American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 380: New Template: Traveler

Goofy actually thought about this question a long time ago - after the Terminator template is completed, what template should I choose next?

The last time I chose a template, Gao Fei had hesitated for a long time between the Terminator template and the Traveler template, and finally chose the Terminator template with a fever. Now that he has the opportunity to choose again, the Traveler template will naturally become the first. Ranking preference.

But Goofy didn't make a decision about it, and he wanted to take another look.

It is difficult to choose the template of the superhero system again, and it has to be carefully selected.

Goofy click backstage...

One by one the templates are displayed again.

The Redeemer—a professional eldest daughter who seems to be an all-around supporter;

Judge - The copywriting is very cool and cool, "What I approve is justice, and what I reject is sin"... But to be honest, Gao Fei didn't understand the function of the judge. What does this template do? ?

He didn't want to use this precious opportunity to bet, and if he lost the bet, it would be over;


Seeker - Thirst for infinite knowledge and explores the mysteries of the universe. This is a learning talent;

Gao Fei has a big head, will this have certain requirements for IQ? I'm afraid I can't...

Mystic - high output of the law system, and a bit of a career collision with the future Doctor Strange;

Pioneer - the pioneer of the times, the pillar of reform;

at last…

Gao Fei still set his sights on the template of the traverser.

And just when he selected the traveler, a small label flashed behind the traveler template.

"Hint: The current template and the Terminator template completed by the host can be superimposed on each other to activate a new skill - Ultimate Obliteration!"

"Excuse me: Do you choose the traverser template?"

Goofy get excited!

"Damn it?! I almost forgot about this, these templates can be superimposed on each other! Choosing the traveler template can actually activate hidden skills!"

He was overjoyed, it was an unexpected gain.

But before he could make a choice, a small label flashed behind the traveler template.

"Hint: The current template and the host's completed guide template can be superimposed on each other to activate a new skill - Whisper of the Ancient God!"

"Excuse me: Do you choose the traverser template?"

After listening to Goofy, the traverser template can not only overlap with the Terminator template, but also with the Instructor template!

Kill two birds with one stone!

And both of these skills sound like hell!

Do not choose a person? !


Goofy made a choice without saying a word—the third template: the traveler template!

The video in the system shows that the universe started from the singularity, the explosion spread, and it continued to expand toward the endless space, but it finally collapsed back to the singularity, with a figure running through it.

A low voice in the background read:

"The speed exceeds the speed of light, and I have insight into the mystery of the development of the universe. I travel in parallel universes, tampering with any timeline. There is no beginning and no end, only the process of continuous development and evolution."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the traveler template, the props are activated - the traveler treasure chest. The worship value in the background is cleared, please re-accumulate the worship value..."

After saying this, the more than 600,000 worship values ​​left in the backstage of Gao Fei disappeared with a swoosh, and there was only a shocking 0 left in the worship value column!

Gao Fei was very painful, but there was nothing he could do. After all, this was the initial setting of the system, and it was also a protective measure to prevent the host from reaching full level in the first battle.

I pulled out the traveler template and looked at it. The current completion rate is 0%, none of the ten treasure chests have been opened, and there is no skill at all.

As for the hidden skills that are activated by stacking with the other two templates, they have not been displayed. I think it is necessary to wait until the traveler template is completely completed before they can be activated.

"Ultimate Obliteration and Ancient God's Whisper..." Gao Fei felt that these two skills were not simple when he heard the name, "What a domineering name."

"But why can't the mentor template and the terminator template be superimposed on each other? These two unsatisfactory guys..."

Gao Fei rambled in his mind and gradually fell asleep.

He was so tired that he snored very quickly...


The next morning, Goofy and Skye went to their Manhattan office after breakfast.

On the second day after the end of the celestial gathering, New York has not resumed normal operation, most business units are in a state of shutdown, and schools are also suspending classes.

Only some basic social services and the media industry are functioning normally, not to mention the Super Patrol. After the dark elves are defeated, there are still many things to be dealt with by Goofy.

The theft of Terrigan was just one of many tasks, and the first thing Goofy did when he came to the office was to deal with several convicted inmates at Ravencraft Prison.

Nick Fury has already returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. to report, so naturally he doesn't need to worry about Goofy; Loki ran away in the middle of the battle, and now 80% has left Earth, Goofy doesn't bother to care about him anymore...

The rest are Hulk Bruce Banner, Lizard Professor Curtis Connors, and Absorber Carl Creel.

The three of them came to Gao Fei's office on time at ten o'clock in the morning, and lined up in front of Gao Fei's desk obediently.

Looking up at them across the desk, Gao Fei felt like he didn't feel like a policeman, but like a principal who came to talk to elementary school students.

"Officer Goofy, what should we do next?" The recruiter Carl looked at Goofy blankly, he really didn't know what to do.

"Cough cough." Gao Fei cleared his throat, "Theoretically speaking, you made meritorious deeds yesterday, and you have cleared all the charges for yourself. From now on, you will be acquitted..."

When the three of them heard this, their faces were more or less happy.

Finally no longer a prisoner, only those who have lost their freedom can truly appreciate the preciousness of freedom.

At this time, Gao Fei continued: "Then you can go wherever you want, you are free, you can go back to your hometown, or you can stay in New York to make a living."

At this time, Professor Connors stood up and said: "Officer Goofy, Mr. Harry Osborn found me yesterday after the battle, and he told me that the Osborne Group is now improving the lizard serum, it is possible Successfully inhibited the side effects of lizard serum..."

"He wants to re-hire me to work at Osborn, I wonder if that's okay?"

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "Of course, congratulations, Professor Connors, I wish you success."

Professor Connors smiled and promised, "Officer Goofy, don't worry, I won't make the same mistakes again in the future."

Then Karl Creel stood up.

"Officer Goofy, I think...I want to apply for the Super Patrol!"

"Oh?" Gao Fei was a little surprised, raised his eyebrows and looked at the absorption person, "Do you want to fight me?"

"Yes!" Carl nodded, "Officer Goofy, you saved the world, you are a hero for all mankind! I want to follow you, and I want to be a hero for all mankind!"

Gao Fei was stunned when he heard the words, and then smiled awkwardly: "Cough, Mr. Krill, I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about my profession... The convergence of celestial bodies only happens once every 5,000 years, and there is little chance of saving the world. Sadly, the main duty of the Super Patrol is not to save the world..."

"Actually our job is very boring and rarely as exciting as yesterday, most of the time we are driving around New York City in police cars and dealing with trivial things..."

"So, Mr. Creel, if you're joining the Super Patrol because you want to be in the limelight, then your hopes may be lost."

"No! Officer Goofy, you misunderstood me, I didn't join the Super Patrol for the sake of being in the limelight..." Karl Creel quickly explained, "I mean...I admire you very much, I admire you very much, I want to hang out with you! It's that simple!"

When he was talking, Krill continued to send worship value to Goofy, and Krill's name in the background of the system never stopped, so Goofy knew that he was not lying, and his words were sincere.

In fact, Krill came from a humble background. He used to be a street gangster who played black boxing. His brain circuits are not complicated, and he has always advocated absolute power.

In his worldview, whoever has the greatest strength and whose fist is hard, is the natural king and the boss he considers to be.

Gao Fei's strength is strong enough and his fist is hard enough, who will he not follow him?

Gao Fei looked up at the absorption person carefully, and then nodded slightly.

"Well, then I will temporarily include you on the inspection list. As for whether you can finally join the job, I can't give you a clear answer right now."

The super patrol team is thin and needs to be expanded But whether Karl Creel is suitable or not, we have to observe it.

Solving the work of two people in a row, only Bruce Banner is left.

This guy is slow, if Gao Fei didn't ask him, he wouldn't take the initiative to speak, just stood there honestly, with his head down, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hey! Dr. Banner, how about you?" Goofy asked, looking up. "Where are you going?"

"Me..." Bruce Banner looked at Goofy with an ambiguous smile, and he actually wanted to hang out with Goofy.

Because at present, only Goofy can stabilize the Hulk's emotions and make the Hulk change back to Bruce Banner in an instant. For this, Banner must follow Goofy.

"I want to follow you too..." Banner said shyly.

Gao Fei shook his head and refused: "Sorry, Dr. Banner, I think we may have no fate, because a guy called me just now, and he named you to work in his group." Remember this site URL, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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