELD's space carrier?

Magic Bullet Shooter Lieutenant Wink finally stopped humming. She came to the driver's side with her rifle and asked how long it would take to reach the destination.

Twenty minutes. If the Valkyrie combat flying saucer moves forward at its highest speed, it may take less than twenty minutes!

This military flying saucer equipped with a 150mm rail gun was a military flying saucer developed by the German Three Reichs on the far side of the moon in the 1980s.

Weapons include a 50mm automatic cannon, a 150mm rail gun, and a 150mm multi-function rocket. The thick heat insulation layer gives Valkyrie the ability to fly in outer space and the atmosphere.

This kind of flying saucer flying at full power is just the right vehicle for this mission.

··············································· ····

High in the sky, the SHIELD Space Carrier is suspended in the white clouds. This huge and spectacular spaceship has an overall design like a small moving city, standing majestically high in the sky.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a metal giant, shining with metallic luster in the sunlight, making it dazzling.

As the crystallization of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s various high technologies, the mothership’s exterior design is very futuristic, consisting of countless metal plates and smooth curves. The perfect combination of sensory technology and advanced materials makes it look like a huge spaceship.

The space carrier moves slowly in the high altitude, accompanied by the faint roar of the engine. Its slender body and streamlined appearance seem to make it break away from the constraints of gravity at high altitude, allowing it to float lightly and freely in the air.

The hull is covered with high-tech decorations and facilities, and various antennas, radars and energy thrusters adorn its surface, making it appear extremely complex and sophisticated.

These are the eyes and ears used by the SHIELD Space Carrier to sense the outside world. They are also the first line of defense to detect and prevent enemy attacks.

Although I already know the current level of technological development on earth, I still can't help but want to laugh at them!

These countries on the earth have been given nearly seventy years to develop, but these stupid guys are still fighting non-stop. They don't even have the ability to travel into space.

Even if they were given such a long time and such abundant resources, they could only create such a nondescript spacecraft.

How ridiculous!

Inside the Valkyrie combat flying saucer, relying on the excellent stealth function of the spacecraft, the pilot drove the flying saucer above the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier.

The pilot of the Valkyrie combat flying saucer, as a member of the Moon German Empire who received German Zionist education from an early age, has great disdain and disdain for the stupid behavior of the so-called winners on earth who waste resources and time. despise.

All this should belong to us! !

It doesn't matter, the Major will lead us to victory and take back everything that belongs to us.

Suddenly, a beautiful profile face came close to the driver's side. Lieutenant Wenke smiled and said to the driver, like a considerate and gentle big sister.

Get ready for battle, let the railguns and autocannons fire together!

Wait a minute, I'm going to use their blood to draw our Chinese flag on the deck!!

But when the gentle tone said this, the meaning contained in it made people's whole body feel horrified.


The Magic Bullet Shooter held the rifle in her hand steadily. Through the shooting window of the combat flying saucer, she carefully aimed her gun at the huge S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier hanging high in the sky.


The Magic Bullet Shooter's heartbeat speeds up rapidly, his heart pumps out blood rapidly, and his eyes are fixed on the target.

At this moment, the Magic Bullet Shooter entered bullet time, and the whole person's reaction nerves were strengthened like an enlightenment, and the weak points of the space carrier suddenly appeared in his eyes.

With a bang sound, the Magic Bullet Shooter suddenly pulled the trigger, and a Magic Bullet with a huge impact roared out, passed through the clouds in the sky, and headed straight for the huge space carrier.

At the same time, the 50mm automatic cannon and 150mm rail gun on the combat flying saucer followed the magic bullet and fired at the aerospace carrier.

It was as if time had frozen at this moment, everyone in the combat flying saucer held their breath, and they all watched the fate of this moment together.

So, with a sharp whistling sound, the magic bullet and the cannonball successfully hit SHIELD's space carrier. The huge explosion was deafening, and a bright red fire bloomed in the sky.

The fighter jets on the S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier shattered one after another, and the huge impact knocked them down, turning into huge burning fireballs and crashing down.

The space carrier is about to crash! !

The next plot will be written around Accardo and Major Touzan. The teaching saint Alexia has already appeared, and Father Anderson is also online. If you want to see how the plot develops, you can give me your opinions.

If you have any new thoughts and ideas, please share them in the comment area. I will accept them with an open mind. I hope you can support me.

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