American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 610: Catch Fury first.

The content of Robbie Reyes' side is obviously more complicated than the intelligence provided by Eric, so that Goofy and Agent Hill did not fully digest it for a long time after listening to it.

"You mean... Robbie can hear the voice from another dimension, and this voice tells him that someone stole the "Dark God Book" and used the Dark God Book to create an artificial intelligence robot, this artificial intelligence robot Will it destroy the world?"

Agent Hill squinted and asked,

"And Robbie is sure that this artificial intelligence robot is Ultron?"

"Yes, this is the reason why Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes attempted to destroy Ultron, and he also cooperated with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Eric for this reason."

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"In addition, I found that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Eric didn't tell Robbie the conspiracy to forge the Ultron robot. Until now, he thought that the Ultron robot that assassinated the king of Wakanda was sent by the real Ultron..."

"It is for this reason that he is more certain that Ultron is trying to rule the world, and she is the robot that he heard said to destroy the world."

"Oh, this situation is really a bit complicated. Even if Fury has the ability to forge evidence of Ultron's destruction of the world and to forge a batch of Ultron robots, he doesn't have the ability to confuse the Ghost Rider from other dimensions, right?" Hill The agent frowned.

Goofy is not in a hurry to understand the relationship between Ghost Rider and other dimensions, he believes that the first task now is to arrest Nick Fury.

"Okay, now that we have interrogated all the questions that can be interrogated clearly, then we will carry out the arrest." Gao Fei said decisively, "Take down Fury first, and then solve the remaining doubts by interrogating him."

Maria Hill has no objection to this, after all, Nick Fury's criminal evidence is solid.

"So we're going to arrest Fury now?" Hill asked. "Can I join the operation?"

"If you don't feel embarrassed, that's fine." Goofy nodded. "But before we arrest Fury, we have to say hello to Ultron."

Half an hour later, Goofy and Hill met Ultron in Manhattan.

Goofy doesn't need to explain too much, Ultron already knows all the "confessions" of Eric and Robbie Reyes through the surveillance video of Ravencraft prison.

"Nick Fury's instigation of Ultron and Wakanda is unforgivable. His behavior is even more extreme than when Loki was released. Dad, if you can, please arrest this criminal for me."

Ultron said calmly, and at the same time gave Gao Fei a task.

Although Ultron Robots can also come forward to arrest Nick Fury, considering the good combat power of S.H.I.E.L.D., it may be possible to ask Gao to fly out of the mountain to minimize losses, and even capture Nick Fury without a single shot.

"That's fine." Goofy nodded. "Give me Fury's place."

"Follow me now."

As Ultron spoke, he began to identify Fury's whereabouts around the world, and found his whereabouts after about two minutes.

"Here." Ultron gave an exact location, "Fury's current hiding place is in eastern Europe."

"Then I'll leave now." Goofy said.

"Okay, Dad." Ultron said, "I will notify Gordon of the Super Patrol to join this mission for your long-distance travel. In addition, I will arrange for the captain of the Super Patrol, Steve Rogers, to accompany you. You carry out this mission."

"Well, okay." Goofy said, then pointed to Agent Hill beside him, "By the way, Ultron, Agent Hill will also go with us."

"This is no problem." Ultron permitted, and then went to arrange related matters.

Fifteen minutes later, Goofy, Steve, and Agent Hill arrived in Eastern Europe with the help of Gordon's spatial ability.

The coordinates given by Ultron seem to be quite a prosperous city, but Agent Hill pointed out that this is the secret base of SHIELD in Eastern Europe.

Pointing to a towering building with an obvious Byzantine style in the distance, Agent Hill whispered, "Come with me, I know where the entrance to this secret base is."

Gao Fei looked at a tall cathedral with a dome in the distance and asked, "Shouldn't your S.H.I.E.L.D. set up a secret base in someone's church?"

"After all, we sponsored the construction of this church." Agent Hill said confidently, "As an investor, it's not an exaggeration for us to use the remaining space under the church to build some leisure places, right?"

Steve laughed and joked: "Then believers who come to the church to worship will mistake the voice that your S.H.I.E.L.D. made in the secret base for an oracle?"

"Maybe." Agent Hill shrugged, "but the sound insulation of our secret base is still very good. If it weren't for the violent explosion, the people in the church wouldn't hear any movement."

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While talking, Gao Fei and his party walked along the city's stone road to the church.

But Hill didn't take everyone to the main entrance of the church. After all, their dress and temperament obviously didn't look like believers.

From a small entrance at the back door of the church all the way down, after walking through dozens of spiral staircases, everyone came to a heavy iron door.

This iron door is still in a style with obvious Eastern European style, and the position of the door handle is a hideous animal head.

Agent Hill skillfully stretched out his hand to hold the head of the beast, and then pulled it out with force, pulling the head off directly.

This old iron gate has suddenly become different, because behind the animal head is an electronic door lock with a strong sense of technology, and in the center of the door lock is a pupil recognition device, which is the usual security measure for the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I'll open the door."

Maria Hill whispered and then leaned forward to face the pupil recognition device with her big eyes.

The device began to scan, but then there was a screeching sound.


"Recognition failed!"

"Agent Maria Hill, your permission has expired!"

Maria Hill's expression changed suddenly.

"Shit! Looks like Fury has doubts about me!"

Goofy shrugged: "No way, after all, you've disappeared for nearly thirty hours. Nick Fury is a suspicious person. He doesn't have any doubts about you."

Without waiting for Agent Hill to speak again, Goofy turned towards Gordon behind him and said, "Gordon, I'll leave the rest to you."


Gordon nodded, and took everyone through the door with space abilities and came to the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The process was easy and enjoyable.

This is much more convenient than opening the door directly.

After completing the space travel, Steve Rogers looked at Gao Fei speechlessly and asked, "Hey, Gao Fei, why didn't you use such a simple method in the first place? Do you have to ask Agent Hill to open the door?"

Goofy shrugged and said, "Uh... I just wanted to give Agent Hill a chance to perform."

Maria Hill looked black: "I thank you, Goofy..."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind everyone.

"Let me guess, you must not come here to catch up with us, right?"

"Agent Hill, you betrayed S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Goofy looked around and saw Natasha Romanoff, the black widow, standing in the corridor not far away with her hands on her hips, looking at them with her head tilted.

Under the illumination of the SHIELD secret base, Natasha's red hair was particularly striking.

"Yes, Natasha," Goofy admitted frankly, "We're here to arrest people."

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