American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 221 The girl who was sacrificed by blood attacks the vampire manor

Uncle George, are we just going to let those guys go?

This is not the first time this kind of incident has happened in the past few days. Situations like this have happened many times. Isn't there someone above...

In a church, Allen was wearing a New York City Police Department uniform, and he was asking George Stacey angrily.

The reason why Officer Allen was so rude to his uncle was the cruel scene on the altar in front of him.

In front of him, there was a withered corpse placed on the hall inside the church. The girl was wearing an exquisite dress, and the gorgeous makeup could not cover her pale face.

This girl was cruelly sucked to death by a vampire! !

This is the altar in a dark church, and the place of worship is covered with thick black velvet carpets.

A heavy atmosphere filled the air, making people shudder.

In the center of the altar stood a huge stone altar, surrounded by various ancient and strange sacrifices, and the air was filled with an evil aura.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that the altar is covered with bright red blood stains. The blood stains seem to be absorbed by the dry land, giving a thick and strange effect.

Blood stains spread on the edge of the stone altar, seeming to flow through the entire altar, staining large areas of it red.

Although the altar was covered in blood, it was beautifully designed and inlaid with intricate carvings.

Covered in blood, the carvings became twisted and horrifying, like pure objects desecrated by bloodthirsty demons.

The body of the girl lying on the altar was like a withered flower, pale and dry.

Her once rosy and beautiful skin was like withered petals, without any color at all. Her originally plump body became shriveled, like a flower that had lost its vitality.

The delicate lips had lost their former bright red color, the cheekbones were deeply sunken after the last drop of blood was drained, and the eye sockets became hollow and dull, as if endless darkness was eating away at her soul.

The girl's body was horribly shriveled, her arms became as thin as numb poles, and her joints were clearly visible.

The originally soft long hair has become dry and dull, like a withered yellow grassland. Her once delicate fingers are now almost only skin and bones, losing their former flexibility and vitality.

After sucking the blood, the girl was left with only a body that was ruthlessly eroded by time, like a dried raisin.

Her skin had lost its elasticity and was as fragile as paper. Obvious wrinkles appeared on her originally delicate cheeks, deeply engraved with the traces of time.

And this situation is not an isolated incident in New York City. The massacre that happened in the church, which was similar to a cult incident, and what happened to the girl who had her blood sucked out, was also experienced by other girls in other places. She gets the same treatment.

Ellen, I know you are very unwilling, but sometimes, there is nothing we can do to change this situation...

George Stacey looked at Allen, whose eyes were hot and angry. He felt as if his whole body was being roasted on a fire. Even when responding to Allen's questions, George's eyes couldn't help but dodge.

Although it is the police's duty to seek justice for innocent girls, invisible shackles constrain them and force them to stop.

The high-level politicians above don't care about the feelings of these ordinary people. There are already more than one crazy vampire.

If the number of crazy vampires continues to grow, the consequences and the number of lives lost will be far beyond the current number.

The five biggest lies in life are:

limitations of the times

Helpless choice

necessary sacrifice

great exploration

the pains of development

And this is the cruel reality! ! !

··············································· ······

I'm furious!!


There was a bang on the door of the office, and Allen grabbed his clothes in his hands and walked in angrily from the outside.

As soon as Allen came in, he took off the tie from his neck, and then threw it hard on the sofa.

Honey, what's wrong with you?!

Jessica looked at her lover with a worried look. His angry expression was really hard not to make people worry!

Jessica, you know, today I met those damn vampire bastards who committed...

Allen, who was full of anger, was thinking about today's case, and Jessica's proactive question gave him someone to talk to.

As a pure person who advocates supreme interests for mankind, Allen has always had a very bad attitude towards those bastards who only dare to suck blood in secret.

If someone wasn't protecting those vampire bastards, he would have killed all the bastards he could meet.

Ah, it looks like this...

Jingle Bell!!

Hey, this is Jessica Jones Agency, Matt, it's you...

Suddenly, a phone rang, and Jessica quickly picked up the phone. It turned out to be the assembly order from Matt and the others.


Is this okay?

In the secret base, Daredevil Matt, Iron Fist Danny, Punisher Frank, Jessica and Allen, and everyone from the Defenders Alliance gathered here.

Several defenders, under the command of Blade Warrior, moved out all the weapons that Blade Warrior had been rushing to make these days.

Here, Frank, this is the mithril sword. This is the equipment for you.

I remember your knife skills were very good.

Haha, yes, I think I can chop off the heads of those vampire bastards easily.

The Blade Warrior took out two mithril knives and handed them to Frank. After Frank took the knives, he smiled with a cruel smile on his face.

This is an ultraviolet grenade. When thrown out, it can release intense ultraviolet rays.

Blade Warrior took out a special ultraviolet grenade the same size as an egg and gave it to everyone. Looking carefully at the number, there were probably no less than a hundred grenades.

I didn't prepare many such weapons, because current technology can easily prevent ultraviolet radiation, so vampires can easily get clothes that resist ultraviolet radiation.

As a result, the value of this grenade is greatly reduced, but sometimes it has unexpected effects.

Mithril bullets include 9MM caliber pistol bullets and 56mm NATO caliber rifle bullets.

There are more than 4,000 rounds of ammunition in total, which is all the inventory I have saved. I suggest everyone get some.

Mythril daggers, everyone takes one for self-defense, and garlic essence.

We can make some improvised explosive devices, fill them with garlic essence, or directly add some mercury.

So, under the careful introduction of Blade Warrior, everyone took some weapons to deal with vampires.

Tonight, our target is the manor of the vampire who has been performing blood sacrifices during this period...


As the moonlit night fell, everyone arrived at their destination—the manor villa of the vampire named Reis.

This vampire manor is quite large, with an area of ​​nearly twenty acres, almost equal to the size of two standard football fields.

You must know that to be able to own such a large manor in New York, where land is at a premium, the owner of this mansion is definitely a wealthy man with a high social status.

After everyone killed the guarding vampires outside, they carefully sneaked under the wall of the manor.


Suddenly, an ultraviolet grenade the size of an egg flew towards the guard at the main entrance of the manor villa with lightning speed.

Strong ultraviolet rays are not only fatal to vampires, but also extremely lethal to humans.

Super strong ultraviolet radiation can cause various lesions on people's skin, and ultraviolet grenades are not very maneuverable, so it is not very convenient to use them on the battlefield.

And it is not particularly difficult with current technology to resist ultraviolet radiation, so this kind of ultraviolet weapon has been gradually abandoned by vampire hunters.

However, if this kind of thing is used for a surprise attack when the vampires are unprepared, it actually has a great strategic effect.

Attention!! Alert!!

Something is coming!!

At this time, two guards who were guarding the gate of the manor suddenly saw something flying over in the darkness.

Although they didn't know what it was, the two professionally trained vampire guards quickly took out their guns.

He immediately took a defensive stance and loudly conveyed the message to his companions.

However, this kind of vigilance was of little use. When the ultraviolet grenade reached the two vampire guards, it suddenly exploded.


The explosion sound of the ultraviolet grenade was very soft, with only a low roar, and then the grenade split into two halves, but the separated grenade emitted a strong and dazzling light, which was very conspicuous in the dense darkness.

Even Jessica who was throwing the grenade thirty meters away could feel the strong light, but fortunately the killing distance of ultraviolet radiation was not very long, only a short dozen meters.

But even so, this super powerful ultraviolet ray is still a very deadly weapon for vampires.

The two vampire bodyguards, who were originally on guard, immediately realized something was wrong when they saw the first dazzling light emitted from the grenade.

No, it's a UV grenade!!!


You must know that this is not a time of war with humans, and no vampire will wear radiation-proof clothing that hinders movement every day.

Ordinary clothes cannot protect against super ultraviolet radiation. The dazzling light shining on the vampire's body is like hot lava being placed on the vampire's body.

The ultraviolet rays instantly burned the skin of the two vampires, and even the tough skin of the vampires could not protect them.

The super healing power that vampires are proud of seems useless under the dazzling light of ultraviolet grenades.

The vampire's solid skin was completely vaporized in an instant, and then their flesh and blood began to burn at high temperatures, and the blood in their bodies was evaporated.

This intense dazzling light lasted for a very short time, less than two seconds. The two vampires had lost all signs of life and suddenly became two charred corpses.

There's a situation!!


The incident at the front entrance aroused the vigilance of other vampires in the villa, and many vampires took out their weapons and rushed toward the front entrance.

As a high-altitude enemy-control unit flying in the air, Jessica also chose to attack at the main entrance and find ways to attract firepower to others.

Jessica only carried a total of sixteen ultraviolet grenades. While the other vampires had not yet put on protective clothing, she directly threw fifteen grenades into the vampire team at once.


Bang bang bang!!

I saw the grenade falling from the sky, crossing a distance of fifty meters, and then exploding with a bang above the heads of the group of vampires who were rushing towards the main entrance.

The dazzling light formed by the simultaneous explosion of fifteen ultraviolet grenades, together looks like a miniature sun.

But the vampires under this ultraviolet sun feel that they have entered hell. The vampires will fall into hell forever at this time and never be reincarnated.

It's a UV grenade! Humans are at war with us!

What greeted the panicked and shouting vampire was a mercury bullet fired from the muzzle. Frank, holding a Browning 9mm high-power pistol, was shooting at the fish that slipped through the net.

After Frank finished shooting, he aimed at one of the vampires again, pulled the trigger with his finger, and the bullet was fired.

Bang bang!!

The bullet drew a beautiful arc in the air, a shattering sound sounded, and then the bullet directly hit the vampire's chest.

In an instant, the mercury began to spread rapidly, quickly surrounding the vampire's body like a spreading flame.


It hurts!!!

The vampire fell to his knees and let out a howl of pain, unable to bear the erosion of the mercury on their bodies any longer.

The mercury poison hidden in the mercury bullets began to corrode the vampires' skin and bones, causing their flesh to gradually fester.

Run away!!

Seeing that they were outnumbered by the intruders, the vampires began to try to escape, but their power seemed so insignificant in front of Mercury.

Eventually, the vampires fell to the ground, hissed, and then disappeared completely under the corrosion of mercury.

Mr. Reis, someone stormed the villa. And they used ultraviolet bombs! It looks like a premeditated attack on Mr. Reis!

One of Reis's personal bodyguards ignored etiquette and pushed open the bedroom door and hurried in.

Humanity may be at war with us!

Sir, what should we do next?

Tonight, superheroes led by the Defenders suddenly launched a surprise attack on vampires, and the first shot of the war between humans and vampires was fired.

At this moment, the owner of this manor, Reis, was standing in front of the window, looking through the glass at the fierce battle below.

“It’s so beautiful!!”

The next plot will be written around Accardo and Major Tokusan. If you have any new thoughts and ideas, please tell them in the comment area. I will accept them with an open mind. I hope everyone can support me.

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