American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 239 The blood feast has arrived, and the final battle is about to begin! !

New York City is not stable during this time!

In fact, even if you look at the surface of New York City, this super city, it seems to be all feasting and glamorous.

Every year, it attracts countless donut heroes who want to breathe the sweet air of the United States and live in this free and democratic country!

In fact, many ordinary residents who live in New York City all year round are very aware of the real situation in the city they live in.

Order and security, such expensive and precious things, have always existed only in important places such as wealthy areas and government agencies.

Because people living in economically developed places are the main group that can provide tax revenue for the government and officials.

The efficiency of the police force and other public institutions is also determined by the amount of money donated and taxes paid by this group of wealthy people.

As for trash cans like Hell's Kitchen, which cannot provide economic growth and can only contain all the darkness and garbage in New York City, chaos and struggle are the main tone here.

The police don't even bother to come here! !

Gang shootouts, selling gummy bears on the streets, ragged ladies in red light districts, smuggling, human trafficking, organ trafficking...

This is the most common scene in Hell’s Kitchen!

There's nothing you can't do in Hell's Kitchen, only things you can't imagine!

Because this is New York City and this is Hell’s Kitchen!

You must know that Gotham City in the DC world and Rice Flower Town in the Detective Conan world have crime rates that are only a fraction of New York City.

The famous literary writer Charles Dickens once said:

[If you love her, please send her to New York, because that is paradise. If you hate her, please send her to New York, because that is hell. 】

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But now on the streets of New York, people find themselves no longer safe.

Whether you are in a wealthy area or in a lawless place like Hell's Kitchen, whenever night falls, the presence of the crazy influx of vampires makes the street lights appear even dimmer.

The well-informed people in New York City no longer dare to go out easily, for fear of falling prey to vampires.

Because these people know very well why the number of vampires has increased several times in just a few days.

Vampires are scurrying around the corners of the city, looking for their next target. The smell of blood fills the air throughout the city.

The reason why vampires are so crazy is the arrival of the blood banquet. Not long ago, Dickon Foe sent out an invitation to the blood banquet, marking the beginning of this yet-to-be-decided banquet.

And this also makes the vampires in the beautiful country particularly excited. Now the local vampires in the Marvel world have been strengthened by the benefits of Deacon Fur's deal with Millennium.

The result of this is the emergence of a large number of ghouls. This crazy creature has brought unprecedented fear to New York City.

These terrifying creatures come from the smell of food and use the dark corners of the city as their lairs.

These ghouls with huge appetites are completely irrational and will not let those innocent humans go. They peer at people in the dark and bring endless fear to people.


Not long ago, the New York City government tried to take some measures to restore order, but they were helpless in the face of these two supernatural threats.

Police and special forces have been corrupted by vampires and ghouls, and their weapons and tactics are actually very effective against these supernatural beings.

But the speed at which ghouls are transformed by vampires is so fast. It only takes one vampire to suck blood like crazy to transform into many irrational ghouls.

It's not like the National Guard can send troops into the city to directly bombard them. There are even people in the government who are talking to the vampires.

So this has led to this embarrassing situation, so we need to...

Stop, stop, let's talk about the important point. Can you finish talking about the important things quickly? We are here for a meeting, not to accompany you in official talk!

“It’s not like we don’t know what you’re talking about, so hurry up and get to the point!!”

I'm in a hurry, Mr. Deadpool. It's going to cost you millions every minute!

A voice that sounded very unbeatable appeared, and he interrupted Nick Fury's narration very rudely.

Deadpool showed off the Peppa Pig children's phone watch on his wrist, posing as if he were reading the time, to show that his time was precious.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Space Carrier, inside a conference room.

This space carrier, which often crashes in movies and comics, should have become the location of the Avengers' first meeting because of its high maneuverability and stealth.

Here, all the superheroes at this stage of the Marvel Universe gathered together to discuss how to solve this vampire blood feast crisis.

Iron Man Tony Stark, Deadpool Wade Wilson, Hellraiser John Constantine, Danny Iron Fist, Frank the Punisher, Daredevil Matt, Treasure Girl Jessica Jones, Spider-Woman Gwen ·Stacy, Black Widow Natasha, Bionic Bird Barbara...

These superheroes who appear in movies and comics all came here for a meeting after being invited by Nick Fury.

Well, under normal circumstances, I think with your joining, this mission should be completed!

But during a self-examination operation by SHIELD not long ago, I actually discovered traces of Hydra. Not only that, there is an organization called Millennium in SHIELD that is infiltrating us...!

Nick, are you telling the truth?!

Hydra actually planted people in your SHIELD. What are you doing?

Before Nick Fury finished speaking, Bucky interrupted him angrily.

Among the superheroes present, Bucky, as a superhero who fought against Hydra during World War II and survived, his disgust and hatred for Hydra can be said to far exceed that of everyone here.

Because Steve died at the hands of a suspected member of the Hydra force, Bucky's original hatred and disgust for Hydra has long since turned into an overwhelming hatred that cannot be resolved.

Because of the existence of Hydra and the Millennium Organization, in order to ensure that this operation can proceed smoothly, I found foreign aid in this operation and specially invited demon hunting experts to deal with vampires!

Nick Fury couldn't help but feel a pang of pain when he thought about the price he had paid. Even for a special organization like SHIELD, which had a large business and a large business, it would pay so many benefits at once.

However, in order to win the final battle with the vampire, it is all worth it! !

The next plot will be written around Accardo and Major Touzan. The teaching saint Alexia has already appeared, and Father Anderson is also online. If you want to see how the plot develops, you can give me your opinions.

If you have any new thoughts and ideas, please share them in the comment area. I will accept them with an open mind. I hope you can support me.

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