American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 595: Advent Wakanda

At this moment.

in Wakanda.

After the new king ascended the throne, he announced the official development of Zhenjin resources, and immediately began to use Zhenjin to develop weapons of war, which made Wakanda, which has always been slow, suddenly busy, and the employment opportunities and per capita working hours of the people also increased significantly.

The general Wakabi, who once fully supported King Eric's rise to power, became Eric's right-hand man, and he was solely responsible for the vibrating gold mining project this time.

As for the old king's original minister, Elder Zu Li, he was not so lucky. He was imprisoned and investigated for his involvement in secretly sending Princess Shuri and Queen Ramanda out of Wakanda.

But fortunately, Eric did not know that Elder Zu Li was the culprit who betrayed his father back then. It was Zu Li, who was lurking beside Eric's father Enjob, who tipped off King Tchaka. It directly led to King T'Chaka's execution of Njob for treason.

If you know about this unknown past, I am afraid that Elder Zu Li has been hacked to death by Eric himself.

Along with Elder Zu Li, who was imprisoned and investigated was Okoye, the former captain of the guards in Wakanda, who personally sent Princess Shu Rui and Queen Ramanda out of the prairie of Wakanda.

It is really ironic to say that Okoye's husband, General Wakabi, was not favored in T'Chaka. On the contrary, the captain of the guard, Okye, was the most trusted guard by T'Chaka and his wives and children.

Now that the new king Eric is on the throne, Wakabi has become a popular person in front of the new king, but Wakabi's wife, Okoye, is being investigated and trapped in prison.

This couple is really at odds with each other, and it is nonsense to be able to get together and form a marriage.

After the early morning, the temperature in Wakanda's prison began to soar.

The environment here is closed on all sides, and the ventilation is extremely poor. In addition, the surrounding of the cell is made of dark rammed earth and metal, and the thermal insulation performance is basically zero. When the sun shines directly on the grassland, the cell becomes a huge oven.

And the prisoners here are undoubtedly the food being cooked in the oven.

Every prisoner trapped here has suffered from the scorching heat, and many of them died of heatstroke. Now Okoye and Elder Zu Li are no exception.

Elder Zu Li is getting old, and his life and death are bearish. In addition, he once participated in the disposal of Eric's father, Enjob, so he had a mortal heart after Eric held the prison, and he did not plan to live at all. go out.

Since they were all dead, they were executed by the king and died of heatstroke, as if the latter was more respectable.

Okoye is different. She is still young, her career is booming, and she is quite trusted among the Wakanda royal family.

Although the new king has neglected her a lot after he ascended the throne, her husband has successfully become the current top celebrity because of assisting the new king, so Okoye still has a bit of luck in his heart and feels that he can leave here alive.

Because of the existence of this humble hope, Okoye has more fear of death. She didn't want to die in this prison. She couldn't help looking out through the bars, trying to see her husband Wakabi.

"Sit down, it will be cooler. Your gaze will not look at Wakabi. This behavior has no effect other than increasing the heat in your body..."

Elder Zu Li said calmly.

Okeye looked back at Zu Li and said approvingly, "Elder Zu Li, I think you are very calm. I must say that you are really calm."

"That's because I know that I will die." Zu Li shook his head and said, "Enjob, the father of the new king Eric, didn't go to America by himself..."

Zu Li was sure that he would die, so when he spoke, he was no longer obstructed.

"I was the one who accompanied Njob to America back then, but I disguised as an American and deliberately lurked beside Njob. The old king Tchaka sent Njob to investigate the outflow of vibrating gold. incident, and at the same time sent me to monitor EnJob."

"So, the old king didn't trust EnJob from the beginning?" Okoye was shocked. "Or, does the old king really want to find a way to kill EnJob?"

"The two people have different political views, and it is reasonable for the old king to act like this." Zu Li sighed, "The outcome between them is inevitable, and the two brothers will meet in life and death sooner or later."

"Then EnJob really steals and sells vibration gold?" Okoye asked.

After all, according to rumors in Wakanda, Njob was executed for stealing and selling vibration gold.

"Illegal mining of vibrating gold, and transporting vibrating gold out of Wakanda—this is indeed true." Elder Zu Li said, "But Njobu also has his difficulties."

"He did it not for his own selfish desires, but to save his fellow black people who were suffering in America..."

"At that time, NJob saw that our black compatriots were oppressed in the United States, and couldn't help but want to help them, and the weapon built by Zhenjin was obviously the best tool to liberate them..."

Okoye suddenly realized: "That is to say, NJob actually wants to liberate his black compatriots around the world? That's why he shipped vibranium from Wakanda?"

"It's like this." Zu Li sighed, "And I reported this to the old king, and in the end I killed Enjob..."

"It's the one thing I regret the most in my life."

As he said this, a jailer in the prison corridor came over with a sneer.

"Hahaha... I'm really lucky to hear such an important content, Zu Li, you turned out to be the culprit who killed the new king's father!"

"I think this news is enough for me to be rewarded by the new king, isn't it?"

"Thank you, Zu Li, you gave me a big gift!"

Zu Li raised his head and glanced at the jailer, then grinned and said, "Go, go and make a report at the new king, I killed Enjobu because of the snitch, and now you use the same method to execute it. It's retribution..."

"But please remember that snitching, hiding behind the back and hurting people with arrows are always the actions of cowards and shameless villains..."

"If I could have communicated with EnJob first, instead of rushing to the old king to report it, maybe things wouldn't have developed into the irreconcilable situation they are today..."

"Sudden reporting does nothing for human progress other than making this already filthy world darker."

The jailer sneered at Zu Li's preaching, and said disdainfully, "Old You are going to die soon, so stop preaching to me..."

"It should be your honor to be a stepping stone to my promotion and fortune before you die."

After that, the jailer couldn't wait to go to the new king Eric to make a small report, telling him that Zu Li was the enemy who killed his father.

However, at this moment, a blue light flashed in the prison corridor, and then a large group of people, Wuyang Wuyang, emerged from the blue light.

The jailer was frightened on the spot and shouted: "Who are you? What are you doing in Wakanda prison?"

But before the jailer could make a sound, the strong Asian standing at the front of the crowd stretched out his hand, and then twisted it slightly, directly breaking the neck of the jailer.

"Huh? The system actually allows me to kill people directly?"

The Asian who killed the jailer said with a look of surprise,

"So, this guy is a **** scum?"

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