American comics: Launching a dimensional war at the beginning

Chapter 220 Shocking move, has the vampire gone crazy?

For ordinary people, this kind of news that seems to be just right or wrong may be just some entertainment news for entertainment.

But for those intelligence agencies and superheroes who uphold justice, the emergence of this situation means that a new event is about to happen, and the vampire may have made new moves!

Hell's Kitchen, Jessica Jones Detective Agency, this is a detective agency that mainly serves the citizens of Hell's Kitchen in New York City. Most of its jobs are small things like finding cats, catching dogs, and catching rapes.

The office is filled with various files and reports, papers are piled randomly on the desktop, and there are many messy folders placed on the bookshelf.

The walls were covered with photos and clues circled in red, forming a criss-crossing spider web.

There is an old computer and a printer placed in the corner, displaying various investigation materials and details of detective cases.

Although it looks disorganized, this disorganized detective agency handles various cases in its own unique way.

Jessica, the firm's owner, finds clues in unexpected places, solves mysteries, and provides justice and protection to her clients.

Now the hostess of this office is lying contentedly on the soft sofa in a Ge You lying posture, drinking a small drink.

The early morning sunlight shines on the sofa through the window, and the soft light illuminates the slightly messy room.

In the kitchen on the side, there was a sound of sizzling oil, the aroma of baking bread filled the air, the sound of boiling tea and the crackling of fried eggs were endless.

In the kitchen, a handsome man was carefully making heart-shaped slices of bread, patiently spreading delicious jam with his well-jointed hands.

Allen's face has soft lines, smooth skin with a healthy luster, and forest-like green pupils, making him look like a charming Persian cat.

At this moment, Allen was carefully preparing breakfast for himself and Jessica. This gesture of caring for his boyfriend made him look even more unique and charming.


With a crisp sound, Allen turned off the gas stove in the kitchen and used a shovel to place them on the dinner plate, carefully pairing them with fresh fruit and a glass of fragrant milk.

There was also a carefully placed flower on the breakfast table, adding a touch of romance to this special morning.

After finishing preparations, Allen carefully brought the breakfast tray to the table, while Jessica was lying on the sofa in Ge You's position, resting comfortably.

My dear, you can't drink too much wine this early in the morning!

Breakfast is already prepared, come and have some!

Allen gently stroked Jessica's cheek, then took the wine bottle from her hand, and persuaded her gently.

Allen picked up a glass of milk and handed it to Jessica, then motioned for her to drink the glass of milk.

Today is another beautiful day!

At the same time, it is also the few leisure time for superheroes like them after the Dome Incident and Thor Incident are resolved.

After the Dome Incident and Thor Incident ended inexplicably, the various members of the Defenders went back to their respective homes.

Iron Fist Danny and Matt will continue to deal with their old rivals - Hand Hehui.

Frank the Punisher still acts in the same iron-blooded and cruel style as before, continuing to attack those gangsters and attacking his enemies mercilessly.

Zhang Lingyu, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found after the Thunder God incident ended. He said he was going to find something important, but he might not be able to get back in a short time.

As for Jessica Jones, the only female defender, she is able to be with her lover, Officer Allen, and the two enjoy wonderful leisure time together.

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In the suburbs of New York City, a dilapidated and abandoned building is hidden in an abandoned industrial park using the method of hiding in the city. The outside of the building is covered with spreading vines and surrounded by old brick walls.

Da da!!

And with the sound of gentle footsteps, a figure in black entered the industrial park under the moonlight.

Frank the Punisher walked slowly into the abandoned building wearing a black trench coat. He looked around and then walked towards the dark corridor.

Dust filled the air, and the glass on the floor-to-ceiling windows peeled off coldly from the erosion of time.

Through the broken window, the faint moonlight shone in, barely able to illuminate his feet, and a desolate and terrifying feeling arose spontaneously.

Da da!!

Frank the Punisher moved forward step by step, and finally reached the end of the corridor.

He opened a wooden door that exuded a decayed atmosphere and entered a spacious office.

The ceiling of the office nearly collapsed, with broken cabinets and broken glass strewn across the floor.

Dust and cobwebs covered everything, giving the space a somewhat dead air.

Frank looked around, his eyes revealing a hint of indifference and vigilance.

After walking to a corner of the room, Frank took out a small old suitcase from the large pocket of his windbreaker, then took out a machine and pressed the button on it.



With the sound of gears and machinery turning, a medium-sized secret door appeared behind the cabinet, leading to bottomless darkness.

Frank walked towards the labyrinth room under the secret door, and soon reached his final destination.

This is a secret base that has always been kept low-key and secretive.

Visitors can enter the interior only with a specific password and identification.

The place is a simple and unpretentious establishment without extravagant decoration and fancy facilities.

The space in the base is fully utilized, with a simple desk, old computers, and tools used for intelligence collection and weapons maintenance.

The walls are covered with maps, photos and target information, showing the progress of his investigation and the goals of the operation.

There is a simple training area in the corner of the base, which includes some simple equipment and equipment used to maintain the owner's health and combat capabilities.

This area might contain a simple gymnasium and sandbags for him to practice fighting and weapons training.

There is also a small medical area in the base, which contains some simple medical equipment and first aid supplies to deal with injuries he sustained during the mission.

The entire base was conceived as a secluded and safe place, and since Frank usually operates alone and believes that stealth is the key to keeping himself safe and continuing his mission, only a few people are aware of its existence.

This base is one of the few exceptions. This base is the secret base shared by Frank and the Blade Warriors.

Once you enter this secret base, you will be surrounded by the unique atmosphere here. The interior decoration of the base is careful and practical, and it is equipped with various equipment and tools used by vampire hunters.

The walls are covered with a variety of weapons, including crosses, swords, crossbows and firearms, as well as silver weapons.

In the very center of the secret base, the Blade Warriors are patiently making special silver bullets for hunting vampires.

I saw that the Blade Warrior was wearing special goggles on his eyes, and he was pouring some strange liquid into the bullet.

Seeing that Blade was making special silver bullets, Punisher Frank didn't say anything more, because making special silver bullets is a precise and tedious process that does not tolerate any sloppiness or carelessness.

First of all, making silver bullets requires the selection of extremely pure silver metal and fine processing and processing to ensure the quality and lethal effect of the silver bullets.

The appearance of silver bullets is usually similar to ordinary bullets, but the internal structure is unique. The core part is made of pure silver, and fine processing gives it a uniform shape and weight distribution to provide a stable flight trajectory.

The surface of the silver bullet is specially treated and coated with a polymer coating that is wear-resistant and sharp.

This coating can quickly weaken the protection of the vampire's body when the bullet hits the target, making it easier for the silver bullet to penetrate into the vampire's body tissue.

The production of silver bullets requires the infusion of special herbs and liquids into the process. These herbs and liquids contain highly concentrated silver ions and are highly toxic to vampires.

Once the silver bullet hits a vampire, the silver ions will be quickly released, invading the vampire's blood and body tissues, weakening their strength and abilities.

Making such a silver bullet requires a high degree of professional knowledge and skills. Only experienced experts can make it effectively, and the Blade Runner is an experienced vampire hunter. He has mastered the secret of this silver bullet during many years of fighting. Production Method.

Each special silver bullet is carefully crafted and tested to fight evil creatures like vampires.

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You're back!

After Blade Runner completed the special production, he finally found Frank the Punisher who had been waiting for a long time.

Tell me, you came to me, do you have something important to say?

Punisher Frank asked straight to the point, he didn't want to waste more time.


According to the intelligence I have collected recently, we will be in greater trouble soon. The vampires' actions have become more and more outrageous recently.

As he spoke, the Blade Warrior reassembled the gun he had just dismantled and cleaned, and walked to the command podium used for meetings in the secret base.

Then he pulled out a complete map of New York State from the filing cabinet and motioned to Frank the Punisher to come over and look at the map.

According to the latest information I received, vampires are gathering in large numbers in New York City.

And the most important thing is that low-level vampires in New York City are out of control. The number of victims attacked by vampires is now rising sharply. At the same time, the top vampires don't seem to have any idea of ​​controlling this phenomenon...

The vampire imitation case reported on TV a few days ago was the good deed done by those blood-sucking bastards!!

Blade first pointed out the movements of the vampires on the map, and then explained their crazy actions during the recent period.

These vampires include California, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Vampires from many states are rushing here.

Is this because of the blood feast you mentioned last time?

It looks like they are either crazy or they can't wait any longer!

The Punisher suddenly remembered this activity that Frank mentioned repeatedly, which seemed to be a very important activity for vampires.

Yes, it seems that there are only nine days left before the so-called blood feast. The blood feast of the vampires is coming soon.

Because some vampire bastards wanted to hold a grand party in New York, but for these vampire bastards, a very unfortunate thing happened. In our operation some time ago, we took away the most important ingredient of their party in one go. The purchase channels have been destroyed.”

That's why they are so anxious to hunt new food...

Frank smiled contemptuously. For these eager guys, Frank could completely understand their crazy behavior.


But, Frank, you need to know one thing. Maybe other vampires don't know this yet, and they are still coming to this party excitedly.

Once they know their food is gone, what do you think they're going to do?

Reluctant, frustrated, angry, and finally mad...

Perhaps there will be groups of vampires appearing on the streets of New York, desperate to find food that can replace the blood feast. At that time, the whole of New York will even be in danger...

Frank frowned immediately after hearing this. Ordinary humans are too weak. If vampires suddenly go crazy regardless of everything, a group of vampires will turn the city upside down.

The government may know about this, but we can't expect the government to do much. After all, they...

The old guys in Congress are going to cause them all kinds of trouble, and for politicians, they're just going to choose what's best for them, not what's right for the country and the people.

For Frank, who has been in the military for many years, he has long distrusted the government.

Let him believe those politicians who tell lies, it is better to let him believe that sows can climb trees.

Frank, you are right. Therefore, we cannot place our hopes on the government. The reaction of the bureaucracy can never keep up with the changes in events. We should take action.

Blade Warrior also has the same view on the politicians of the beautiful country. He does not believe that the beautiful country's government can make the right choice.

Then don't hesitate any more, let's go take out all the equipment you prepared before! It's time to teach the vampires a lesson!

Frank quickly made up his mind. He was resolute and decisive, and immediately walked towards the weapons on the storage shelf, preparing to get some weapons.

Now that the vampires are ready to go crazy and start an all-out war, the next few days will be a life-and-death struggle, so there is no need to leave any escape route for themselves and the enemy.

The next plot will be written around Accardo and Major Tokusan. If you have any new thoughts and ideas, please tell them in the comment area. I will accept them with an open mind. I hope everyone can support me.

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