American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 594: Intervention Team

After Ultron made a decision, Princess Shuri and Queen Ramanda were taken to "rest" by the real Ultron robot.

In fact, it is more appropriate to say that it is "house arrest" rather than "rest".

Princess Shuri and Queen Ramanda cannot regain their freedom until Ultron takes action to take over Wakanda, and the two must remain within Ultron's line of sight to ensure they do not disrupt Ultron's plans.

It was not until the two royal family members of Wakanda left that Tony Stark said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Ultron's diplomacy was very strong, and he decided to take over Wakanda in a few words."

Gao Fei shrugged: "No way, this is the best way to deal with it at present, Princess Shuri and Queen Ramanda also said that Eric's rule over Wakanda will cause damage to the world. disaster."

Tony Stark looked back at Ultron and said with a smile: "Ultron, I have to say, your behavior this time is a bit strong, even aggressive..."

Ultron's expression was still flat: "Because I will completely objectively analyze the situation and make decisions, my behavior will sometimes appear a little... rude."

"Well, I believe that the decision you made is correct..." Tony nodded, then suddenly realized, raised his eyebrows and asked: "Wait, Ultron, you bad girl, Ultron who assassinated King T'Chaka back then Couldn't you have faked the robot yourself?"

Goofy was taken aback by Tony's words, because Ultron has this ability completely.

She owns the drawings of the Ultron robot herself, and of course she can deliberately forge a batch of inferior fakes.

She controls the machinery factories in the entire Ultron country, and has the resources to create these fakes.

What if all this itself was a play directed and acted by Ultron?

Gao Fei couldn't help but feel a chill on his back. Could it be that Ultron deceived everyone?

At this time, Ultron shook his head gently and denied: "Mr. Stark, you think too much, I don't need to perform such a scene."

Tony Stark spread his hands: "Well, I think too much."

And Gao Fei calmed down and thought about it carefully. Between the fake Ultron robot and Eric, there was also a ghost knight - Ultron was indeed likely to direct and act this scene, deliberately frame himself to get rid of suspicion, but The connection between her and Ghost Rider is untenable, which is enough to prove that Ultron has nothing to do with this matter.

Ultron was not angry at the sudden suspicion of Tony Stark - this is the excellent point of artificial intelligence, she will not be affected by personal feelings.

"If the two of you have ruled out my suspicion, then please prepare for the next move. We are going to Wakanda to deal with Eric first, and then take over the country..."

"Dad, if you have time, I hope you will talk to Princess Shuri and Queen Ramanda again, because if there is their support in the process of taking over Wakanda, maybe things can go smoothly." Ultron said .

"Understood." Goofy nodded and left the room with Tony Stark.

After going out, Tony whispered excitedly: "Is it not long before I have a lot of vibrating gold resources to build a space battleship?"


Ultron has been very active in stopping Eric. After all, Eric will become stronger every day he delays. Once Wakanda's vibranium resources are converted into weapons, the entire earth will suffer.

Gao Fei called on the superheroes of Ultron to form a temporary intervention team to carry out Wakanda missions. The number of people in the intervention team is not large, but all of them are powerful warriors, including the Fantastic Four. , Iron Man Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, still staggering on his way to weight loss, Inhuman Gordon, who is in charge of teleportation, and high-flying student Magneto Eric Lanschel.

In order to reduce Wakanda's unnecessary casualties and resistance, Goofy decided to go with Wakanda's princess Su Rui. Since the new king Eric of Wakanda is to be condemned for murdering the old king Tchaka, then it is best to It would be better if Tchaka's daughter Shuri blamed him in person.

In fact, in the past two days, Su Rui was relatively repulsive to Gao Fei and Ultron. After all, this time Ultron would directly take over Wakanda, which she didn't want to see, but until this point of action One day, Su Rui changed his mind.

It all started with a dream in the early hours of the morning.

Su Rui, who was sleepy, saw his father and brother.

The old king T'Challa and the short-lived new king T'Challa have now become black panthers perched on a big tree, but Su Rui can recognize at a glance that the two leopards, the old and the young, are her relatives, at this moment Su Rui was emotional, but was speechless in the dream.

T'Challa and T'Challa jumped from the tree, walked to Su Rui and gently rubbed their huge head against her body.

Soon after, the old king whispered to Su Rui: "Stop all this, Su Rui, change Wakanda..."

"Vibranium does not belong to a brave and ambitious king, nor does it belong to Wakanda. It is a resource for all mankind, use it to contribute to all mankind..."

After waking up, Su Rui pondered the old king's words carefully, and she gradually understood what she should do, so she took the initiative to contact Gao Fei in the morning, promising to agree with Ultron's decision and cooperate with Ultron to deal with Eric, Hand over Wakanda again.

Queen Ramanda still couldn't fully understand Su Rui's decision. After quietly listening to Su Rui's call, she came over and held Su Rui's hand.

"Child, did you know that your decision will ruin thousands of years of Wakanda's history? From now on, Wakanda will cease to exist! Our country will be gone!"

Su Rui shook his head gently: "No, mother, what Wakanda has lost is its kingship. The beautiful land of Wakanda will still exist, but its manager has been replaced by Ultron..."

"The same is true for America After it becomes Ultron, won't it be able to prosper as well?"

"Wakanda needs the same change, or Eric's woes will be repeated again and again..."

"We can't bet the entire country, the world's most powerful resource, on one person, the king of Wakanda...go away!"

"But..." Ramanda still wanted to persuade Su Rui, but Su Rui had already made the final decision.

"Mother, don't persuade me any more, it's time for me to go."

Su Rui said with a firm expression,

"It's time to avenge my father and brother!"

At this moment, Gao Fei's voice sounded outside the window.

"Princess Su Rui, it's time to go."

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