American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 609: Robbie's story

With this "confession" that Charles Xavier obtained from Eric, Nick Fury's guilt is basically confirmed.

What's more, Maria Hill's accusation also verified this incident, proving that Nick Fury took extreme measures to deal with Ultron.

"Gao Fei, since the evidence is conclusive, I don't want to excuse Fury any more, but I still think this is a bit different from his usual way of doing things. He is not such a paranoid person." Hill said.

And Gao Fei didn't actually show too much excitement. He didn't get angry or excited because he found the mastermind behind this incident.

He neither informed Ultron about this, nor did he go to the SHIELD headquarters to arrest Nick Fury, because there was an important witness in Ravencraft prison who was not interrogated, and he was Robbie Reyes.

"I think we'd better ask Robbie Reyes."

Gao Fei said calmly,

"It's not surprising that S.H.I.E.L.D. can work with Eric, but Ghost Rider seems to have always been a maverick, I think Nick Fury just relied on the lame 'Ultron wants to rule the world' The excuse is not to persuade Ghost Rider to do things for him, not to mention that Ghost Rider seems to have always been prejudiced against me."

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"Of course." Agent Hill nodded. "It's best to clarify these doubts at one time. Of course, this is the best."

Charles Xavier got up diligently and said, "Then I'll go to interrogate Robbie Reyes now, Principal Goofy."

This time Goofy did not let him act alone, but stood up with Charles.

"I'm going with you, Charles, Ghost Rider is a very dangerous guy, he has a very powerful mysterious power, I trust your psychic abilities, but I think it will be safer to accompany you."

"Oh, of course," Charles said with a smile. "Thank you, Headmaster Goofy."

Goofy nodded, pointed to Robbie Reyes' prison unit and said, "Let's go."

Unlike Eric's resistance, Robbie Reyes is a very obedient prisoner.

Even when he saw Goofy again, he did not argue for his actions, let alone express his anger at his arrest.

He just spoke calmly with Gao Fei, as calm as his colleagues were communicating about work.

"Goofy, I think I made a mistake and it took me all night to figure it out."

Gao Fei raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

At the same time, he finally understood why Robbie kept his frowning expression all the time - it wasn't just to pretend to be handsome, he was really thinking about things.

"What mistake did you make?"

Since Robbie communicated with Gao Fei calmly, Gao Fei also responded calmly to him.

Robbie said: "I always thought you were an evil person, and I got the exact news that you committed an unforgivable sin, but since you can escape my judgment, it means that the news I got is Wrong, you are not an evil person."

"At the same time, someone told me that you stole something, something very important, but you obviously didn't steal it, because the Eye of Judgment will not let even a thief go."

Gao Fei heard it in a fog, and Charles beside him couldn't understand Robbie's words at all.

"What kind of evil people, thieves, etc., sorry, can you be more detailed?" Goofy said helplessly, "Or, I just let my students read your memory, so I can You can know what happened in detail.”

"Read my memory? Do you mean mind reading?" Robbie Reyes was a little disgusted. "It's not a polite thing, Goofy, I think..."

However, before Robbie finished speaking, Goofy had already given orders to Charles.

"I'm not trying to get your consent, Robbie. Although you've been very cooperative, please remember your identity. You're a prisoner." Goofy said regretfully.

Charles, on the other hand, entered Robbie's head in an instant and spy on his deepest secrets.


Robbie's memory was obviously more complicated than Eric's, so much so that it took Charles fifteen minutes more to figure out the ins and outs of everything.

When Goofy took Charles out of Robbie Reyes' cell, Agent Hill couldn't wait to greet him.

"What's going on with Robbie? Did S.H.I.E.L.D. contact him to fight against Ultron?"

Charles shook his head: "No, Robbie's situation is the exact opposite of Eric's situation - not SHIELD found Robbie, but Robbie found SHIELD."

"What?" Agent Hill was very surprised, "Is there such a thing?"

Charles nodded: "There is indeed such a thing."

Then he started talking.

"Ghost Rider was actually born because Robbie Reyes signed a contract with powerful and mysterious creatures in other dimensions. This contract made Robbie sacrifice his soul, because the soul was sold, In a sense, the soul is actually protected, and his body can enter a state of immortality..."

"As for the origin of Ghost Rider, it's too complicated, so I didn't study it carefully, and now I mainly talk about his cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D."

"After Robbie becomes Ghost Rider, he can hear some voices from other dimensions, these voices can often tell him where the sins in the world are, and guide him to punish these sins, which is also one of Ghost Rider's tasks …”

"After he became Ghost Rider, he could hear these voices frequently, and these voices were all correct. They never gave Robbie wrong guidance, so Robbie trusted these voices..."

"About a period of time after the establishment of Ultron, Robbie would repeatedly hear a voice telling him that a very important book was stolen from the dimension that signed the contract with him~www. ~ This book contains the secrets of life and matter..."

"This book is called "Darkhold" (Darkhold, it should be translated into "Guardian of the Darkness", "Controlling the Darkness", etc., but the mainstream translation of the subtitle group into "The Book of Darkness"... Personally think the name is a little bit in the middle …)”

"These voices told him that the person who stole this "Dark Book" was a very powerful and evil guy, and he used this "Dark Book" to create an artificial intelligence robot..."

"And the emergence of this artificial intelligence robot will destroy the entire world and cause irreversible disaster."

Having said that, Charles paused for a moment to let Goofy and Hill digest the content.

Goofy and Hill looked at each other and immediately understood Ghost Rider's motives.

"Robbie Reyes must think that you are the one who stole the "Book of Darkness"." Agent Hill said, "And the Ultron you created is the artificial intelligence robot that the voice said!"

"So it is." Gao Fei also suddenly realized, "No wonder Robbie said that I was a thief, a thief when we first met, but I clearly didn't steal anything..."

"But everyone around me can testify that Ultron is not an artificial intelligence robot created by me referring to the "Dark God Book". He was created by me, Tony and Dr. Banner based on the technology of the Kree people."

"Robbie was obviously misunderstood, he got the wrong person."

Charles narrowed his eyes and deduced, "Did those voices deceive him? Those voices weren't quite right?"

Gao Fei gave another possibility: "Or maybe, the person who stole the "Dark God Book" does exist, and he really created artificial intelligence, but... this artificial intelligence is not Ultron."

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