American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 381: Bloodside Armor (4/10)

Goofy has also thought about how to deal with these people in private, and among them, the "absorber" Karl Creel is more suitable for joining the super patrol team.

His ability to absorb substances into his own structure is very practical, and he can act as a meat shield to protect his teammates in battle. After all, Steve's shield is limited in area, and Gao Fei will blew himself up at any moment. meat shield.

But Bruce Banner is not a good fit for the Super Patrol.

Under normal conditions, Dr. Banner is technology-oriented, and his specialty is researching some cutting-edge technologies.

The super patrol team neither needs to develop equipment nor conduct any scientific experiments, so it is useless to bring Dr. Banner.

In the transformed state, although Dr. Banner's combat effectiveness is outstanding, he is completely uncontrollable. If he really carries the Hulk on a mission, it is estimated that the damage caused by the criminals is not as serious as the damage caused by him...

So Goofy didn't plan to absorb Dr. Banner into the Super Patrol from the beginning.

It just so happened that Tony Stark called Goofy this morning and asked for Bruce Banner by name.

Banner didn't know it yet, and asked blankly, "Who? Who wants me?"

"Tony Stark." Goofy said with a smile, "He invited you to join Stark Industries and do scientific research with him."

"Oh..." Dr. Banner was flattered and said excitedly, "This is... my honor!"

Gao Fei didn't expect Dr. Banner to agree so quickly, and asked a little unexpectedly: "So, you agreed?"

"Of course." Bruce Banner nodded.

In fact, since he was put in prison, the whole person has become a little inferior. On the one hand, because the identity of the criminal is not very glorious, on the other hand, the Hulk has indeed brought too much trouble and harm to the society.

Now that he has just been released from prison, he does not expect society to accept him again. He did not expect Tony Stark to lend a helping hand immediately, which moved Bruce Banner very much.

"Very good." Goofy said with satisfaction, "I'll notify Tony in a moment and ask him to come pick him up."

Before he finished speaking, a familiar voice came from the door.

"It's not necessary, I'm already here."

Goofy looked up and saw Tony Stark strolling in with a suitcase, a pair of sunglasses, and a suit.

"Dr. Banner, hello, we will be partners from now on." Tony stretched out his hand towards Bruce Banner, and the two shook hands amicably.

"Thank, thank you..." Bruce Banner was still a little shy, "It's my honor to work with you."

"I think so," Tony Stark admitted frankly. "Working with me is indeed the dream of all science lovers."

Having said that, Tony turned to Goofy and said, "Hey, Goofy, I'll show you a good thing."

Gao Fei raised his head curiously: "What?"

Tony took off his sunglasses and said to himself, "Change clothes!"

Before he finished speaking, I saw Tony Stark's skin suddenly seeped some colorful liquids. These liquids quickly filled his body and gradually solidified to form a cool Iron Man suit!

"Oh! My God!" exclaimed Karl Creel. "What kind of magic is this?"

Professor Connors was relatively calm and praised: "This is really a genius design!"

Bruce Banner was also amazed: "Is this Iron Man suit sealed in the subcutaneous tissue? Or is it stored elsewhere? What high technology is used in this?"

In a few words, Tony Stark finished changing his clothes, his body was completely covered by the new Iron Man suit, and the whole person entered the fighting state.

He proudly turned his head to look at Gao Fei, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Is it strong?"

Gao Fei nodded and praised: "It is indeed very powerful. Your inspiration should come from the Extremis virus, right?"

"That's right." Tony was caught by Gao Fei, and he didn't deny it, "The mechanism of the desperate virus is to tamper with the genetic information of human beings, so that the structure of the human body can be changed at will under its control. I have added new nanotechnology and oozing edge technology to perfect it. With this technology…”

"This Iron Man suit is actually a liquid nano suit, which is usually stored in my bones. When needed, it will start and seep from the surface of the skin in the form of liquid, covering my body... "

"I call it Blood Edge Battle Armor (the English word for Blood Edge is bleedingegde, which originally means "the most cutting-edge technology" and is not literally translated as "Blood Edge", so the correct name of this set of battle armor should be "made by the most cutting-edge technology" Battle Armor"), what do you think?"

"I don't think anything is wrong!" Gao Fei said with approval.

Tony Stark smiled and put the suitcase on Goofy's desk again.

"Share good things together, and I'll create a set for you too!"

"For me?" Gao Fei was a little surprised, "You also made me an identical set of bloodside armor?"

"Of course not!" Tony Stark sneered, "Isn't that way I'm not unique anymore? How could I make you a set of blood-side armor exactly like mine?"

Gao Fei said with a black line: "I just said that you are not so kind..."

Stark said: "What I made for you is just an ordinary battle suit, but it is also stored in your bones using desperate virus and liquid nanotechnology, so that you don't have to run away every time you blow yourself up, this set Clothes regenerate with your body."

"Fuck?!" Gao Fei suddenly felt relieved! This gift is so important!

"Nice job, Tony! Thank you."

Tony patted Goofy on the shoulder: "Don't be polite to me, I'll inject the battle suit into the bones for you in a while."

After speaking, Tony changed the subject: "By the way, about the theft of Terrigan..."

"Do you have news?" Gao Fei asked.

When it comes to the secrets of the Super Patrol, the others left the office with interest.

The last Dr. Banner thoughtfully closed the door, giving Goofy and Tony some privacy.

At this time, Tony Stark nodded and said: "Yes, Reed checked the compound eyes this morning, and basically came to the result - Terrigan's stolen front and back compound eyes did not observe the appearance of superpowers, and if Terigan's compound eyes were stolen Roots were stolen by aliens or aliens, compound eyes will surely find them..."

Gao Fei suddenly realized: "So ruling out the suspicion of aliens and aliens, the thief has only one identity - Hydra!"

Tony said: "That's right, it's the Hydra. But the Hydra is really brave, and it actually steals things under your nose. Didn't they see how you tyrannized the dark elves yesterday?"

Goofy pouted, "Who knows... maybe they stole it before I beat the dark elves."


Meanwhile Southern America.

A certain Hydra secret base.

Whitehall looked at the news screen on the TV screen with a solemn expression.

Gao Fei on the screen turned on the double star form, first bombarded and killed the dark elf cursed warrior, and then directly pierced the space battleship.

"Damn..." The hand of the old-fashioned Hydra holding the cigar trembled slightly, and the curling cigarette became crooked.

"I seem to have made a wrong decision..."

Before he finished speaking, a Hydra agent came to report at the door.

"Report to the head, Terrigan has all been transferred!"

Whitehall pinched his broad forehead depressedly, and said in a low voice, "Damn, it's too late..." Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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